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Commercial Banker

Stephen M. Uba

By publicize-it advertPublished 3 months ago 3 min read

Stephen M. Uba is not just a professional Banker from Delta State, Nigeria. He is a dedicated and hardworking individual who takes pride in his work and always strives for excellence. Coming from a responsible family with a strong moral compass, Stephen was raised with values that have shaped him into the successful profession he is in today. His upbringing has instilled in him a sense of responsibility, integrity, and a strong work ethic that is evident in everything he does. Stephen M. Uba is a true asset to the banking industry and a shining example of what can be achieved through hard work and determination.


Stephen M. Uba obtained his degree from Benson Idahosa University, a prestigious private institution, where he pursued a course in accounting. His passion for the banking industry drove him to specialize in this field.

Prior to his university education, Stephen completed his secondary school at Fortune High School in Benin City. He laid the foundation for his academic journey at Victory Academy in Kano, which is owned by his Aunt, Mrs. Egbo Victoria Joko. The strong educational background provided by these institutions has played a crucial role in shaping Stephen's academic and professional development.


A year after graduation, Stephen began his career at Guinness Nigeria as an assistant coordinator. His hard work and dedication soon led him to another opportunity at Unilever Nigeria, where he served as an assistant sales supervisor. With a strong foundation in accounting from Benson Idahosa University, Stephen's expertise caught the attention of Keystone Bank, where he transitioned to the finance department of Aero Airline.

After some years with Aero Airline, Stephen returned to Keystone Bank to continue pursuing his passion for banking. His journey through various industries showcases his versatility and commitment to professional growth.


Just like everyone Stephen M. Uba also has his own hobbies that he is truly passionate about. This is where he spends his precious time, pouring his heart and soul into activities that bring him immense joy and fulfillment.


is not just a task for Uba, but a passion. He thrives on building connections, fostering relationships, and creating opportunities for collaboration and growth.

Giving speech

is not just a duty for Uba, but a calling. He speaks with passion, conviction, and authenticity, inspiring and motivating others to reach their full potential.


is not just a job for Uba, but a vocation. He guides and mentors individuals, helping them unlock their talents, overcome challenges, and achieve their goals.

Volunteering with habitat for humanity

is not just a commitment for Uba, but a true labor of love. He dedicates his time and energy to making a difference in the lives of those in need, building homes and hope for the future.


is not just a task for Uba, but a mission. He tirelessly works to raise awareness and support for causes that are close to his heart, making a meaningful impact in the community.

Writting and reading

are not just pastimes for Uba, but a lifelong passion. He immerses himself in the world of words, finding solace, inspiration, and enlightenment in the pages of books and the strokes of his pen.

In all that he does, Uba's passion shines through, fueling his actions and driving him to make a positive impact in the world.


Stephen M. Uba is determined to bring about positive change in Africa by advocating for the adoption of a single currency across the continent. This move would not only streamline financial transactions but also promote economic stability and growth.

In addition, Stephen Uba is committed to putting an end to the rampant mismanagement of public funds in Nigeria. By holding government officials accountable and implementing strict financial oversight measures, he aims to ensure that taxpayer money is used efficiently and effectively for the benefit of all Nigerians.

Furthermore, Stephen Uba is dedicated to promoting transparency in our monetary system. By shedding light on hidden financial practices and advocating for greater accountability, he seeks to build trust and confidence in the integrity of our financial institutions.

Lastly, Stephen Uba is determined to place a fair and accurate value on the naira exchange rate. By working to stabilize the currency and prevent fluctuations, he aims to create a more predictable and reliable financial environment for businesses and individuals alike.

Overall, Stephen Uba's unwavering commitment to these important causes demonstrates his strong leadership and vision for a more prosperous and equitable future for Africa. Let us support his efforts to bring about positive change and ensure a brighter tomorrow for all.



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