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Fresh Start for Humanity

My New Years Resolution for the world

By Josh McCarthyPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

For my new years resolution I decided to try and my hardest, to be the change I want to see in the world. It all starts with you I tell myself, think about it with me for second. If you could wake up every day with a smile on your face, happy no matter what life throws at you? Isn't this what we should strive for? Be the change you want to see in the world by making the correct choices each day. Life is hard and everyone is dealing with something, some just hide it better. If everyone started to learn about themselves more instead of keeping tabs on everyone else, well the world could start turning around. This world doesn't need more gadgets or faster computers or anything else money can buy. It needs LOVE, but the love that only comes from you first by being that change you want to see in this crazy world we live in.

Each Day I wake up I choose to smile and be happy. Even in the hardest and worst of times you can always find something to smile about. Smiling takes less muscles and everyone loves a smile. A smile can change someone's day, try it and see. Say hello and smile at a stranger, who knows maybe like the butterfly effect you just changed that persons life as well. Even if it doesn't that smile of yours will change your life for the better. As you smile more you'll become more approachable and warm hearted. Join me and let's pay forward smiles beyond compare. Just like the yawn is contagious, so is a smile. Even if the person doesn't smile back, I guarantee they are inside. Some shells are a little harder to crack but all can be broken over time with a smile. No one wants more misery but we all want more happiness. Be the change and spread cheer not fear. :-)

We all make choices each day, and if we all chose to slow down and start appreciating all the good we do have in our lives. Then this world could start moving towards greatness. There isn't a law that will be passed that will turn this world around. It has to start with each individual, you have to find your happiness and run with it. But I guarantee when your done looking out and finally look in. This is when the magic will happen. There is nothing in this world that is going to change that doesn't first start with you. We cannot continue to operate in a world were we want everyone to do as we say but we ourselves are not willing to do the same. Now, more than ever we need to start taking accountability for our own actions and no others. Look deep within for that journey to begin. At first what taste like poison with finish like sweet nectar. This life journey is tough but every human must at some point start to be the change.

Unfortunately, like the old saying you can drag a horse to water but can't force it to drink. This holds true for everyone, think back when you were younger. Someone told you something and few weeks later a friend tells you the same thing. You come home excited to tell everyone what you just learned to the astonishment of the person who told you originally. Stating, don't you recall me telling you that two weeks ago? People are only ready to hear something when they are ready. But this all starts with you and I going deep within. There is nothing anyone can change about yesterday, period. Stop going over past events up stairs, it can't be changed and could ah would ah should ah never helps. Make peace with the past and move on for you are a new person now. Choices were made up to this point in your life and everyone has to deal with the actions of said choices. Have no fear for in the end the correct choice will always have been the correct choice. This path is not for the weak for only the strong will have the courage and strength to push through the tough choices life throws at you and still smile. So I ask again to please join me in my new years resolution in making the world a better place one human at a time.

Much Love...


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