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Self-love and acceptance

By Aleta JoiPublished 2 years ago โ€ข 4 min read
Photo by Jay Castor on Unsplash

I know there are times when I feel stuck. I get out of my habits and get stuck in a hamster wheel. I recently moved and stopped working out because of all the things going on in my life. It's two components with me when it comes to working out. First, I am super introverted; this is why I write. So reticent that I have to psyche myself out to go to the gym. I wouldn't say I like exposing myself in the gym. But now that my gym has Covid rules, only one person can be in the gym at a time; it's small, it's in an apt community.

Yesterday I pushed myself to go; I said, "Aleta, your health is more important than this anxiety around humans." I know how important my physical movement is to my energy system, my spine. I work out at home, but that doesn't cut it.

I pushed myself to go, and then this woman opened the gym door and said "I had 11". I did not know what she was saying; she asked how long I would be. I told her 5 min, on the treadmill. She didn't say anything. Then I moved onto other machines, and she came in again. I said, "you did mean for the treadmill, correct?" She said, "no, the whole gym." I could not wrap my head around this. Did I need to book an appointment for the whole gym? She said because of Covid, I did. I apologized and left. But I couldn't help but feel that she was so pissed that I pushed in on her time at the gym when I had no fucking idea about this rule of booking your gym appointment.

Lesson learned, I hope on her end. I hope that while she was steaming and then realized I had no idea, she calmed herself down and came to a space of nonjudgment. We tend to assume the worse; it really would be a beautiful world if we would try and consider the best or let them reveal themselves to us.

Do you struggle with getting back into a healthy lifestyle change? I don't believe diets ever work, or strict workout plans, for the long term. Instead, we have to make lifestyle changes that we can commit to so that we don't let ourselves down, lowering our self-esteem.

When we make massive changes that we can't stick to, we lower our self-esteem, we break promises to ourselves. Love yourself, remember you are doing the best you can with the stresses you have to deal with daily. Please don't make it more challenging for yourself than it already is. Life is challenging, we have obstacles we have to overcome, but we can do it. We can love ourselves enough to create a healthy lifestyle that we can sustain that doesn't stress us out. I like to start with a simple thing of what I call "cutting out the white stuff."

No sugar

No white flour

No milk

Starting there will cut inflammation in your body and make you feel fantastic. I am currently on a downswing on my sugar; I have been enjoying it too much lately and need to cut back. I know that I go through times in my life where I am not perfect, and I don't want to be; it's exhausting. I know that I allow myself time not eating clean, not following my suggestions to others, but that's ok. I know life is cyclic; we change all the time.

I had eating disorders in my early twenties, and I won't control my food like that again. I enjoy what I want when I want it now, but when I swing the pendulum too far in one direction, I have to turn back.

It's all about balance, homeostasis with your body. I am finally at my ideal weight again. I had years of detoxing I had to do after I removed my 21-year-old mistake of putting breast implants in my body. I would never choose that foreign object again! I was in a place of not loving myself and not loving what the Universe had provided me with, a beautiful body, small breasts and all.

I don't judge anyone who has implants, but I will tell you straight to your face, don't get them, please. These things are filled with over 25 different heavy metals; no matter what type of implant you get, your body will, in time, reject them in some way. You will begin to get health problems that don't make sense.

I would highly, highly recommend not getting them! So now I will step down from my hot topic!

The point of me writing this is to let you know that even the people that teach health, nutrition, a balanced lifestyle are not perfect! We all have our days where we get tired of eating so fucking clean; it gets boring! We all have times that we stop working out and taking care of ourselves, getting caught in the hamster wheel of life.

Don't judge yourself; get back up and start again! Love yourself enough to allow yourself to be PERFECTLY IMPERFECT!



You can purchase all my books I WROTE FOR YOU by CLICKING MY AMAZON AUTHOR PAGE

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self help

About the Creator

Aleta Joi

I AM SO EXCITED to share my incredible journey from dark to light, Alice and Wonderland meets Dexter meet Pretty Woman (without the prostitute thing:)

I Am Not My Story & Neither Are YOU

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