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April 2022 Energy Update

Why energy matters

By Christine GoldPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
I have been sharing monthly energy updates for 2 years and I love all the intuitive hits.

Ok, we're 3 months into 2022, how are you feeling? Maybe it's just me that I feel like I have no idea where I'm going and my Ego is terrified! Anytime I want to make plans for anything, especially for my business, the ego wants to take control. I fully realize, I'm not in control, God is - that is freedom. Now you may be reading this and thinking God, that old dude sitting on his throne in white robes, white beard, sandals maybe - he is out of touch and out of reach and he's not real. Ok, that's an image we have all conjured, imagined, seen, or were told. God is source energy, consciousness and you gotta believe in something because what's the point and why are you here?

I keep asking myself, why are you here? I get various answers depending on the day. Truly I'm here to serve (help) others, to love and be loved, and to make our way home knowing this is heaven on earth, we never left Eden and we just forgot who we are. Can I get an OOPS, yes oops, with lots of compassion, kindness, and forgiveness for yourself (and others) because you are human first with spirit infusions. Remember that your body is an illusion, like many things are, your body is a vessel and you are spirit. Yes, soul contract, you chose this, yes you did. No denying yourself anymore. Time to step into responsibility, accountability, transparency, and connection.

So every month I (we) tap into the energy of the world, everything is energy and everything has a vibration. I feel, hear, know, see what we need to look out for energy-wise, chances are your reading this because you too are intuitive, empath, sensitive, and lightworker. The veil is thinner than ever and we are collectively raising and rising together global consciousness. So the main theme for April is ACTION, then FLOW, then Worldwide movement, and Energized.

ACTION - I used to run all over thinking I had all the time in the world. That money and time were equal, only to find out that time is something you cannot get back. The money you can make back, at any time, I can think of all the times I've lost money, found money, won money, and so on. Then there were so many times I wished I could get that awful weekend somewhere I didn't want to be or be with. You cannot get that time back. It's never too late to tell someone how you feel. Or the times you forgot to say I love you, I care about you, I appreciate you and so on, then someone dies, and well, you know the rest. I hear one of my mom's favorite songs by Tim McGraw "Live like your dying" no truer words spoken. So I sold everything and left Canada in November 2021 and here I am in Peru. Now I'm not saying do the same, maybe take inspiration from me and do something you have always wanted to do. Dream big, what's your "Moby Dick" Big Whale of a dream? Bucket list? What is it, we all have something and the time is now.

FLOW - This is where time stands still, when you're in creation, contemplation, or imagination mode. This is your time to co-create and flow into that state. I don't know about you but when I'm creating a video, a session, a class, or a workshop - time just flows. Everything I touch turns to gold, even if it fails, I still dared to try. So what are you flowing into? Do you write out your dreams, maybe you have a board, a list, or a dream journal? Time to dig in and flow.

ENERGIZED - We are energy beings and everything we focus on energizes us. Meaning it can deplete our energy or increase our energy. What are you putting out into the world? Who are you hanging out with, people that infuse and energize you or deplete you? What is your home (sanctuary) like? Is it an oasis or a place of dread, darkness, clutter or overwhelm? The Spiritual body, in my opinion, we must focus on daily, rituals, this is the key to everything else. What about your physical body, treating it like a temple or a garbage bin? Your mental body, filling it with affirmations, meditation, and wisdom? The Emotional body, are you listening to your triggers, emotions, feelings - do you have an outlet or empathy buddy? Financial body, do you act like the universe is rigged in your favor? Do you know how to manifest naturally? Relationships, this is everything, especially with yourself, do you enjoy your company? Or do you need to be around people constantly to feel validated? Do you go on dates just to get attention or do you avoid it at all costs? Are you stuck in a toxic relationship? Balancing your energy on all these levels is tricky at first, keep practicing and you will find your zen!

WORLDWIDE MOVEMENT - I predicted the world would open up back in December 2021, something I seen, like a floodgate opening. Covid19 has taught us so much, the most important thing is LOVE. It has opened our EYES (1 eye) The only way we are going to continue to open up is to love. To build bridges of compassion, kindness, joy, forgiveness, and equality. There is no separation, we need each other more than we think we do. There are good people everywhere, look within, it starts with you and with me and with we.

So I'm curious about what you're building, dreaming, and imagining for the next 3 months. I don't look 5 years into the future anymore, not even 1 year, more like quarter to quarter, cause things to change so quickly. I embrace presence in the present moment, to moment. We have learned to adapt, respond not react, and accept things for what they are. That is what I call healing.


About the Creator

Christine Gold

I'm a guide for empaths to unleash their Soul's Purpose (gifts and magic ) as lightworkers that are masked as depression & anxiety. I have written my first non-fiction book, love writing blogs, stories, haiku's and poetry.

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