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Fitness Revolution: Introduction

An introduction to Fitness Revolution.

By Matthew SposatoPublished 2 years ago 6 min read
Fitness Revolution: Introduction
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

This is for individuals who are new to Fitness Revolution. Whether you're a fitness newbie or someone who has gone out of shape due to lack of exercise. Either way, you want to start making some changes in your life. But you have absolutely no idea on how or where to begin. Don't worry, it's pretty common for people stuck on square one. Rome wasn't built in a day. And the journey of a thousand miles always starts with a single step. The main idea of Fitness Revolution is to do intense workout sessions on a daily basis. By cutting or fixing any bad habits that are holding you back. But this might sound a bit overwhelming for some beginners. So we're gonna start off with some basic workouts that anybody at any fitness level can do.

Here's a workout plan you can try early in the morning:

  • 50 Pull Ups
  • 50 Push Ups
  • 50 Sit Ups
  • 50 Leg Squats

50 reps for each exercise might be hard for some people. So start with breaking them down into smaller more manageable sets. 5 sets of 10 should be manageable enough. Baby steps is the best way to start when in doubt. And more often than not, baby steps are annoying slow from an adult's perspective. But eventually you will be able to do 50 reps of any exercise in a single set. And then increase the reps from there to really improve your fitness level.

Another idea to help you get into the fitness groove is to take around 15 to 30 minutes to go out for a walk everyday. Including walking in your list of workouts can help maintain an overall body weight at minimal. And it's a stress free start for people who want to start losing unwanted weight. There are also other benefits to walking for exercise. It can help manage conditions such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, joint and muscle pains, etc... It'll also help build and maintain strong bones. You'll also be able to improve the fitness of your own heart and lungs. Along with reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke for when you are older. If being healthier isn't reason enough to make you want to go for a walk. Then stepping outside for some fresh air can help clear your head. To feel the warm sun on your face and a soft cool breeze blowing though your hair. It may be easier to just lay back on the couch and turn on the TV. Because you had a long, hard, stressful day at work. Here's an idea... Leave the TV remote where it is and change out of your work clothes. Grab a bottled water and step outside the door for a little while. Your favorite show or movie can wait. You've probably seen it so many times that you know how it goes from start to finish. And if you have an account streaming sites like Netflix or Hulu. That means you can see them any other time you want. Just don't make it the first and last thing you do upon coming home. Because unlike other workouts, walking doesn't take much prep time. Going for a sweat inducing exercise after your shift can help reduce the overall stress. But walking is a less overwhelming start after a long mentality and emotionally exhausting day. Plus going for an intense workout after coming home from your job requires a healthy touch of self discipline. So start small with lighter exercises like walking. After spending at least half an hour walking around the block or nearby park. You might find yourself in a slightly better mood than you were during your day.

The main fitness question we all ask ourselves is, "Why are we not training at all?" We all come with plenty of lame excuses for that. Such as "I didn't get enough sleep" or "I'm too busy." Some excuses are a little more plausible than others. The main cause of those excuses are from the bad habits we may have gained over time. Binging on junk food and the latest TV shows is basically the new smoking. Further Fitness Revolution subjects will cover other bad habits and how to fix them accordingly. Until then, take some time to make a list of your bad habits. Why? Because some of these habits can, and will, affect your overall health. And keeping a list of your bad habits will help you understand them better. Here's an example to help you get started:

  • Smoking
  • Consuming excess alcohol.
  • Eating too much junk or fast food.
  • Too much time on TV or PC.
  • Too much or too little sleep.

While reading the Fitness Revolution posts, it would be a good idea to think about your fitness goals. Being healthier and looking good is part of the process. Is there anything you want to do? Something that requires you to be in tip-top shape? Maybe you want to take up a modeling gig. Tryout for your favorite sports team. Everyone has their own fitness goals. Just remember that no 2 people are alike. So don't expect everyone to share the same fitness goals.

Improving ones own self esteem is also part of the Fitness Revolution process. It's not just about being leaner and healthier. It's also about learning how to be happier with yourself and everything you do. For example, it's easy to feel like a complete failure while your a work. And feels like you're never gonna get that job promotion. No matter how hard you tackle at your job tasks. Or how many times you run errands or get coffee for your boss. And sometimes your overall pay rate isn't on par with all the hard work you do. All the reason to spend your spare time working out or practicing a hobby. Set up some personal goals outside of your job. Such as bigger muscles, tight 6 pack abs, or a photo realistic painting of a bowl of fruit. Personal goals are sometimes much harder to accomplish than career goals. There are other examples of personal goals that are hard to accomplish. Such as earning a black belt in martial arts. Climbing a 1,000 to 3,000 foot rock. Running a marathon. Writing a novel. Winning a giant teddy bear in a state fair. Or learning how to play a musical instrument like a violin or guitar. Having some personal success under one's own belt can help motivate a person to do better in other aspects of their lives. Whether it's another personal goal or a career related endeavor.

This is a good idea on what Fitness Revolution is about. It's about making some changes to your own personal approach on life. What those changes are is entirely up to you. Because these much needed changes are different with every person. While some have one thing they would like to change. And others might have a lot more to work on. The journey on becoming a better version of "you" isn't gonna be easy. And there are no shortcuts when it comes to any form of fitness goals. How to get there depends mainly on your own pace. You can walk, run, or something in between. The point of Fitness Revolution is to make the process not only manageable, but also more enjoyable. If you decide to exercise more seriously and keep it up. You will start seeing positive changes in your life.

Until then... Good Luck!!!

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About the Creator

Matthew Sposato

Hobbyist writer and aspiring author.

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