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8 Morning Habits that Make Your Day Productive

Want to make your day productive? Here are the 8 morning habits that can help.

By Thomas GriffinPublished about a year ago 5 min read
8 Morning Habits that Make Your Day Productive
Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

Mornings are the best time of the day. You wake up from a good night's sleep and are ready to tackle new challenges.

How you start your day matters. It helps maximize your efficiency and perform better than usual. That's why morning habits play a key role in driving your productivity.

There's no fixed standard that you need to follow. The key is identifying positive habits that work for you and creating a morning routine that best fits your preferences.

Here are the 8 morning habits that make your day productive.

1. Ignore the Snooze Button

We all feel tempted to have those 5 more minutes of sleep in the morning before waking up to the alarm. But, it's essential that you resist the temptation and leave your bed as soon as you hear the alarm ringing. 

Those 5 extra minutes of sleep deprive you of so many positive things that you could have done if you woke up early. Let's face it. No one ever sleeps for just extra 5 minutes once they hit the snooze.

2. Take Your Time

Assuming that you've not hit that snooze button, let's move on to the second habit. Take your time to prepare for work.

Give yourself enough time to prepare for achieving the set goals for the day. It doesn't matter if you work remotely or in an on-site setting, ready your mind and body to give your best and conquer your to-do list like a boss.

To do this, you have to wake up early, at least two hours before you leave for work, or power on your remote office. This would give you enough time to complete your morning routine and have a fresh start to the day.

3. Make Your Bed

Make your bed as you wake up. This may sound odd to a few but it helps. It's the small things like this that breed discipline which in turn facilitates productivity. Think of it as a tiny accomplishment and a small dopamine boost to start your day.

4. Stay Hydrated

To live a healthy life, you have to stay hydrated. Maintaining an ideal water intake has countless benefits and helps prevent a number of diseases.

When you wake up in the morning your body is dehydrated as you haven't had water for good 8 hours or so. So, having a glass of water is the first thing you should do when you wake up.

Dehydration deprives you of energy and reduces brain function. So, it's essential that you revitalize your body by maintaining water intake, not just in the morning but throughout the day.

5. Work Out

Working out in the morning has plenty of benefits. It helps you stay active throughout the day which is essential for your productivity.

To have a morning workout, you don't necessarily have to hit the gym. You can go out for a jog, do yoga, or take out your bicycle for a ride. It can be any physical activity that piques your interest.

A morning workout greatly improves your physical and mental health. Plus, it's an amazing mood stabilizer. It helps you stay active throughout the day which in turn facilitates your productivity and growth.

6. Have a Healthy Breakfast

Starting your day on an empty stomach is just sad. So, always have a healthy breakfast in the morning.

Breakfast gives you the necessary energy that you need to start things off. It doesn't have to be a fancy meal, just a healthy one. 

And it's even better if you prepare it yourself. Cooking it like meditation. It helps calm your mind and repels negative energy. And while you're at it, you can tune in to the latest episode of your favorite podcast.

Adding small positive habits like this to your morning routine may seem insignificant but are great productivity boosters and essential for hacking growth.

7. Create a Priority List

Having awareness of high and low-priority tasks has its perks and enables you to get more from your day. Prioritization greatly affects your productivity and allows you to achieve more without having to compromise on work-life balance.

So, it's highly recommended that you work on your priority list for the day while having breakfast in the morning. Assuming you already have a plan, assigning priorities to tasks shouldn't take more than 10 minutes.

This will give you an idea of what your day looks like. You know what's on your plate and act accordingly.

Prioritization also helps identify tasks that are either non-urgent or unimportant. You can delegate such tasks or decide to drop them altogether - enhancing your productivity even more.

8. Motivate Yourself

To be productive and accomplish your goals, you have to stay positive and motivated. Even the best of us grapple with self-doubt from time to time so it's essential that you believe in yourself to keep the needle moving. This is how you stand out from the crowd.

You are your biggest motivator. So, cheer up, especially if your previous day didn't go as planned. Cultivate the habit of saying positive affirmations in the morning. It gives you reassurance and helps fortify your mind for upcoming challenges.

It's a Wrap

There you have it. The 8 morning habits that make your day productive. If you've been looking for ways to increase your performance then try the recommendations provided and see if they work for you.

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About the Creator

Thomas Griffin

Thomas is the president and co-founder of OptinMonster and TrustPulse, the leading conversion optimization sites.

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