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Focus on Those Little Moments of Peace and Joy

How To Find Joy In The Little Things In Life for Happiness

By Amra BeganovichPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

Think back to some of the last moments in which you felt calm and at ease. Maybe it was while watching a sunset on vacation or after completing an important task at work. You can't exactly put your finger on what made these moments so special, but they are still fresh in your mind. They are clear snapshots of joy.

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It is not bad to have big ambitions or big dreams in life, but it is bad when we get blind while trying to achieve this. The immense joy of staying close to our loved ones or having our favorite meal one day even if it includes a bit of carbs is bound. Happiness might even come in the form of getting just a random text from an old friend or coming across a song on social media that you loved as a child.

All these little moments give us an undefined peace, an unmissable broad smile that has the power to make our day. Happiness is like trinkets. So, stop and start looking at all the things happening with you.

When trying to achieve happiness, most people focus on the big moments. They think that if they can just find that one perfect thing to make them happy, they will finally be content. However, it's the little moments of peace and joy that we experience every day that can add up to a truly happy life.

It's easy to get wrapped up in the chaos of everyday life. We are constantly bombarded with stressors from all directions: work, family, friends, and social media. It's no wonder that we often feel overwhelmed and stressed out. However, if we take the time to appreciate the small moments of happiness that come our way, it can help us to get through tough times.

One great way to focus on the good things in life is to keep a gratitude journal. In this journal, you simply write down five things that you are grateful for each day. It can be anything from your family and friends to a nice sunset or your pet dog. By doing this, you train your brain to look for the positive aspects of life, rather than the negative.

Another way to find happiness in the small moments is to savor them. This means taking the time to really appreciate and enjoy what you are experiencing. Maybe it's a delicious meal or spending time with your friends. Whatever it is, make sure to take it in and enjoy it fully.

If you find that you are often distracted or not able to enjoy life's little pleasures, then try taking a mindfulness class.

Finally, it can be helpful to stop and appreciate the little things that bring us joy. It might be the smell of your morning coffee or walking barefoot on the grass. Whatever it is, make sure to take a moment to enjoy it.

So next time you are feeling stressed out or down, take a step back and focus on those little moments of peace and joy. They might be just what you need to get through the day.

It is important to hustle hard, to fight till you achieve it, but it is equally important to take small breaks when one can acknowledge and appreciate all the things they have done. This helps in analyzing getting better and of course, ultimately results in happiness

It boosts self-confidence, it gives motivation, it helps to feel positive. Thus, it is important to indulge in leisurely activities and sometimes just do nothing.

Try not to forget that happiness is not a thing, it is a process.

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