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Happy Singing Fish

even the saddest fish has joy in it

By Jason RömhildPublished 12 months ago 3 min read

Once upon a time in the shimmering depths of the ocean, there lived a little fish named Finn. Finn was a small, colorful fish with bright scales that glimmered like a thousand diamonds under the sun's rays. Despite his dazzling appearance, Finn was known for being the saddest fish in the entire ocean.

Every day, as the other fish swam together, playing games and exploring the coral reefs, Finn would remain on his own, watching from a distance with a heavy heart. He couldn't help but feel envious of the other fish who seemed so content and full of joy. Finn longed to join them and experience the happiness that seemed to elude him. One day, while Finn was wandering along the ocean floor, he encountered an old and wise sea turtle named Gramps. Gramps had seen many fish come and go, and he could sense the sorrow that weighed heavily on Finn's heart. With a gentle smile, Gramps swam closer to the little fish. "Hello there, young one. Why do you look so sad in this vast and beautiful ocean?" Gramps asked. Finn hesitated at first, but the comfort in Gramps' eyes encouraged him to speak his mind." I feel like I don't belong with the other fish. They all seem so happy and carefree, while I'm always alone and sad," Finn confessed. Gramps listened attentively and then replied, "Ah, young Finn, happiness comes from within. It is not about comparing yourself to others but embracing who you are. Remember, each fish has its unique journey in this vast ocean, and it's okay to feel sad sometimes. But you also have the power to change how you feel." Finn pondered Gramps' words for a moment, and a glimmer of hope flickered in his eyes. From that day on, Finn sought Gramps' guidance and wisdom. Gramps taught him the importance of self-acceptance, the beauty of the ocean's diversity, and the joy that comes from embracing one's true self. As Finn began to understand these valuable lessons, he embarked on a personal journey of self-discovery. He explored new parts of the ocean, made friends with creatures of all shapes and sizes, and discovered his unique talents. Finn found that he had a soothing voice and could sing the most beautiful melodies, which enchanted all who heard him. With newfound confidence and self-love, Finn started sharing his songs with the other fish. His heartfelt tunes spread through the ocean like a gentle current, reaching the hearts of fish far and wide. As they listened to Finn's melodies, the other fish felt a sense of peace and happiness wash over them. Soon, Finn's songs became a regular part of ocean life, and fish from all corners of the sea came to listen to him perform. The once-sad little fish had transformed into a symbol of happiness and hope, reminding everyone that joy could be found in even the deepest corners of the ocean. As time passed, Finn's reputation as the singing fish spread beyond the ocean's borders. People from distant lands came to the shores to hear his captivating melodies. Finn's songs touched not only the hearts of fish but also humans, leaving them feeling uplifted and inspired. And so, the little fish who was once so sad became a beacon of happiness, not just for the ocean but for the entire world. Finn's journey of self-discovery and his willingness to share his unique gift had turned his life around and brought joy to countless lives.

From that day on, Finn knew that happiness was not something he had to find. It was something he could create within himself and share with others, for true happiness comes from embracing who you are and finding the courage to let your light shine bright. And so, the once-sad fish swam through life with a heart full of joy, forever spreading happiness wherever he went.

self helpquoteshealinghappiness

About the Creator

Jason Römhild

just beautifull little stories...

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Jason RömhildWritten by Jason Römhild

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