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Do Better

Don't Look Back

By Connor WarmanPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

Maybe you slept in. Maybe you skipped your workout. Maybe you ordered the burger instead of the salad. The bottom line is you messed up and now you're feeling guilty about it. Well, what're you going to do there Einstein build a time machine and travel back and fix your mistakes? As dope as that would be it is also highly unlikely and unrealistic. So what're you actually going to do mope around and feel sorry for yourself? If we're being completely honest that is what most of us are going to do after making a mistake. Trust me. Been there, done that. Countless times nonetheless. But today I'm here to tell you that feeling sorry for yourself is a total waste of time and energy and will actually set you back in achieving your goals.

What're you really getting out of it? Sure it may feel good for a second to blow off some steam and let it all out maybe punch a wall or yell into a pillow but what're you really doing? You're delaying growth. You're delaying your own self-improvement. I know that there are much bigger mistakes than simply missing a workout or cheating on your diet. But do the same principles and rules not apply? How you do one thing is how you do everything no matter the scale. That's why we practice with the little things so that when the big things happen we don't completely fall apart. Everything we do is training our minds to be one way or another. If we're constantly practicing daily discipline and doing the things we know we're supposed to even when we don't want to then when the bigger things happen our minds will be better prepared to handle them. But on the other hand, if you're constantly seeking comfort and making excuses to not do things then your mind isn't going to be ready for what's coming. It's going to have no difficult experiences to draw back on. I firmly believe that our daily lives and how we carry ourselves are preparing us for life's unexpected yet inevitable moments. We're preparing for what happens when we lose a loved one, when we get fired from a job, when we break an arm, and so on and so forth. We may not know it yet but every single decision we make today is preparing us for those moments and how we'll react and handle them.

Instead of dwelling on the past and wishing you could change something use it as fuel for the future. Use it to make you better the next time. At that moment of course it's not going to be easy, it never is! But that's where the discipline and training come in. Acknowledge that you made a mistake and accept it. Accept it! But don't let it define you and don't let it happen again. And if it does happen again don't get down on yourself. Keep working at it and grinding away and eventually, you WILL see the results. The worst possible thing we can do is quit. Instead, use it as fuel to the fire. Think of yourself as the guy on the old school train shoveling coal into the fire to keep the thing going. Except here your past mistakes and failures are the coal that fuels the train. Crank that train up to 10-speed. Forget the shame forget the doubt and forget your excuses. Mistakes and failures fuel us to be better next time. Don't let them slow you down.

This train is full speed ahead!

Get After It.

self help

About the Creator

Connor Warman

A CrossFit Coach and Podcaster's perspective on life.

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