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A Purposeful Life

Becoming You

By Nicole RobinsonPublished 3 years ago 5 min read

The big question that we’ve all been asked to answer at least once in our lives: what are you passionate about? My simple answer that I plan to expand upon over the course of the next 900 words is this… I am passionate about brainwashing you to believe in yourself.

Brainwashing is a scary word, right? Being brainwashed to believe in yourself & realize how capable you are of reaching any and all goals that you may have for yourself is also scary to think about when you have no idea how to do it. That’s what I’m here for.

Let’s visit what most people like to call rock bottom. It’s a lonely place down there, and quite frankly, a little cold. Picture this: a girl emerging from a gnarly divorce, little to no self-confidence, working a job that she hated and did not pay her nearly enough for the amount of heart she poured into it. Sounds familiar, does it not? Odds are, you’ve been there too (maybe with slightly different details, but similar feelings of complete despair).

The problem is that a lot of people believe that’s where they have to stay. Rock bottom is simply more comfortable than the amount of “work” it would take one to crawl out of it. Plot twist: it’s actually very simple and shockingly fast to become an even better version of yourself than you were before the plummet. The dreams that seemed like too big of a stretch or too hard to actually convert into reality are actually what your life is supposed to look like. I know, I know… it sounds like I’m writing a fairytale right now – but the truth is that I’m living proof that these aren’t just empty words on a page. I took myself from literal homelessness and severe depression to being the most abundant and happy version of myself in a matter of months. We as humans are not meant to live in struggle and poverty. We are not meant to spend 40+ hours a week working for a company that wouldn’t even notice our absence unless it was costing them money. We were born to be abundant, wealthy, free and happy. It’s that simple. So, again, I want to dedicate my life to teaching people exactly how to do that, and how to have fun while you’re doing it.

The fact of the matter is that there is absolutely nothing like feeling inspired to do something and then to follow through with it until it’s finished. We all get those gut feelings once in awhile; often when we are in a great mood and a thought just comes to us and that thought makes us feel like our soul is lit on fire (in a good way, not in an arsonist type of way). An example might be something like this:

A. I bet I’d be really good at teaching people how to believe in themselves.

B. I feel like I should submit some of my writing to a challenge.

C. It would be really fun to have a book published.

Those are obviously specific to me, but I know you can relate. It doesn’t matter who is on the other side of the screen right now reading this – you have had an inspired feeling before. The likelihood of you acting on that feeling and following through with whatever your gut is screaming at you to do is slim to none. That’s where I come in.

My goal when I work with people is to get them to tap into their subconscious mind on a regular basis and reprogram their mind to take them from a lack mindset to an abundance mindset. This is done in a very simple way (not easy, but simple – very different things) by creating a very solid routine for the first twenty minutes of each day, and a very simple routine for the last twenty minutes each day before you fall asleep. Your subconscious mind is what is responsible for pretty much everything you do on a daily basis. As humans, we are habitual creatures. Everything we do from the moment we wake up in the morning to the moment we lay down to sleep at night – habits. Take a second right now to think about it and it’s more than likely that you’ll see I’m right. If that’s true – which it is – why not change your habits from the inside out to create a bountiful and abundant life and mindset? That is, after all, our natural state of being. Lack is for the birds. Your subconscious mind is impressionable and does not know how to say no to you when you ask for something. It also does not know the difference between imagined scenes and reality. I’m sure that sounds like complete boo-hockey, and it did to me at first, too – but look it up – it is scientifically proven that your subconscious works in exactly that way. Almost every single millionaire and billionaire has taken full advantage of the fact that you can reprogram the way you think and the way you see the world with just a little bit of consistency (and maybe just a little guidance from a girl who knows an awful lot about it).

The wonderful thing about this work is that it’s guaranteed. Yes, I used the ‘g’ word, and I used it very confidently. If you’re willing to listen to everything I tell you to do, and put your heart into it, you are guaranteed (there it is again!) to become the absolute best, wealthiest, freest, and happiest version of yourself. This is my life’s work. This is what I love, and I want to share it with as many people as I can because we all deserve to spend our time on this earth feeling like we're here for a reason. What's your reason?


About the Creator

Nicole Robinson

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