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5 Easy Ways to be Kind To Others

What Are The Best Ways to Be Kind To Others?

By Berina KaricPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

A kind person is more than just a good human, they are the things that restore your faith in humanity. We can agree we need more of that now more than ever. If you're going through a rough time, just talk about it. If you're not, don't feel pressured to force small talk or try and 'fix' the problem for them – just listen. Sometimes, listening is all we need and you never know , you may be the one to help them out of a dark time. Yes, the world is messed up right now and yes we're all stressed as hell, but it doesn't mean we can't find small comforts in each other.

Keep your eyes open for those that need help or just need someone to talk to – it could be as simple as a smile or waving at them in the street. It's not much, but you'd be surprised how powerful something small can be.

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This list of tips will help you be extra supportive of others and make strong friendships with everyone around you.

1) Surprise Someone

People like to feel special, which is why it's so great when someone goes out of their way to do something for you. The best thing about surprises is that they can be anything, so they won't get old anytime soon. Some ideas are giving someone their favorite candy bar or making big bubbles in an empty parking lot.

2) Compliment Someone

You never know what someone else is struggling with, so it's nice when you tell them something that makes them smile. It can be anything from "You look really nice today" to "I love your shoes". If your compliment is sincere, the receiver will definitely appreciate it. Once they smile, it's easy to happily exclaim "See? You are smiling right now!"

3) Love Everyone

By loving everyone, you give them a good feeling about everyone else in the world. You can love people by saying that you really enjoy their company, appreciate their help, or just talking to them if they're alone. By treating others with respect and supporting them, you'll create a better world for everyone.

4) Be Generous

Doing nice things for people is a wonderful thing to do, as long as they're not expecting it. There are many ways to help people that don't involve always asking them what you can do. By being generous with your time and money, you create an amazing environment for everyone around you.

5) Create Original Artwork

Great artwork leaves a good impression on everyone, so give your artistic skills a chance to shine. By drawing something, you can share it with friends or put it on Twitter for the world to see. When other people see how great your drawings are, they will want to know more about you. They may even ask you questions about your art style or method!

Everyone has their own way of being kind, but these five steps should give you a good start. The main thing to remember is that kindness can come in many forms, so don't be afraid to experiment with different things! Be the change you want to see in the world and make everyone feel like they're special.

Also, don't forget animals. Be kind to animals – both wild and domestic – and you will be rewarded with their love and loyalty. Before coming into your home, a dog or cat will typically wander around the block or neighborhood, checking out where it might like to live; if this is met with kindness, they'll come back again and again...


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