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Healing from Loss

The ways how Sphere of Silence becomes a refuge for someone dealing with grief and loss, allowing them to come to terms with their emotions

By Santigie FofanahPublished 7 months ago 4 min read
Healing from Loss
Photo by jens holm on Unsplash

In the quiet suburban town of Willowbrook, Elizabeth's world had come crashing down. She had just lost her husband, William, to a sudden heart attack. The house that was once filled with laughter and love now echoed with a deafening silence.

As she stood alone in their bedroom, surrounded by William's belongings, Elizabeth felt the weight of her grief pressing down on her. The pain was suffocating, and she longed for a way to escape it.

Chapter 2: A Stranger's Suggestion

In the days following William's funeral, Elizabeth found herself visiting a nearby park. It had always been a favorite spot for her and William. One afternoon, while sitting on a bench overlooking a serene pond, she met a stranger named Rachel.

Rachel noticed Elizabeth's sadness and struck up a conversation. As they talked, Elizabeth shared her struggles with grief. Rachel mentioned a practice called "The Sphere of Silence," which had helped her cope with her own loss years ago.

"Inside that silence," Rachel said, "you can find a refuge to heal and come to terms with your emotions."

Chapter 3: The Sphere of Silence

Intrigued by Rachel's words, Elizabeth decided to explore this mysterious "Sphere of Silence." She discovered a small retreat center on the outskirts of Willowbrook that offered guided sessions. With a sense of hope, she signed up for the next available slot.

As Elizabeth entered the center, she felt an immediate sense of serenity. The walls were adorned with tranquil landscapes, and soft instrumental music played in the background. She was welcomed by David, a gentle guide who would introduce her to the Sphere of Silence.

Chapter 4: The First Steps

Sitting in a dimly lit room, Elizabeth closed her eyes as David guided her through a breathing exercise. With each breath, she felt a gradual release of tension. The thoughts of her loss and grief slowly began to recede, replaced by a comforting stillness.

For the first time in weeks, Elizabeth felt a glimmer of peace. She sensed that within this silence, she could confront the depth of her emotions without being overwhelmed.

Chapter 5: The Waves of Grief

In the following weeks, Elizabeth returned to the retreat center regularly. Each session brought her deeper into the Sphere of Silence. With David's guidance, she explored the vast ocean of her emotions, like waves that crashed and receded.

Sometimes, the grief was a tidal wave, threatening to consume her. But Elizabeth found solace in the practice. She learned to observe her emotions without judgment, allowing herself to experience the pain and sorrow without resistance.

Chapter 6: Conversations with William

One evening, while within the Sphere of Silence, Elizabeth began to have conversations with William in her mind. She spoke to him about her grief, her regrets, and the love that still burned within her heart. It was as though William's presence was comforting her from the depths of her own consciousness.

These imaginary conversations became a source of solace for Elizabeth. She realized that, even in death, her connection with William was unbroken.

Chapter 7: The Ebb and Flow

Months passed, and Elizabeth's grief began to transform. The pain was still present, but it no longer held her captive. She noticed moments of joy and gratitude seeping through the cracks of her sorrow.

One day, as she watched the sun set over the pond at the park, she thought of William. She knew he would have loved the sight. Tears filled her eyes, but they were tears of gratitude for the time they had shared.

Chapter 8: The Healing Refuge

Elizabeth's journey with the Sphere of Silence continued. She discovered that healing from loss wasn't about forgetting or moving on; it was about finding a refuge within herself where her grief could coexist with acceptance and love.

She began volunteering at the retreat center, helping others who were on their own journeys of healing. Rachel, the stranger she had met in the park, was one of those people, and their shared experiences brought them closer together.

Chapter 9: A New Beginning

One crisp morning, as Elizabeth stood by the pond in the park, she felt a profound sense of peace. The wounds of her grief had not disappeared, but they had become scars—a testament to the love she and William had shared.

In her heart, she knew that her journey with the Sphere of Silence would continue, but she was no longer seeking refuge from her grief. Instead, she found refuge in the enduring love she held for William and in the wisdom that came from embracing life's most profound emotions.

As she looked out at the pond, the water shimmering in the morning sun, Elizabeth felt a connection not only to her own healing but to the countless others who had found solace within the silence—a refuge where grief and love could coexist in eternal harmony.

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About the Creator

Santigie Fofanah

As my name implies Fofanah Santigie from Sierra Leone West Africa

I am an undergraduate student. my motive is to become a programmer in my life career. I love to write down stories. I`m seeking of help to pursus my career of studies

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  • Alex H Mittelman 7 months ago

    Great work! Terrific!

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