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5 Ways to Fight Procrastination

'Someday' isn't a day.

By Dillon BurroughsPublished 5 years ago 3 min read

It has been said there are seven days in a week and "someday" isn't one of them. Procrastination is an enemy to defeat, not a friend to nurture. Here are five ways to help you turn "someday" into "today."

Way #1: Start small.

Choose one thing. It doesn't matter how small it is, as long as it moves you closer to your goal.

For example, say your goal is working out today.

  • Step one: Set out your workout clothes.
  • Step two: Decide the time you will workout.
  • Step three: Put on workout clothes.
  • Step four: Actually do your workout.

Hint: If you can, actually wearing workout clothes during the day can make you want to workout more. Even wearing running shoes to the office can get you "in the mood" to run or workout later.

Way #2: Write it down.

If your goal is to interview for a new job, begin by making a list of what it will take to get an interview.

  • Step one: Create an updated resume.
  • Step two: Create a general cover letter that can be customized for a job application.
  • Step three: Make personal contacts or search online for jobs (Careful though, as you can get into a "search forever" mode without any action.).
  • Step four: Choose a job to apply for.
  • Step five: Repeat as necessary until something happens.

Remember, a job search is usually something that will take repeating this process in various ways dozens or even hundreds of times. Expect it to take some time and put in the time to reach your goal.

Way #3: Create benefits.

What does it mean to create benefits? If your "to do" list is to clean your garage, tell yourself you can do something you enjoy after the job is completed. This can be watching the new movie you want to see or something as simple as letting yourself take a nap. You choose the benefit that helps motivate you.

The larger the goal, the greater your benefit needs to be. For example, if your goal is to make your lunch for work each day this week to save some money, your benefit may only need to be a nice meal out on Saturday.

If your goal is to return to college and finish your degree, your benefit will need to be a bit bigger. Finish your degree and buy yourself that new computer you've wanted or take the trip you've put off for months (or years). It's amazing the power a personal benefit provides when you want to give up on your goal (or not even start).

Way #4: Consider the consequences.

I'm not big on negatives, but a major factor to overcome procrastination involves considering both the positive and negative consequences associate with your actions. For example, if you are procrastinating on a major paper due for class, the consequence could be a lower score and grade point average, involving further problems with areas such as your scholarships and academic status.

If you tend to put off exercise, realize procrastinating will only make the situation worse. Yes, you can miss a workout and still be fine. You cannot miss weeks of working out and be fine.

You can say, "I'll stop smoking tomorrow," but each day you put it off, your body is losing days of life. If you want to live (physically and in quality), consider the consequences and act accordingly.

Way #5: SLEEP!

Many of us seriously underestimate our need for adequate hours of sleep on a daily basis. Yes, caffeine or other stimulants can get you through the day, but they don't make your day better.

Consider sleep your hidden superpower. Get enough sleep and you'll have energy and focus to achieve your goals. Fail to get enough sleep and you'll no longer care about your goals and lack the strength to pursue them. Sometimes the most strategic thing you can do is take a nap or get a good night's sleep. Netflix will be there tomorrow and that text message doesn't really need a reply right now. Sleep and conquer the world tomorrow!

The greatest enemy in reaching your goals is you. The good news is that you are also the greatest advocate for reaching your goals. The difference is overcoming procrastination and getting motivated. These five ways will help you get there.

See my other articles for more on motivation.

5 Morning Motivations to Overcome Procrastination

5 Ways to Get Motivated Today


About the Creator

Dillon Burroughs

I enjoy writing and running. But not at the same time.

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