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Don't Get Lost

Life is shaped by our thoughts; choose to think positively and create a beautiful life.

By Adria_X_RaePublished about a year ago 4 min read
"Don't get lost in the past; live in the present and create a bright future."


When thinking about the thoughts about the future of our life, the burden in the heart increases. It is only when alone that various thoughts come and sit in the mind. The expectations of our future come and go in the shadows. The environment to achieve that is impossible as we are now. So, does the soul happen? Won't it happen? Can it? can't They touch on questions like and create fear in us and instil unnecessary thoughts? Due to this unnecessary stress and tension increase and makes us tired and sick.

It is only when you run with the flow of time that you can reduce the occurrence of mental disorders. When you take things lightly and move forward, the mind does not carry unnecessary burdens. This will make the mind light. It is only when the mind is unburdened that it is able to think properly and perform effectively.

Goals and dreams about our future are something we must have. But when we expect our future goals and dreams to happen as soon as we think of them, the thoughts about them swirl inside us and create a kind of pressure. For anything to happen well, it takes time. It is only when they take appropriate time and action that they move towards the targets. When that is the case, it is wrong to put pressure on ourselves to make it happen immediately.

Have you ever found yourself lost in your thoughts, unable to snap out of a negative thought spiral or rumination? If so, you are not alone. It is common for all of us to get lost in our thoughts from time to time, especially when we are faced with stress or difficult emotions. However, getting lost in our thoughts can have negative consequences, such as affecting our mood and overall well-being. In this article, we will explore the concept of getting lost in our thoughts and how to prevent it.

First, let's define what it means to get lost in our thoughts. Getting lost in our thoughts refers to the act of becoming consumed by our thoughts, to the point where we are unable to focus on the present moment or engage in other activities. It is common for people to get lost in their thoughts when they are feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or depressed. When we get lost in our thoughts, we may ruminate on negative experiences or worry about future events, which can lead to a decrease in our mood and overall well-being.

So, how can we prevent getting lost in our thoughts? One effective strategy is mindfulness. Mindfulness is the practice of paying attention to the present moment, without judgment. It involves bringing our attention to our thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations in a non-reactive way. When we are mindful, we are able to observe our thoughts and emotions without getting carried away by them. This can help us gain perspective and distance from our thoughts, rather than getting lost in them.

There are many ways to practice mindfulness, such as through meditation, yoga, or simply taking a few deep breaths and focusing on your breath. It is important to find a practice that works for you and to make it a regular part of your routine.

Another effective strategy for preventing getting lost in our thoughts is to engage in activities that bring us joy and fulfilment. These activities can serve as a distraction from our thoughts and can help us refocus on the present moment. Engaging in activities that we enjoy can also improve our mood and overall well-being.

In addition to mindfulness and engaging in activities that bring us joy, it can be helpful to have a support system of friends, family, or a therapist who can offer guidance and encouragement. These individuals can help us process our thoughts and emotions and can provide a different perspective when we are feeling lost in our thoughts.

It is also important to take care of our physical health, as this can have a big impact on our mental health. Getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet, and exercising regularly can all contribute to a more positive state of mind and can help prevent getting lost in our thoughts.


In conclusion, getting lost in our thoughts can have negative consequences on our mood and well-being. However, by practising mindfulness, engaging in activities that bring us joy, seeking support, and taking care of our physical health, we can prevent getting lost in our thoughts and improve our overall well-being.

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About the Creator


"Dreamer with a vivid imagination, expressing inner world through literature, music & visual arts. Emotionally intuitive, exploring mental landscapes through creative pursuits."

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