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Filling in the Flakiness

What you don't speak makes you weak

By Julie BelPublished 5 years ago 3 min read

Fuck the saying: What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.

This is a farce and a trap to convince you to push harder, and that life being “difficult” is just the way it is.

I must point out that you not speaking your inner truth is making you weaker.

That is the real truth.

It makes you hide and run scared behind violence and petty surface details that you think make a life.

Deep down, you know it doesn’t, but you continue to live from that place—of fear.

The fear only brings more fear. You can never be free from this place.

The fear holds you down and tells you there is always something wrong, something you have to compete with and be challenged by for no good reason. Many say life is hard.

To shift this, to change this, to live differently, you must live and expand and stretch yourself beyond what is comfortable. Start to pay attention to what you hide from. We all do it.

But gain awareness about when your thoughts veer towards bullshit, take you away from the joy of the moment, and try to convince you that you are anything other than fucking amazing.

We all want to be loved UNCONDITIONALLY, without fail, without question, and most importantly, without judgement.

It is an innate craving that we all are connected with; this is because our nature is love.

Freedom exists in our ability to know that WE are the reason we BE. Shedding all the bullshit and living from deep within our souls. It is so much simpler than our parents made us think and that school tried to teach us…

Freedom is our nature, and the divine right that we all have within us. But most of us have chosen to follow the crowd, to be one of the flock that doesn’t sway, and stays in line with the status quo.

Of course, this is crap.

And really now that the awareness is present all it comes down to is a choice, a decision, to claim to be the one we came here to be and nothing less. Because we all know that nothing less feels like shit.

So I call on you to free yourself by getting past the scared and the hidden version of you that is just a shell of bullshit which, eventually, will make you miserable. You have experienced it—soooo let it GO!

It’s time to maybe take a look at the possibility of living exactly as who you are, exactly the way you desire, and expressing the fullness of that magical internal world that only you can unleash.

That part of you that shined so brightly as a little girl.

I know this well.

I always wanted to perform, to be a dancer, a singer, an actress, although none of these had labels so finite at the time.

But it always felt like a fantasy, like I was hiding; and I was labeled as shy so I stuck with what was comfortable.

No one ever told me to grow and to push myself and to try and to be more of ME. They emphasized the doing, the grades, the following the right track—never knowing where the fuck it was going.

But now at 36, I can see how I was guided where I was guided, and the miracle of me that was brought here to live the divine dance of life, expressing whatever the fuck I wanted in whatever way I DESIRE.

Now, not tomorrow, I'm releasing the idea that if I share my full self I won’t be loved.

That is the fear crap rearing its dipshit head once again.

But I see it, and I can look it in the one ugly mustard yellow eyeball and say


I know the way I have a better way.

I trust myself.

I am whoever I decide to be, and I will fulfill my purpose by simply being myself and owning the love I have for myself; following my heart and having fun along the way; watching the nay sayers’ jaws drop in awe; that really deep down I only give a shit what I think.

Be your most POWERFUL self now.

Life is waiting for you


About the Creator

Julie Bel

Spiritual mentor & life coach guiding humans on their path back home to living from heart and aligning with the truth that they create the world they see, and how to create the reality they desire. My writings, raps and poetry speak.

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