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From Abattoir

By RCIPublished 8 days ago 4 min read

This appears to be a dramatic story about a man named Martins grappling with trauma and unresolved issues from his past, particularly surrounding the mysterious death of his mother. The narrative unfolds through conversations and confrontations, revealing a complex web of relationships and emotions.

Key plot points and themes include:

1. **Accusation and Denial**:

- Martins' father, Chief Duro Sayer, is accused of murdering his wife, but he vehemently denies it.

- The family maid, Bassey, is accused of the murder, leading to tension and distress.

2. **Martins' Struggle with Reality**:

- Martins experiences haunting dreams and visions involving his deceased mother and his father, which blur the lines between reality and imagination.

- These visions disrupt his daily life and work, causing him to question his sanity and the truth about his mother's death.

3. **Search for Answers**:

- Martins seeks answers and clarity, confronting his father about the mysterious events and his own disturbing visions.

- He also seeks solace and guidance from Baba, a mentor figure, who advises him to forgive and let go of past hurts.

4. **Friendship and Support**:

- Martins has conversations with a friend, who tries to help him navigate his emotional turmoil and encourages him to find peace through faith.

- There are moments of camaraderie and lightheartedness, contrasting with the heavy themes of grief and accusation.

5. **Conflict with Authority**:

- Martins has confrontations with school authorities and peers, reflecting his inner turmoil and the impact of his personal struggles on his professional life.

6. **Resolution and Revelation**:

- The story hints at a resolution where Martins must come to terms with his past, his relationship with his father, and the true circumstances of his mother's death.

Overall, the story delves into themes of grief, guilt, forgiveness, and the search for truth, wrapped in a dramatic and emotionally charged narrative.


Deliverance from nightmares and disturbing dreams, particularly those that may have a spiritual or emotional root, is a concern for many people. In Christian practice, deliverance from such experiences often involves prayer, scripture, and seeking God's protection and peace. Here are some steps and principles commonly followed:

### Spiritual Preparation

1. **Prayer for Protection and Peace**:

- Begin with a sincere prayer asking God for protection from evil influences and for His peace to guard your heart and mind. Psalms such as Psalm 91 and Psalm 23 are often used in prayers for protection.

2. **Confession and Repentance**:

- Confess any known sins and ask for forgiveness. Repentance is a crucial step in spiritual deliverance, as it removes any barriers between you and God's protection (1 John 1:9).

### Utilizing Scripture

3. **Scripture Meditation**:

- Meditate on and memorize scriptures that speak of God's protection and peace. Some powerful scriptures include:

- **Psalm 4:8**: "In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety."

- **Philippians 4:6-7**: "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

- **2 Timothy 1:7**: "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind."

4. **Reading and Declaring Scriptures**:

- Read aloud and declare scriptures that affirm God's promises of protection and deliverance. The spoken word of God can be a powerful tool against spiritual oppression.

### Practical Steps

5. **Create a Peaceful Environment**:

- Ensure your sleeping environment is peaceful and conducive to rest. This can involve removing any objects that might be associated with negative memories or spiritual oppression.

6. **Listening to Worship Music**:

- Play worship music or hymns in your room. This can help create an atmosphere of peace and remind you of God's presence.

### Seeking Guidance and Support

7. **Pastoral Counseling**:

- Seek counsel from a pastor or a trusted spiritual leader. They can provide guidance, pray with you, and offer additional spiritual support.

8. **Fellowship and Accountability**:

- Engage with a community of believers who can pray with you and support you. Having others intercede on your behalf can be powerful.

### Specific Prayers for Deliverance

9. **Prayers Against Nightmares**:

- Pray specifically against nightmares and disturbing dreams. Here is an example prayer:


Heavenly Father, I come to You in the name of Jesus Christ. I ask for Your protection over my mind and my dreams as I sleep. I plead the blood of Jesus over my mind, my room, and my home. I renounce any evil influence that may be affecting my sleep and command any unclean spirits to leave in the name of Jesus.

Father, fill my mind with Your peace and surround me with Your angels. I declare Your word that says You give Your beloved sleep (Psalm 127:2). I trust in Your promise of protection and thank You for Your love and care. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.


10. **Regular Prayer Routine**:

- Establish a regular prayer routine before bedtime. Consistency in seeking God's presence and protection can greatly diminish the frequency and intensity of nightmares.

### Faith and Trust in God

11. **Building Faith**:

- Strengthen your faith by regularly reading the Bible, attending church, and participating in Bible studies. A strong faith can help combat fear and anxiety that may contribute to nightmares.

12. **Trusting God's Sovereignty**:

- Trust that God is sovereign and in control. Remember that He is with you and will never leave you nor forsake you (Deuteronomy 31:6).

Deliverance from nightmares and disturbing dreams often involves a combination of spiritual, practical, and emotional strategies. By seeking God's help, relying on His promises, and taking practical steps to create a peaceful environment, many find relief and peace from such troubling experiences.

successself helphealing

About the Creator


By Olufemi Afolabi

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