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Health and Wellness:Yoga poses to do with your kids

Child poses to practice

By SaraPublished about a year ago 5 min read

There’s something extra special about learning yoga poses with your children. Yes, your kids do not understand everything you’re trying to tell them and often it’s difficult to understand them, especially when they are talking too fast.

But, when you try to teach them a simple yoga pose, they try it as much as they can and then watch to see your response. They learn how to use their body and how to calm their mind when they practice.

Yoga is a great way to learn compassion and it can also help children develop a sense of self. Here are some poses that you can do with your children.

Child’s pose

Lie on the floor. Bend your knees and place them on the floor beside your hips. Fold your knees and place your feet flat on the floor. Slowly lower your bottom down. Let your head, arms, and legs hang off the floor, being careful not to overstretch or injure yourself.

Try this pose with your children. Once they understand the pose, they will probably try it all on their own. It is a good pose for kids to help to calm their mind and it is great for relieving stress.

When it comes to being healthy and fit, I love to be as ‘green’ as possible. This means not only practicing a healthy lifestyle, but also using fewer chemicals and making as few unwanted effects to the environment as possible.

The great thing about yoga is that there is a huge range of exercises that can be done from as a mother to be, to a child as young as 10 months old, which are all great to practice and do as a family.

Yoga poses to do with your kids

Yoga is great for children too. You can incorporate a range of different poses to make your child feel strong and well-rounded. If you are just starting out, you may also want to use props to make it easier to keep the pose (for example a chair, a cushion or mat).

Try to do the poses slowly and comfortably. As your child gets older, you can choose which poses you feel like doing. You can do the poses together, as a family, or you can have one on one practice time with your child. There is a huge choice to be made and you are never limited to just one pose.

I recommend having a look at this awesome collection of yoga poses to do with your kids. I think that these poses are brilliant as there are some that are really appropriate for little ones and older kids.

If you practice these poses on a regular basis you will feel more focused and calm, and have more energy to keep you going throughout the day.

Yoga Poses to do with Your Kids- Poses to practice with kids

If you’re searching for the best and most effective yoga poses to do with your kids, start by checking out the poses that follow. By choosing different poses from the list, you will be able to focus more on the movement of your body, the alignment and the breathing.

Here’s our list of great yoga poses to do with your kids.

Child poses to practice

Pose Name: Child Pose or Balasana

Pose type: Child, Seated

Difficulty: Easy

Pose description:

Child pose is used to help support the health of the spine. This allows it to remain strong and flexible. It also relaxes the mind and body, allowing the child to rest and recover.


This is a great yoga pose to do for kids as it helps strengthen the back. It can also help strengthen the legs, too, which will help strengthen the whole body and keep you feeling confident and happy.

I also love this pose as you can see from the illustration, this is a pose that can help you stay focused, calm and more energetic.


This is a great pose for babies as it helps increase blood flow to the brain. By increasing the blood flow, the baby’s brain is able to receive more oxygen and nutrients.

As a parent, I love using this pose with babies as it can help them to focus and to sleep.

This pose is great for little ones and I love to use this pose with a 10 month old.

Pose Name: Half Shoulder Stand

Pose type: Child, Seated

Difficulty: Easy

Pose description:

Half Shoulder Stand or Salamba Sarvangasana is an exercise that is great for the hips. This helps to strengthen and lengthen the hip, hip, and thigh muscles. It also helps to balance and strengthen the lower body.


This pose is great for the child as they can experience benefits in a number of different areas. They can also experience improved concentration as well as improved focus and calm.

This is a great pose to do for children and young babies, I especially like to do this pose with babies.

Pose Name: Cactus

Pose type: Child, Seated

Difficulty: Easy

Pose description:

When your child is older they will appreciate Cactus. It is a great pose to keep the shoulders back, open the heart, stretch the arms and keep the shoulder blades drawn back.

It also helps to open up the chest and open the heart, whilst releasing any pressure. This helps to keep a calm and cool head and to release tension from the shoulders.


I love to use this pose as it is so easy, even for little ones to understand. By using this pose you are keeping your child focused and calmer. You are also making sure that your child is feeling healthy and fit.

I find it a great pose for babies, especially if you are trying to get them to sleep.

Pose Name: Bridge

Pose type: Child, Seated

Difficulty: Medium

Pose description:

The Bridge pose is great for your child’s neck, back, hips and hamstrings. It helps to strengthen and lengthen these important muscles. It also helps the back to become more flexible.


This pose is great for the back and legs and helps to keep them strong and flexible. Your child can really feel the benefits, as well.

This pose is great for children and is a great start to a yoga practice.

Pose Name: Cow

Pose type: Child, Seated

Difficulty: Medium

Pose description:

In this pose you are working on your core, upper body and arms. It helps to increase your focus, concentration, strength and balance. It also helps to make your child feel calm, cool and happy.


This is an excellent yoga pose to do with your children, as it will make them feel focused and strong.

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About the Creator


I deeply love to read and write. I can narrate stories in my free time. Writing is my biggest passion and hobby. I love myself in the world. Always be positive and motivated. Keep my surroundings happy

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