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Anna learned to thrive in her own way.


By Laiba AmirPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Being an introvert didn't make her any less worthy or interesting than anyone else.

As an introvert, life has its challenges that can’t be overlooked. It can be a daunting feeling to navigate a world that often values extroversion and socialization more than solitude and introspection. However, Anna learned that being an introvert shouldn’t be seen as a weakness, but as an opportunity to embrace the way she was and build a life that suits her personality.

Growing up, she always knew she was different from other kids. She preferred reading books in her room over playing outside with her friends, and while they chatted amongst themselves during class, She’d always feel more at ease observing her surroundings and taking in her surroundings. It wasn’t until high school that she learned about the concept of introversion and realized that it explained a lot about who she was.

In school, she struggled to participate in group projects or speak up during class discussions. She preferred to work alone or with a few trusted friends who understood her quiet nature. As a result, she was often overlooked by teachers and peers, who mistook her introversion for shyness or disinterest.

College posed an even bigger challenge. Making new friends and joining clubs or social events were high on the priority list of most students, but the thought of putting herself out there was terrifying. She’d always end up avoiding these situations altogether, feeling like she was missing out on crucial college experiences.

It wasn’t until she found a supportive group of friends who were also introverts that she truly started to feel like herself. They bonded over their shared love of reading, art, and quiet spaces, and she realized that she could find happiness in social situations that catered to her personality. Through them, Anna found her own community, which allowed her to accept her introverted nature without feeling like she was missing out on anything.

However, even with supportive friends, there were still obstacles. Job interviews, networking events, and even social gatherings outside of her comfort zone were all situations she tried to avoid. Anna felt like she would never succeed in a world that valued qualities like charisma and outgoingness over her more reserved nature.

It took Anna a while to realize that her introversion didn’t have to hold her back. In fact, it could be an asset. Being introverted meant that Anna was a great listener, a thoughtful problem solver, and a deep thinker. Furthermore, she realized that she could thrive in positions that catered to these strengths. This led her to pursue a career in writing, where Anna could use her love of introspection and observation to create content that mattered to her.

Although it hasn't always been simple, Anna has learned that being an introvert is something to embrace rather than hide. It's an opportunity for her to live a life that puts her values first and enables her to make a difference in the world in her own special way.

Even though being an introvert could be challenging at times, Anna developed her own strategies for success, and that was a cause of her celebration.

In conclusion, being an introvert is no easy feat, but it is not a weakness either. Rather, it is a unique trait that can be transformed into an asset with the right mindset and support. It is essential to celebrate your strengths and find ways to pursue a life that caters to your personality, rather than trying to change for society's expectations. Ultimately, it is important to remember that you are not alone in your introverted nature, and there are people and communities out there for you.

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About the Creator

Laiba Amir

Just a silent observer, here to write my own thoughts using different characters.

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    Laiba AmirWritten by Laiba Amir

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