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Best Source of Motivation Lies Within You, Not in External Resource

You are the best source of motivation for yourself

By Koushik SahaPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

By looking at the title, you may become a bit confused by thinking how is this possible, which is quite common. When we want to do anything or achieve a target or a goal, and we feel lack of motivation, then we always look for some external source for some kind of input with the expectation that it will give some energy at the thought level which will make you motivated to get started with your journey.

But that's just about starting your journey, not everything. Many times we fail after starting the journey. But in reality we have to keep on going with our efforts, patience, perseverance. But unfortunately most of the time we fail. It means the motivation which we take from external source is able to give us the required instant energy in our mind to get started, which is as expected, but that energy does not stay with us till the end throughout our journey.

For example, if you are watching a video for motivational purpose then you will get motivated after watching that video which will last for a short span of time. Now you may think, "I will watch that video again". Okay, fine, you will watch that video again. My question to you is, how many times you will watch that video or other motivational videos? Don't you think it's a waste of your valuable time? This point should be noted because this way wasting our time in the name of motivation is not going to help us anyway.

The above issue which I discussed above is not an issue with motivation or motivational resources. It's the nature of external motivation. Motivation gained from external sources is always temporary.

So it is clear to us that we can't rely on an external source of motivation. We all know that we need some sort of energy to achieve some big goal or target in our life, you may call it motivation or vision or hope or passion etc. Among all these names, "motivation" is most popular. The fundamental reason why motivation does not stay with us for long time because it is not our own thought or energy. We take that motivation from an external source and at that point of time we feel charged up instantly, but unfortunately that energy decays very soon since that was not our own.

The one & only way to keep us always motivated throughout our journey to reach that goal is if anyway we can make that source of energy or motivation within ourselves instead of depending on external source for motivation. If you can do this, which is obviously difficult, then "you are the source of motivation for yourselves". No external dependency will be there for you. "The source of motivation need to be within ourselves" - it means the thoughts or thinking which gives that spike of energy has to be your own. If it's your thought or thinking then it is going to stay with you for your lifetime, and you will be like the burning sun who will not have any lack of energy or motivation. This is something which we should really think of and look for it internally. We all have great energy & huge potential to do great things in life, but we don't recognize that potential, we are habituated to depend on external source of motivation.

You will be able to bring that internal source of motivation if and only if you really want to achieve that target or goal from your heart, which means you are not doing this because someone said this to you to do, you are doing this because you want to do this.

Someone who has understood the above points and who look for motivation within himself can do really great things in the long run. He does not need any external source of motivation to depend on.


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