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5 Ways To Make a Fresh Start

How To Make a Fresh Start

By Jessica MillerPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

I know what you're thinking. You've read all the articles, you've taken all the advice, and yet your life still isn't where you want it to be. It's not that anyone has given bad advice—it's just that all of this advice is simply information on how other people have found happiness. It doesn't work for everyone, and it might not even work for you.

After all, what good is knowledge if you can't put it into action? Just knowing something isn't enough to make the advice useful. The only way anyone has found happiness in their life is through action—more specifically, making a Fresh Start by changing your own habits. It's easy to read about other people making changes and think, "Wow, they must be so happy now!" But if you haven't tried the methods yourself, you'll never really know.

So make a Fresh Start! Put down this article and go take some action. Recognize that it is only through looking inward and evaluating your own habits that you'll find happiness. It may be scary, but it's the only way to get results. And who knows? One of these methods might just work for you!

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The Fresh Start Method

This method is based on taking steps that are sustainable in order to make changes in your life. Making a single big change isn't enough to bring about lasting happiness, and it's hard to maintain one new habit for a long period of time. But if you make lots of little changes all at once, each one of them will be easier to maintain over the course of your life.

This is the only method that has been shown to be truly effective in leading people towards happiness.

The Process of Making a Fresh Start

1. Set S.M.A.R.T Goals for yourself

You've heard the advice plenty of times before: if you want to be successful at something, set goals that are specific, measurable , attainable, realistic, and time-bound ( S.M.A.R.T ).

Decide what you want to change about yourself, and set goals for how you are going to do it.

2. Start small

Don't try to change everything at once! That's way too overwhelming . It is much easier to maintain new habits if you start with small changes that only take a little bit of effort, like waking up earlier.

One step at a time is the only way to take things.

3. Have accountability

Accountability can come in many forms . It could be telling your friends about your goals , or simply writing them down somewhere visible (like this article). Just make sure that you feel some kind of pressure to follow through with your goals.

4. Check in regularly

After you've worked on your new habits for a while, take some time to think about how things are going. Are you still motivated to make the changes in your life? Do you need to scale back or push yourself harder? It is important that you make changes only when necessary , and that you don't get too comfortable with where you are in your life.

5. Be patient

It takes time to make a Fresh Start and see the results of your hard work. Don't be discouraged if things aren't changing as fast as you want them to—you'll get there!

Just remember: every step towards happiness brings you closer to where you want to be.


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