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Can't Be Bothered

- David Stidston

By David StidstonPublished 3 years ago 9 min read
"You're gonna miss each and every shot you can't be bothered to take. That's not living life that's just being a tourist. If it's worth caring about, no matter how impossible you think it is you take the shot." - Matt Fraction

Living in such a fast paced and demanding world, it's no wonder that we so often feel tired, exhausted, and lethargic. Life is just all go, go, go, that when any precious moment of peace and relaxation actually presents itself, we are very quick to take advantage of it. When that rare sleep in opportunity comes around, we take it. When that opportunity to just relax on the couch and watch Netflix or television comes around, we take it. When that opportunity comes around, to just sit down and rest for a few minutes, giving us some time to browse through social media on our phone, we take it. When that opportunity of being invited out for a coffee, or a night out with friends, comes around, we take it. After all, is there any problem with just relaxing for a while, or watching a bit of television, or catching up on some sleep, or spending time with our friends? Unwinding and resting for a few moments is actually a good thing, especially if we can use that time for some quiet meditation perhaps, or maybe to catch up on some of that much needed sleep that we too often deprive ourselves of. The problem is when we start to abuse this time, and make it habitual. We allow it to start eating into the time we need to be productive, and be getting stuck into the actions that are working towards our goals. Scaling it back even further though, it goes back to what I was talking about yesterday, in how we spend excessive time focusing on the less important aspects of life, rather than on our priorities. We lack balance in our life. We find ourselves spending an excessive amount of time at work, at our job, because we are so fixed in our focus on earning a living, that we totally forget to actually make a life for ourselves. The time we spend at our job, further compounded by the amount of time we spend commuting to and from work, many of us actually are losing 12 of the 24 hours that we have in the day. All of a sudden, we then feel pressured to try and cram other tasks and activities into the remainder of our day, such as making meals, spending time with our family, and staying on top of the maintenance and cleaning of the house we live in. We find ourselves sacrificing sleep in order to keep our head above water, which becomes detrimental to our health, and that's why we ultimately find ourselves feeling tired, exhausted, and lethargic all the time. It's no wonder we take advantage of any moment of peace and quiet to ourselves. But where's the time for our goals, and working on designing the life we desire?

For anyone who has ever made the effort to pursue their goals, especially one that is life transforming, they would well know of the amount of hard work and commitment required in order for one to achieve success. With the weight and expectation of our job, along with all the other daily commitments and tasks on our schedule, when we are faced with the choice of working on the actions that are progressing towards our goals, compared with resting and relaxing, during those rare spare moments of the day, it's no wonder that most people opt for the latter option. The reason being that people can't be bothered. They are too tired and exhausted to be engaging in another task that involves energy and effort, not to mention the fact that resting and relaxing is the far more leisurely and enjoyable option over some of those arduous and boring actions that often come with the pursuit of one's goals. The issue here though, is that we don't get anywhere in life. We remain stuck on this roundabout, that is everyday life, where our routine leads us to each day becoming like groundhog day. And we wonder why we are so unhappy, so unsatisfied, and so unfulfilled in life. How often do we find ourselves in a similar situation as this, where for example, the lawns are way overdue for a trim, but there is something good on television, plus it's the weekend after all, so we put off mowing the lawns for another week in exchange for relaxing on the couch in front of the box? It's this attitude of procrastination, that we put off a task or action that is so boring and tedious, for as long as we can, until we pretty much have no other choice but to get it done. We just cannot be bothered doing it, because there is something better we can think of doing. When it comes to our goals though, there is no actual moment where we have no choice but to get it done. Our goals are a classic example of something that we believe can wait another day, or that we will get around to it when we have more time, or that we will have plenty of time to focus on them in the future. We don't prioritize them whatsoever, and ultimately what ends up happening, time gets away from us. Weeks go by, months go by, and then all of a sudden, years go by, and we still find ourselves no closer to achieving our goals and the life we desire. We have more time than we know, we just don't manage it effectively, we prioritize the wrong activities, and we are too lazy to get stuck into the actions that are working towards our goals.

So what's the secret? How can we better manage our time more effectively? How do we uncover this willpower to get us off our bum, and get stuck into the actions that are about creating a better life for ourselves? The answer is you! Only you can create the solution to these issues. You need to find the motivation within yourself! The first question you need to ask yourself though is, "what are my priorities in life?". Take a good, hard look at your daily schedule, even your weekly schedule, and examine how much time you are placing into each activity. If you're job, or your business, is occupying more than 10 hours of your day, immediately your life balance is out of whack. The bulk of your energy is being placed into your work, just so you can earn those dollars to help you survive, but the survival you are actually creating is nothing more than existence, rather than life. Take the time to research other working options, such as starting your own business, because you can find something that earns you just as much as you are earning now, but in working less hours. The real problem for people here though, is again, they can't be bothered investing the time into looking at different working options, or they can't be bothered changing working options. One crucial point to make here also is that in changing working options, transition into something you are actually passionate about, not just for the sake of it, or because of the money aspect. If you find satisfaction within your job, it goes a long way to improving your happiness and wellbeing. You should be allocating at least 7 hours of sleep on your daily schedule, no less. If you're not giving your body the required rest and rejuvenation it needs to get through the following day, then naturally, you are going to feel tired and exhausted more often, which will lead to laziness. To achieve your goals, sacrifices are needed to be made, but sleep should never be one of them!

In relation to the priorities in your life, there should be a standout top four, them being your happiness, your health, your goals, and your family. Adequate sleep, a balanced diet, and daily exercise will aid you in the health aspect of life. As for family, well you should always be allocating a few hours a day for them, because our loved ones will always be our most cherished and prized asset in life, and we should treasure every single precious moment spent with them. The happiness aspect comes back to our job and our lifestyle. Do something you are passionate about in life, as I mentioned above, but create your work around your lifestyle, not the other way around. Dedicate around 8 hours a day to your job or business. When you find satisfaction in your job, along with surrounding yourself with positive minded, inspirational, supportive, and goals driven individuals, you will naturally become happier. Another easy way to create happiness is to give to others. Generosity and kindness will bring warmth to your heart, as you know you are making a positive difference to the lives of others. Gratitude is another, as when you start to truly appreciate what you have in life, rather than what you don't have, your perspective totally changes to a more positive outlook. There's one sure way to also create happiness, and that comes through that other priority I mentioned above, being goals. You achieve your goals, of course you're going to be happy, and the more hard work, patience, resilience, and perseverance you show before achieving these goals, the more satisfaction that will be gained. It's here we come back to what you are doing towards achieving these goals. If there is no time applied to the actions that are progressing towards these goals, then there can be no accomplishment, and if there is no accomplishment, then you place you happiness in jeopardy. You seriously have to get off your butt and take action now! There will never be a better time, or a right time. That time is now! Start making sacrifices, start making changes, and start readjusting your schedule, so that you can accommodate time for your goals' actions. These times when you can't be bothered, you seriously need to ask yourself what do you honestly expect to gain in life, because your goals and happiness won't just magically manifest themselves? Don't deprive yourself of a wonderful life, all because you simply can't be bothered working hard towards what you desire. As today's quote states, "you're gonna miss each and every shot you can't be bothered to take" otherwise, and that's not living!

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About the Creator

David Stidston

My name is David Stidston, and I live in the beautiful city of Hobart, in Tasmania, Australia. My aim is to inspire and motivate as many people as possible, to pursue their goals, and create a future blessed with happiness and fulfillment.

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