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A person "pretend" over the head, they do not know themselves

Some people have changed since they came out to work in society, and once they could see through it at a glance, and then they became inscrutable.

By Jeffrey C AllenPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

Appropriate disguise is the protection of self.

But the disguise is too much, and it is easy to harm themselves.

People live, the disguise is good, the fake is ultimately fake, even if you can fool yourself, but also can not fool others.

Once the disguise is revealed, then how it be good?

If you want to be yourself again, I'm afraid it's hard to find yourself again, then saying more regrets will not help.

Live in disguise, why not be brave enough to be yourself, what you want to do, and want to say is boldly expressed, so that you no longer because of the disguise and suppress the real self.

1. pretend to work hard, is lying to themselves

A person's efforts or not, not in its daily time to spend how much time to work hard, but in its whether there is serious to work hard.

A few hours of fishing in the water and serious study for an hour, the former effort "water" is too much, spend more time learning, I'm afraid it is not better than focusing on learning for an hour.

Do not spend time doing it, you can get something.

Pretend to work hard, exaggerate the busy, seemingly hard, but is just acting, acting more real eventually there is a flawed existence.

After the college entrance examination, most people fill out the volunteer, someone has begun to prepare to repeat, wake up every day the study.

Either in memorization or writing papers.

It seems that every day is very busy, and mouth chattering which paper did not write, but in fact.

The fact is: every day hiding in the room to study, seemingly all day "hard", but every ten minutes will brush the phone, talk about gossip, read a novel, and the last paper is not finished.

There is no shortage of people like this in real life, always saying how hard they work, but forgetting that it is just a self-directed farce, pretending to "work hard" again, and ultimately not getting the grades they want.

Instead of spending time pretending to work hard, it is better to put down the pretense and be true to yourself, and take every step of life on the ground.

2. Pretend not to care, the pile of contradictions

Some people are very concerned about how others see themselves, always habitually ask others "how I dress today", "how is the manuscript written", "I am doing okay today". ......

However, people live, with too much attention to the eyes of others, but easy to lose the real self.

A person had a very lively personality, but since a boyfriend, the whole person has changed, not only dressing conservatively but also becoming obsequious.

She said that her boyfriend is always denying her, originally she did not believe, but said more times, that she began to doubt themselves, think they seem bad, and can not help but follow what he said to change.

Some lies may be taken seriously when they are told more than once.

She did not want to care, but could not help but care, and even believe, unknowingly pua.

To be a human being, too much care about the views of others, easy to lose oneself.

But can not pretend not to care, obviously uncomfortable, but also pretend not to care, that is undoubtedly difficult for themselves, making it difficult for themselves.

So, whether you care or not, first of all, do not "pretend", care to say, do not care, no matter, no need to aggravate yourself.

Can pretend for a while, but can not pretend for life.

How about being yourself, saying what you have to say, do not hold back?

3. Drop the pretense and be true to yourself

A long life, if you live in disguise, how tired you should be.

I'm afraid that at that time, I'm not myself anymore.

It is better to say that a person is a fake person.

The fact is that you will be able to get a lot more than just a few of these.

Some things are good, but if you don't like them, you won't be happy when you get them.

Those "other people's children" are indeed very good, but how many of them are taking the path they want to take, rather than being arranged for life?

The fact is that the actual people are taught to disguise themselves as "good kids" and do what children should do.


When life is arranged, you can only disguise yourself to "obey".

The most important thing is that you will be able to get the most out of your life.

However, at that time to rebel, how much time was delayed for no reason?

It is better to let go of the pretense and be your real self, communicate with your parents, and bravely say what you think.

self help

About the Creator

Jeffrey C Allen

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