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Garden of EdeN

A mediums perspective

By Ana CaraballoPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

I want to start telling you the story on how I fell so deeply into my rabbit whole. I am a multifaceted, Multi dimensional, Dynamic individual. I started my journey like everyone else just a kid with a curious mind. I grew up in a household where my mind was not valued, more than anything I believe that my mind wasn’t valued in my house because my mind as a woman, a Latina woman, a Puerto Rican women, just wasn’t valued by the world yet. On a surface level it seemed as though I was valued but I didn’t really understand true value until I dove deeply into myself and soul who I really was passed what I was told to be. As I grew up I battled sexual abuse, abuse in my household from my parents, abandonment, A sense of never knowing myself, many trust issues, ME issues. And like many others I started to dive into my depression and mask it with many devices food, people, sex, anything to fill the void. And eventually I started realizing that none of these things were filling the void and the only way for me to fill the void was to treat myself as if I was the garden of Eden. In doing so I took a look At the Bible and what the Bible teaches us and who the Bible tells us to be. I took a look at the Quran, I took a look at the Emerald tablets, I took a look at sacred geometry, I took a look at meditating, I took a look at yoga, I took a look at many different things that really lead me deeper in deeper and deeper into that rabbit hole and eventually it led me to ME.

Some of me likes to complain about where I am now because it’s not perfect but even in the eyes of perfection I feel as though that desire for some complaints help build the pathway for My desires to manifest. At least to some degree. Eventually I started understanding why I heard things when I heard them not so much in the current reality but even in my past; things started to make sense.

The garden of Eden that I looked at when I looked at the Bible told me that I am of the earth. Meaning in the same way that you can plant a seed into the earth, I had the ability to take conscious thoughts and plant them into myself as I would a seed into the earth. Then allow those conscious thoughts (seeds) to manifest. I in the same way that I would diligently and consciously water and care for that seed in order for it to grow into a plant that bears fruit I do that same work with myself. This is where the term bearing the fruits of your labor comes in because when you understand how much work you put into yourself and how much of an investment it is for you to work on yourself on a constant basis then you understand what it is to really feed a garden. I think this is all I’m gonna give you today I may come back again soon with some more but I want you to know that I want you to sit with this information. I want you to understand that I am by no means Christian or Catholic or religious to any marginal standard. Just take the information that is presented to you with no judgment with no hate towards it with no animosity, With no pre-existing connotations and think about every bit of information that has been given to you for as long as you can be present enough to think about the information that has already been given to you and then try to figure out what you wanna do with all that information next.I love you 😍 have a great what ever


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    ACWritten by Ana Caraballo

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