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Breaking up in this way is worse than being green

What if they break up

By antoinePublished 11 months ago 6 min read


Have you ever been abruptly broken up with?

It's when you're caught off guard and the other person breaks up without warning.

And I'm not willing to give you any explanation or negotiation.

Simply walking away, breaking off the relationship like a cliff.

This is a popular breaking up method on the Internet recently, called "cliff break".

When you fantasize about the future and eternity, the one you love suddenly leaves without you.

You don't even have time to ask why.

He never looked back to leave, leaving you only a decisive figure.

He left without a hitch, but you were stuck in place for a long time.

Must be hard to feel like you're being left behind.


There is a saying:

"People who are caught off guard by a breakup are the worst.

Because the more sudden they feel, the more they're hiding it.

There are no sudden break-ups in this world, only premeditated letting go."

Who says it isn't.

All the seemingly temporary decision in the relationship, in fact, is just a deliberate choice.

He didn't leave suddenly. You just found out suddenly.

A seven-year relationship with her ex-boyfriend came to an abrupt end one day.

It was the night after they quarreled for three days.

Boyfriend slow movement, a crunch can not bear, take the initiative to send him information.

In the years we've been together, she's been the one taking the initiative.

So it doesn't matter to make the first move again, as long as the two people can make up.

But her message never made it through.

The red exclamation mark on the chat screen alerted her that she was blocked.

Not only wechat, phone, QQ, even Taobao account intimate payment has been removed.

After all those years together, he didn't even give her a chance to say goodbye.

A mobile phone off, they return to the sea of humanity, this life is not seen.

It was almost six months after the breakup that Zhi realized:

Her boyfriend has been wanting to separate for a long time, but she hasn't noticed it.

On the sixth anniversary of their relationship, he refused to go to the movies with her under the pretext of working overtime.

After that, they spent less and less time alone.

Every time I go out, there are always other people around.

Every time he videos her, he puts his phone away.

Too busy with his own business to listen to her.

Sometimes she deliberately approached him, took his hand, he would throw away.

Then frowned and told her coolly not to fool around.

If she had paid attention then, she would have noticed:

There were signs in the details that he was ready to leave.

But often, we always choose to ignore.

Because we secretly don't believe that the people we love will betray us.

We are also naive to think that this love can transcend eternity and last forever.

This is a common problem for many people in the face of relationships.

Habitually overestimate their position in each other's hearts.

But I do not know, the heart is difficult to measure, fickle feelings.

From now on through the wind and rain all want to go to see you, then see you standing in the rain, even the edge of the umbrella do not want to point.

The higher you expect him to be, the more despair he will make you feel.


A topic on Zhihu asks:

"What's it like to be suddenly broken up?"

Some say they were watching a movie together just hours before the breakup.

After watching the movie, he broke up on wechat that night.

She felt that the pillars that had supported her all along had crumbled.

A month later, that feeling of powerlessness still makes her cry in her dreams.

The beginning and end of feelings, are quickly let a person unprepared.

Others say, in the last minute of Valentine's Day, the first minute of New Year's Eve.

She received a wechat message from her partner: "Let's separate for some time."

He wished her a happy Valentine's Day and a happy New Year.

Big New Year's Day, others are laughing at home.

She wept uncontrollably in front of the whole family.

Feelings do not make sense, love more people always shed tears first.

Others said they had sent wechat messages in the morning in which he told her to eat well and take care of herself.

The chat ended with him changing his profile picture.

She was curious and asked him how he changed his profile picture.

He said it was nothing. He just wanted to change it.

She knew something was wrong, but she didn't say anything.

When she was done, she called him and found that his phone was out of service.

She said she could accept his sudden change of heart, but could never forgive him for leaving without saying goodbye.

Some love, think of the future is sad.

People who are suddenly broken up, at the moment of being left behind, as if abandoned by the world.

Loneliness and helplessness, despair and confusion, will suddenly sweep the whole body.

As the line in "Only Yun Knows" says:

"People who are left halfway, bitter."

But what can you do? You have to take it, right?

Everyone comes to your life, with a parting time.

The man who does not belong to you, he only teaches you to grow up, but is not responsible for the rest of your life.

Because you need to leave the rest of your life to someone better and more deserving.


After being broken up, many people's first reaction is to retain.

Trying to hold on to the person who's leaving, not letting him leave.

Or at least delay his departure.

Let him stay with you a little longer, even if it's just for a minute.

As everyone knows, those who insist on going are like living in the wind.

No high wall could stop him.

Instead of begging to stay, it is better to let go.

You have tried, loved, fought for, the regret of the person is he.

Hold the sand, it is better to raise it.


If you have any ideas, feel free to leave them in the comments section.

~This is Antoine, and I hope you find pleasure in each of my articles~

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Hey, my friend,If you feel bored, you can come and read my writing to kill some leisure time!!

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