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Enjoy The Little Things

How to be Grateful

By Angela LovePublished 4 years ago 3 min read
Maia-The Snow Pup (recommend sound off)

I live in Northern New Mexico, the Land of Enchantment, or the land of entrapment to the residents that live here. Our landscape has a very unique, southwestern feel to it that you can't find anywhere else in the world which is what drives the tourist attraction. It's also a very affordable place to live which is why its residents never leave. Even when you do leave, there is an invisible force that pulls you back every few years. Some may escape its grasp, but most end up settling down in the same place they were raised. I have been one of these people so far. I have moved away from NM three times and somehow always find myself back in my hometown. Is it because it's safe? The short answer is yes. I live in a small, isolated town where very little happens. However, on the plus side, it also means I am more protected from world influences, like the coronavirus for example. Our town has had a total of 6 confirmed cases and no deaths. While we must adhere to our governor's orders of social distancing and mandatory face masks, most of our lives remain unchanged. We continue to work from home and go outdoors to enjoy our favorite activities. I feel very blessed to live here, especially when so many lives have been turned upside down. I send my sincere condolences to the individuals that have been deeply impacted by the virus.

The video attached is of my dog, Maia, playing in the snow. This was our last recorded moment of "normalcy" before the coronavirus hit. I took this video on January 25th, 2020. We went out for our daily hike (and yes, we hike in the winter because snow is her favorite thing in the world) and we spent hours enjoying the crisp, mountain air. Re-watching this video makes my heart smile because it reminds me of time when things were slower, less chaotic, and less fear based. Everywhere I go today, people are living in a state of fear wearing gloves, masks, and washing hands excessively. What I love about this video is the innocent playfulness accentuated by ignorance. I had no idea what was about to happen, even though reports of the coronavirus had already been released in China. I was simply enjoying a peaceful moment with my beautiful dog while holding no expectations for the future. I was completely present in the moment.

As I sit here now, writing this story and reflecting on the past, I've realized the importance of seemingly insignificant moments such as this one. At the time this video was taken, my sole intention was to build memories of my puppy that I could keep long after she's gone. Now, this video reflects one of my last joyful memories before the entire world changed. Moral of the story? Never take anything for granted! It is so easy to get lost in the moment and forget to appreciate the little things around you. Mindfulness is the practice of being completely present in each and every moment. Cultivating mindfulness takes practice but can relieve a variety of mental health conditions such as anxiety, depression, and pessimism. The easiest way to begin is to stop everything you are doing and take a moment to observe your environment and find 3 things you are grateful for. Expressing gratitude can help you appreciate the little things that are happening all around you that often go unnoticed. Do this exercise every day and before you know it, you'll find yourself appreciating things you never noticed before. Be warned, this exercise can generate a childlike curiosity that may change your outlook on life forever.

I hope this video brings a smile to your face while you remember the simple moments in your own life that have also brought you joy. Remember to love unconditionally, appreciate the little things, and smile as often as you can! It's amazing how these 3 simple practices can change the world.


About the Creator

Angela Love

My mission is to bring awareness to humanity, to help you realize that our reality is more than what we see. My gift to the world is love and with that, we can heal the world. I hope you find guidance in my writing, or at least, awareness.

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