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Consuming Passion

Avoiding Death By Chocolate For A Diabetic

By Mike Singleton 🌜 Mikeydred 🌛Published 3 years ago • 3 min read

I once saw a film by this title which posited that humans had two consuming passions , sex and food , or in the film, chocolate. Essentially someone accidentally fell into a vat of chocolate and the resultant product sold like hot cakes , I think you can guess the rest.

Now I am diabetic and I love chocolate, and it is something that I should not consume but every now and then I treat myself.

My grandmother and uncle were diabetic and said they needed their diabetic chocolate and jams which replaced the sugar with something else and tasted absolutely awful. As the companies that produce these horrors are still in business there must be a market for them , but not for me.

I argued why not have a little real chocolate or jam and enjoy the full taste , instead of large slab of something with all the taste of a piece of plywood.

I'm also of the opinion that chocolate is as addictive as alcohol nicotine and other drugs but it is pushed at us wherever anything is on sale. At supermarket checkouts , garages , newsagents chocolate is there in your face.

Added to that, they have multi bar packs for little more than the price of a single bar. Obviously this is to tempt people to buy and consume , and in my case I should neither buy nor consume. I can see how people may go for the four pack and then maybe eat it.

I am stunned how generally eating chocolate seems to put far more weight on you that what you actually eat, and of course if you don’t exercise then obesity will get you with all the associated problems.

You hear stories of people becoming addicted , and if I let myself go the death by chocolate could very easily become a reality to me. Please double check everything I say in this, you may learn something or you may find that I am wrong , but usually I am right,

Lots of people just see diabetes and as the result of a person over eating and therefore becoming overweight and a good diet will take care of it.I was once told that I should live of carrot and celery by a nurse, I quite often get this sort of advice which I ignore and luckily all my doctors and 99% of my nurses are sensible.

Why diabetes is a killer is that everything you eat turns to sugar for the body to use as energy. Obviously refined sugar means that it does not need turning and there is ready for use. The other thing is alcohol is the purest form of sugar according to my doctor.

What happens that sugar , while it drives the body, in diabetes the receptors don’t take in the sugar and it lies in the veins and arteries and rots them, so the result of untreated diabetes can be gangrene , heart attack , aneurysms , because your system is being destroyed by the usnused sugar. What should happen is that the sugar either drives the body or turns into fat to be used later, and if it does none of those it can destroy you.

Another example of possible death by Chocolate.

Though the thing is diabetes just forces you to live the way you’re supposed to live anyway. I now don’t drink alcohol , and stopping may have meant that although I am portly I don’t have a beer belly , and I am able to walk and take exercise so all good to avoid death by Chocolate.

So I will link to the film that inspired the title of this posts to get an idea of where it came from , and if you think you are headed towards diabetes , see a doctor , get advice , and do what you can to avoid it.

self help

About the Creator

Mike Singleton 🌜 Mikeydred 🌛

Weaver of Tales & Poems

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    Mike Singleton 🌜 Mikeydred 🌛Written by Mike Singleton 🌜 Mikeydred 🌛

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