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Easy Ways to Improve Your Mental Health (Physical Is a Bonus)

Feeling like you’re in a fog? Try these out. It’s easier than you think!

By Emily ZimmermanPublished 5 years ago 6 min read

Mental health is just as important as your physical health. Do you feel down often? Do you notice yourself in a constant slump and don’t know why? I did, and sometimes still do.

I’ve been trying out basic things to do each and every day and here are the few that really works for me. These are things to do daily to simply make you feel better.

Brush your teeth-

Of course it’s rule of thumb to brush your teeth “after every meal” but not a lot of people do that. In fact the majority of humanity does not do that. Now I am huge on oral health. I do brush my teeth minimum twice a day, and if I slip and only brush once a day... I have some anxiety.

However, brushing your teeth, at least once a day will not only improve your hygiene, but will increase endorphins due to the feeling of being clean. I mean, come on, who doesn’t love rubbing their tongue along super smooth teeth...

Oh... just me... oh well. It’s amazing.

Brush your hair-

This is a given. Most people can’t even leave their house without brushing their hair or they will look like a Sasquatch. I am one of those people; but if you find yourself down most of the time and you notice that you don’t brush your hair when you wake up, then try it! Having smooth hair will literally make you feel better. When I don’t brush my hair, my head has this sense of “heaviness.” After I brush it, however, it always tends to feel light like a feather! And I don’t feel so gross. I don’t know about you, but it seriously bothers me when my hair is all knotted up.


Now if you’re anything like me, you can’t wash your hair every day. In fact, it’s not healthy to wash your hair every day because your hair needs a break too. So this section is not a “take a full on shower every day” lecture. This is more of another “hygiene feel good” section, kind of like the brushing your teeth every day. I get it, sometimes you just have one of those days where a bath or shower just does not fit into the schedule. That’s okay. If you do have the time though, or can make time, bathe yourself! Whether you soak in a nice bath with a glass of wine and some music, or just hop in the shower with your hair pulled up and do a quick rinse and soap wash. Either way, your clean and you keep your sheets clean longer. Your exposed skin collects the dust, dirt, and filth in the air throughout the day. During spring, pollen locks on too. So wash all the grime from the day off! Not only will it make you feel clean, but will also just make you feel better over all. I promise.

Drink water-

Yes. You have to drink water. Sorry, water haters. I understand, though, I used to hate drinking water. Until I started infusing my water with lemon, cucumbers, mint, strawberries, and so many more! If you’re like me and just can’t stand water then try that. If you really don’t drink water, then first thing in the morning drink a glass and then again at night before you go to bed. Maybe even try to in the middle of the day. You’ll notice a difference. Water seriously heals and will help you feel better mentally, physically and emotionally. I don’t feel the need to elaborate much more on this subject.

Smile in the mirror, maybe even add in a positive message to yourself-

Okay, this seems cheesy I know. I have a hard time talking to myself in the mirror—but this works, bear with me. Looking at yourself in the mirror is like spending time with yourself. Think of this, when you are with a friend that you enjoy hanging out with and they say something nice to you, doesn’t that make you feel good? This is the same thing. Even if you don’t feel like it, speaking positive words to yourself, while looking at yourself, creates a more positive mindset. Try this for a week. When you get up in the morning and you’re getting ready for the day, at the very least just look at yourself and smile. If you really want to feel confident, then talk to yourself. Tell yourself you are beautiful, or any other adjective you’d like to believe you are or can be. Be kind to yourself.

Go outside-

Sometimes I have my days where I just lay in my house all. day. long. I may think I enjoy it, but at the end of the day, I really hate it. I feel lethargic, depressed, lazy, and bored. I don’t feel like washing my face, or doing any other of my nightly things. See what happens when you just lay around, or sleep for longer than 8 hours at a time, your body goes into “hibernation” mode. No matter how much you rest or sleep more, you will still be tired and lazy feeling. The only thing that can change that is simple a change of scenery. If you can’t go anywhere, just walk outside. Just go outside and soak that sun up, or listen to the rainfall. It makes a world of difference. Your body needs that type of energy from nature. It’s nice to have a relaxing day, but you can also relax outside as well!

Have some TV/screen time-

I may get a lot of backlash for this. A lot of health heavy people and positive mentality people are against this. However, if it makes you feel better then do it. Everyone enjoys watching TV or playing a game on their iPad or scrolling social media on their phones. It is okay to have some of that screen time every day, as long as it is not excessive. You can either use it to wind down at the end of a long day, or if you have a few minutes before you start your day, then to just sit in your bed or on the couch and enjoy that time. #sayyestoscreentime

Talk to someone who makes you laugh-

This is simple. Find a friend or family member, and just simply talk to them. Reach out via text, calling, social media, or whatever works for you. Anything that makes you smile is always positive and uplifting for your spirit.

Eat a least 1 healthy meal/snack-

Okay junk foodies, this one's for you. I’m serious when I say, EAT SOMETHING GREEN! The benefits of healthy foods will make you feel so much better, not just physically, but mentally as well! There are foods that are considered “brain healthy.” Walnuts, avocados, blueberries—hell, even dark chocolate is good for you! See it’s not all bad. That’s some good shit right there. Snack on some of that or make one big meal and watch you have more energy and happiness.

Light a candle-

This one is a little more my opinion. Not everyone likes candles, but for me this truly just puts the cherry on top of a good day—or a bad one! I love lighting candles. The smell, and the light it gives off is peaceful and romantic! And no, you do not have to have your partner there or even a partner to feel romantic. You can feel that all to yourself. Light a candle, get a glass of wine, and lay back and enjoy your favorite show or movie. Perfect ending for the day.

These are simple little gestures you can do daily to increase your mental health. Just try it! You never know until you try.

self help

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