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BROKEN RELATIONSHIPS: FIVE (5 )Common Actions That Eventually Lead to Downfall in Relationships

People who say "I a ppreciate this person because they don't speak harshly or hurt me". It's incredible how unpredictable life is, and one day, the true humanity of a person will be revealed. We must expect this in our interactions with people. Ignoring the inherent humanity in others is self-deception. To be with people and not anticipate their humanity to surface is to lie to yourself.

By Dee Menorah Published 23 days ago 3 min read
Broken relationships

People say "I a ppreciate this person because they don't speak harshly or hurt me". It's incredible how unpredictable life is, and one day, the true humanity of a person will be revealed. We must expect this in our interactions with people. Ignoring the inherent humanity in others is self-deception. To be with people and not anticipate their humanity to surface is to lie to yourself.

In relationships, always remember that people are human. Regardless of our perceptions, people can change their words and commitments. Someone might swear eternal devotion today and act like a stranger tomorrow. When people leave, it doesn't mean something is wrong with you; their part in your story might just be over. Move on, and don't linger on those who can't love you back or situations you can't control. One of the biggest frustrations is loving someone who can't reciprocate or being entangled in a complicated love situation. It’s crucial to recognize that sometimes, people are done with their role in your life, and it’s time to let them go.

Some people become disillusioned and withdraw from relationships because of emotional pain. They start to believe that connecting with others is too painful and withdraw from social interactions. However, emotional intelligence can prevent such extremes. Emotional intelligence helps you understand and manage your own emotions, as well as empathize with others. This understanding can prevent the kind of deep disillusionment that leads people to avoid relationships altogether.

Here are five common mistakes people make in relationships that often lead to heartbreak:

1. **Impatience and Haste:** Just because someone chats with you frequently doesn't mean they're committed. Relationships take time to build. Rushing into labels or planning a future prematurely can lead to frustration. The excitement of a new relationship can make you want to move quickly, but it’s essential to take things slow to allow them to last. Impatience can cause you to miss red flags or overlook important aspects of the relationship.

2. **Overrating People:** Don't assume someone’s character based on superficial impressions. Expecting too much from people can lead to disappointment. Be emotionally smart and manage your expectations. Overrating someone can set you up for heartbreak when they don't live up to your expectations. It’s important to see people for who they are, not who you want them to be. This means recognizing their flaws and understanding that no one is perfect.

3. **Underrating People:** Avoid judging people by their current situation. Some might be on the verge of significant change. Don’t dismiss someone because they appear less successful now. People are often in transition, and underrating them can mean missing out on someone truly special. Everyone has potential, and sometimes, all they need is time and support to realize it. Be patient and give people a chance to show their true capabilities.

4. **Assumption:** Don’t assume people’s intentions. Clear communication is crucial. Respect the temporary nature of some relationships and cherish the moments you share. Never assume that someone intends to go far with you until they explicitly say so. Misunderstandings often arise from assumptions. Clear, honest communication can prevent many of these issues. When people are in your life for a season, value the time you have with them and understand that not all relationships are meant to last forever.

5. **Communication Errors:** People often miscommunicate their intentions or feelings. Clear and honest communication is essential to avoid misunderstandings and conflicts. Miscommunication can lead to hurt feelings and broken relationships. It’s vital to ensure that what you say is understood correctly by the other person. This means being clear and direct, but also listening and seeking clarification when needed.

Beware of those who try to take advantage of your vulnerable times. Maintain boundaries, and don't allow anyone to possess or control you. If you are blessed to help others, do so without expecting anything in return. Be cautious of those seeking validation or trying to manipulate you for their gain. People who prey on your vulnerabilities can cause significant emotional damage. It’s essential to recognize these individuals and protect yourself from their influence.

Take your time to understand people and their true nature. Avoid rushing into roles or relationships based on superficial validation. Relationships built on patience and mutual understanding are more likely to withstand challenges. Recognize the humanity in others, and approach relationships with wisdom and care. By taking the time to truly know someone, you build a stronger foundation that can endure the ups and downs of life.

In conclusion, interacting with people requires a deep understanding of human nature and emotional intelligence. Avoiding common mistakes such as impatience, overrating, underrating, assuming intentions, and miscommunication can help foster healthier, more fulfilling relationships. Remember, relationships are a journey, not a race. Take your time, communicate clearly, and always respect the humanity in others. This approach will lead to more meaningful connections and a more satisfying social life.

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Dee Menorah

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Comments (6)

  • Meerah9 days ago

    Wise words! 👍

  • Shounerh9 days ago

    Nice piece

  • Shamsain9 days ago


  • Daily Read17 days ago

    This is good

  • It is truly comprehensive.

Dee Menorah Written by Dee Menorah

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