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advantages of a worldwide pandemic

pluses instead of minuses

By ASHLEY SMITHPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

it might seem doom and gloom as the world grinds to a halt but there must be pluses as well. Depends if your glass half full, half empty or thrown at your family after you have been stuck inside for weeks.

Firstly the pollution cloud over the industrial areas of china have lessened as factories start to shut down. Presumably something that will happen in other industrialised areas as time goes on. So we have finally done something about global warming, by accident. Its a roundabout way of doing it but might help for a while. The ozone might get a chance to increase and we wont explode in flames for a few more years.

Families will have to spend time together. They might even have to interact over time. They could use voices rather then emojis , good voice box exercise. They could learn about each other, their hobbies and what they actually do online all the time. They might find they are busy playing the same game, they could compare the best porn sites and realise they have all been talking to each other on the same chat page without knowing due to fake names.

Although the elderly are at risk they might get more family visitors then before. With busy health services and the elderly not being allowed out then families will need to shop for them. Although family members are supposed to make shorter visits and keep 6 feet away this could be good. No more sloppy granny kisses for the kids, the kids now don't have to pull away and hide. " sorry granny, its for your own good"

In fact they may have more to chat about then the weather and the price of cat food. With rationing coming in and nobody leaving the country it will be like the good old days. A chance to show how they fed a family of 10 for a week with 3 potatoes, half a loaf of bread and a lump of fat. A good history lesson for the kids, and a chance to learn how to eat in the future when the food runs out.

Think how clean everyone's house will be and how many diy tasks will get done. No excuses like going to the pub or the football or the concert, they are all shut. Save money too and get fit as well. No going out and getting drunk, there's nowhere to go. Everyone should emerge, blinking in the bright summer sun, healthier if not happier. Less weight as wont be enough food, unless they start eating their toilet roll mountain.

Think how many dreams you could fulfill, with the usual excuses no good now. Write that book, learn to play the harp, knit that jumper. No need to go to work, time to use your incarceration for good. You can come out of this a better person, less weigh and cleverer. You could have a hit book or hit song ready to go.

You might also be able to have fun with those who wont vaccinate their kids just in case. If you discover a vaccine for coronavirus they obviously wont want it, just in case. Just say "ok, you can have it if you give your kids the other vaccines too" That will see how committed they are to their delusions.

So for every negative clasp at straws for the positives. There will be hardships and inconveniences. Basically wash your hands properly, drink plenty and cough in to your tissues and not each others faces. Your toilet roll and pasta fort wont help you. In fact in reality you cant totally prevent yourself catching it unless you move to the top of an uninhabited mountain. Do your best to avoid it, if you catch it deal sensibly with it and the world will spin again.


About the Creator


England based carer, live with my wife, her parents and 4 cats. will write for all areas but especially mental health and disability. though as stuff for filthy seems popular will try there . any comments, suggestions or requests considered

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