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Captain Jack Sparrow's Rules

Golden Rules of Jack sparrow part 1

By Zayn Published 2 years ago 3 min read

Each pirate on the hunt has his own rules to follow. Some of them are silly and some of them are actually pretty useful. This is a list of some of Captain Jack Sparrow's rules that you can use in your day-to-day life and routines.

love your journey along with Destination.

By Filipe Almeida on Unsplash

This is a very important rule. Don't think too much about the destination and only be concerned about the journey. It is said that time is money, but in this case, it's your life. You should cherish every moment you have with your family and friends, because they are the most precious things in your life. If you value them, then they will also value you.

Always listen to your heart!

By Aziz Acharki on Unsplash

The most important thing about listening to your heart is that you must be willing to accept whatever it says as truth. The only way you can do this is by listening with an open mind and an open heart, without any preconceived notions about what the message might mean for you personally or for others around you. If you try to interpret your inner voice before hearing what it has to say, then it will only confuse you and make things worse.

The second most important thing about listening to your heart is that there are no rules set in stone when it comes out of there! It is free form expression, so don't try too hard or make it sound "nice" or "proper" because sometimes your feelings just won't fit into those categories! Just let yourself feel everything that comes up for.

Solve the Problem.

By Max Harlynking on Unsplash

This may sound obvious, but it is not always easy to do. When we are confronted with a problem, we naturally tend to react in one of two ways: fight or flight. We may feel like fighting because we have been told repeatedly that "life is tough," or we may feel like running away because we have been told repeatedly.

In order to avoid problems, you have to find a way around them, but if you do that too much, you will end up avoiding all of life's challenges and opportunities for growth, which means you will never become who you were meant to be. The solution lies somewhere in between these two extremes: solve the problem instead of avoiding it altogether by finding a way around it.

Solving problems requires some level of discipline and self-control; if you can't figure out how or when things happen or what they mean

Always Stay Grounded.

By Ross Sneddon on Unsplash

'Stay grounded' is one of Captain Jack Sparrow's most famous quotes from Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl. In the film, he says this to Will Turner (Orlando Bloom) when he tells him not to let the curse affect him. Stay grounded means being aware of your surroundings and being in touch with reality. It's easy for us to get caught up in our feelings or thoughts and lose sight of what is going on around us.

There are times when we need to step away from our emotions and look at life from a clear perspective. This is especially true when dealing with grief or loss. We can feel overwhelmed by our sadness or anger, but staying grounded helps us work through these emotions instead of letting them control us.

Staying grounded helps us stay focused, prevents us from making bad decisions and keeps us focused on the task at hand.

Considering the power of the mind as the real power.

By Ian Stauffer on Unsplash

The Jack Sparrow character is a pirate who has a power of the mind. He uses his mind to become someone else, and he uses it to make the right choices in life.

He is an example of how we can use our minds to get what we want in our lives.

If you want to be happy, then you must first think about happiness. You need to know what you want and what makes you happy before you can go out and get it.

The same thing goes for success in life. If you want to be successful then you need to know how to succeed in your business or career first. You need to understand how people make money at work, before trying your own way at work.

You need this knowledge because if you don't have it then nobody will believe in your dreams and aspirations for success because they won't see them through their own eyes and thinking like an outsider who doesn't live inside their head all day long every day like most people do during work hours

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