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48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene

Laws 31 – 40 | Summary & Key Lessons

By RedFatePublished about a year ago 24 min read

What’s the example action for law 31?

Law 31 is “Control the options: get others to play with the cards you deal.” This law advises to control the options and choices available to others, in order to manipulate them into making decisions that are favorable to you.

Actions that align with this law could include:

1. Limiting the options available to others and steering them towards a specific choice

2. Creating the illusion of choice, while still maintaining control over the options

3. Being able to control the information that others have access to

4. Leading others towards a decision by presenting it as the best or only option

5. Being able to make a decision appear attractive, even if it is not in their best interest

6. Setting up a situation in which failure to choose is a decision in itself

7. Being able to take away options and alternatives when the other person does not make the decision you want

By controlling the options and choices available to others, one can manipulate them into making decisions that are favorable to oneself, and avoid giving away too much power or control.

It’s worth noting that this law isn’t about being dishonest or manipulative in an underhanded way, it’s about recognizing the power of controlling options and choices, and using it as a tool to influence and persuade others, in order to achieve one’s goals. It’s important to be aware of the ethical considerations, and that this approach should not be used in an underhanded or harmful way, but rather to guide the other person to the best decision, the one that will benefit both parties.

Here are some example scenarios for enacting law 31:

1. In a business setting, a manager who sets the agenda and controls the options in a meeting, in order to steer the discussion towards the outcome that they desire.

2. In a negotiation context, a negotiator who frames the options available to the other party in a way that favors their own position, in order to steer the negotiation towards the outcome that they desire.

3. In a political context, a leader controls the options that are available to their supporters, in order to steer them towards the outcome that they desire.

By controlling the options that are available to others, one can steer them towards the outcome that you desire. It’s important to be aware that by controlling options it could be seen as manipulative, and that not everyone will respond positively to this approach.

Additionally, it’s important to be aware of the potential consequences of limiting options and the possibility of negative reactions. Furthermore, it’s important to be flexible and to be able to adapt to new options that may arise. It’s important to find a balance between giving options and controlling them, so that the other party feels like they have a choice, but in reality, the choices are aligned with your own goal.

What’s the example action for law 32?

Law 32 is “Play to people’s fantasies” this law advises to tap into people’s desires and aspirations, and use it to manipulate them into taking actions that are favorable to you.

Actions that align with this law could include:

1. Understanding people’s desires, wants, and aspirations

2. Creating a compelling vision or narrative that speaks to their innermost wants and desires

3. Using imagery, symbols, and language that evokes powerful emotions and resonates with people’s innermost desires

4. Playing to people’s need for recognition, status, power, and validation

5. Making people feel special, unique, and important

6. Creating an aura of exclusivity, which makes people feel special for being part of the group

7. Using promises and incentives that tap into people’s deepest desires and aspirations.

By tapping into people’s desires and aspirations, one can manipulate them into taking actions that are favorable to oneself. By understanding what motivates people, you can use that knowledge to influence and guide them towards the desired outcome.

It’s worth noting that this law isn’t about being deceitful or exploitative, it’s about recognizing the power of people’s desires and using it to influence them in a positive way, and also important to keep your promises, and not make empty promises that you can’t fulfill. The use of this law should be used ethically and with consideration for the well-being of others.

Here are some example scenarios for enacting law 32:

1. In a business setting, a marketer who creates advertising campaigns that appeal to people’s desires for wealth, success, and happiness, in order to sell a product or service.

2. In a political context, a leader who makes promises and tells stories that appeal to people’s desire for a better future, in order to gain support and win an election.

3. On a personal level, an individual who uses flattery and compliments to appeal to someone’s desire for admiration, in order to gain their favor or assistance.

By playing to people’s fantasies, one can manipulate them to your advantage. It’s important to be aware that playing to people’s fantasies can also be seen as manipulative and can be a way of lying or cheating.

Additionally, it’s important to understand that people’s fantasies can vary and be complex, and therefore it’s important to get to know people and understand what they truly desire. Furthermore, it’s important to be aware of the potential negative consequences of having false or unrealistic expectations and to have a sense of responsibility and care for the people we are trying to influence. Additionally, it’s important to understand that the offer of the fantasy should be backed by real value or substance, otherwise, it could lead to disappointment.

What’s the example action for law 33?

Law 33 is “Discover each man’s thumbscrew.” This law advises to discover the weaknesses, fears, and vulnerabilities of others, and use them to manipulate or influence them.

Actions that align with this law could include:

1. Paying attention to people’s behavior and mannerisms in order to identify their weaknesses and vulnerabilities

2. Asking indirect questions and using subtle techniques to probe for information about a person’s weaknesses

3. Exploiting someone’s fear of loss, rejection, or failure to gain an advantage over them

4. Using psychological manipulation techniques such as flattery, guilt, or deceit to exploit someone’s vulnerabilities

5. Creating a sense of dependency in others by making them rely on you

6. Using the knowledge of someone’s weaknesses to exploit them at the right time

7. Being aware of the subtleties in the way people act and speak, to identify when they are vulnerable.

By discovering each person’s thumbscrew and exploiting their weaknesses, one can gain an advantage over others and manipulate or influence them. This can help gain an upper hand in various situations.

It’s worth noting that this law isn’t about being ruthless or exploiting people’s weaknesses in an underhanded or harmful way, it’s about recognizing the importance of understanding others’ vulnerabilities and using that knowledge to influence or guide them in a positive way and in the interest of both parties. It’s essential to be aware that people are complex and have different things that motivate them, and it’s important to use this knowledge in an ethical way that respects the individual’s right and well-being.

Here are some example scenarios for enacting law 33:

1. In a business setting, a manager gets to know their employees well, in order to understand what motivates them, and how to use that knowledge to manage them more effectively.

2. In a negotiation context, a negotiator who tries to understand what the other party values, what they are afraid of, and what are the points they are more sensitive to, in order to use that knowledge to sway their decision.

3. On a personal level, an individual who studies a person’s behavior, beliefs, and values to understand what buttons to push to get the response they want.

Discovering each person’s “thumb screw” can be a powerful way to influence and control people, however, it’s important to be aware of the ethical implications of this law. This law may be seen as manipulation and going behind people’s back, and it could lead to negative consequences.

Additionally, it’s important to understand that people can change, and what motivated them yesterday might not be the same today, therefore it’s important to update and refresh the information. Furthermore, it’s important to be honest and upfront when discussing the issues and to be sensitive to the other party’s feelings and not to use the information to harm or abuse the other party.

What’s the example action for law 34?

Law 34 is “Be royal in your own fashion: act like a king to be treated like one.” This law advises one to conduct oneself with the confidence, poise, and grace of a ruler, in order to command respect and be treated like royalty.

Actions that align with this law could include:

1. Holding oneself with confidence and poise, and exuding an air of authority

2. Using one’s body language and demeanor to communicate power and command respect

3. Being decisive and commanding in one’s speech and actions

4. Being gracious and treating others with kindness and respect

5. Being generous with rewards and recognition for those who serve you

6. Being well-informed and educated, in order to be able to hold intelligent conversations

7. Being aware of the subtleties of power, status, and prestige and using them to your advantage.

By conducting oneself with the confidence, poise, and grace of a ruler, one can command respect and be treated like royalty. This approach can increase one’s influence and power.

It’s worth noting that this law isn’t about being arrogant or pretending to be something you’re not, it’s about recognizing the importance of projecting confidence and authority, and using it to command respect and establish oneself as a leader. It’s important to be genuine in your approach and not to play a role, but rather to project your true self, a leader who can command respect and inspire others through your actions and words.

Here are some example scenarios for enacting law 34:

1. In a business setting, an employee who carries themselves with confidence and speaks assertively, in order to be perceived as a leader and be given more responsibilities.

2. On a personal level, an individual who dresses and carries themselves in a way that exudes confidence and power, in order to be perceived as successful and be treated with respect by others.

3. In a political context, a leader who speaks and acts in a way that commands respect and authority, in order to be treated as a powerful and respected leader by the public and their peers.

Acting like a powerful person can help you to be treated like one. However, it’s important to be aware that acting like a powerful person doesn’t necessarily make you one. Power comes in many forms and not just in the way you present yourself, it also comes from your abilities, your network, your knowledge, and your wisdom.

Additionally, acting in a way that is inauthentic or overly aggressive can be off-putting, and might not be well-received. Furthermore, it’s important to remember that true power and influence come from being authentic and true to oneself, rather than imitating others or trying to be something you’re not.

What’s the example action for law 35?

Law 35 is “Master the art of timing.” This law advises to have a sense of timing and to know when to act or speak in order to achieve the best results.

Actions that align with this law could include:

1. Knowing when to act or speak in order to achieve the best results

2. Being aware of the right moment to seize an opportunity

3. Anticipating the timing of events and planning accordingly

4. Being able to read the mood and timing of a situation

5. Knowing when to be patient and when to be assertive

6. Being able to act quickly and decisively when the time is right

7. Being able to adapt and change plans as the timing of a situation changes.

By mastering the art of timing, one can make the most of opportunities, and achieve the best results. Knowing when to act, speak and how to time your actions can increase your chances of success in any endeavor.

It’s worth noting that this law isn’t about being hasty or impulsive, it’s about recognizing the importance of timing, and being able to understand when the time is right to act. The ability to read the mood and timing of a situation, and act accordingly, can be a key advantage. Timing can be the difference between success and failure, therefore it is vital to be able to adapt and change plans as the situation changes.

Here are some example scenarios for enacting law 35:

1. In a business setting, an investor who waits for the right moment to buy a stock at a low price, and sells it at a high price, by timing the market correctly.

2. In a negotiation context, a negotiator who waits for the other party to be in a weaker position before making a counteroffer, by timing the negotiations correctly.

3. On a personal level, an individual who waits for the right moment to express their feelings, or to make a difficult request, by timing their approach correctly.

Mastering the art of timing can be a powerful tool to achieve success. However, it’s important to be aware that timing is not an exact science, and it’s challenging to predict with certainty the best moment to act.

Additionally, waiting for the perfect moment could make you miss an opportunity, and it’s important to strike a balance between patience and action. Furthermore, it’s important to be aware that timing is also related to the context, and what is the best timing for one situation might not be for another. Therefore, it’s essential to stay aware of the present situation, and to be open to adjust plans if necessary.

What’s the example action for law 36?

Law 36 is “Disdain things you cannot have: ignoring them is the best revenge.” This law advises to disengage from situations or people that are unattainable, and focus on those that are within reach, as a way to avoid wasting time and energy on things that cannot be had.

Actions that align with this law could include:

1. Ignoring or disengaging from situations or people that are unattainable or out of reach

2. Focusing one’s energy and attention on things that are within reach and attainable

3. Not allowing oneself to be emotionally invested in situations or people that cannot be had

4. Avoiding wasting time and energy on things that cannot be changed or influenced

5. Refusing to engage in competition or comparison with those who are out of reach

6. Not allowing oneself to be consumed by feelings of frustration or disappointment when things cannot be had

7. Practicing acceptance, and finding something positive from the situation.

By disengaging from situations or people that are unattainable, and focusing on those that are within reach, one can avoid wasting time and energy on things that cannot be had. This approach can help preserve emotional and mental well-being, and keep focus on what can be achieved.

It’s worth noting that this law isn’t about giving up or being defeatist, it’s about recognizing the importance of focusing on what is attainable and within reach, and avoiding wasting time and energy on things that cannot be had. Being able to accept and move on from situations and people that are out of reach can help maintain emotional and mental well-being, while freeing up time and energy to work on attainable goals.

Here are some example scenarios for enacting law 36:

1. In a business setting, a salesperson who has been passed over for a promotion, choosing to focus on making their current sales targets and ignoring their disappointment, as a way to get revenge on the person who got the promotion.

2. In a political context, a leader who has been passed over for a position of power, choosing to focus on building their own power base and ignoring their disappointment, as a way to get revenge on the person who got the position.

3. On a personal level, an individual who has been rejected by a romantic partner, choosing to focus on self-improvement and finding a new partner, as a way to get revenge on the person who rejected them.

Disdaining things you cannot have and focusing on what you can have can be a powerful way to get revenge on those who have what you desire. However, it’s important to be aware that sometimes this kind of revenge can be also seen as self-defeating, and that it could lead to a negative cycle of resentment and bitterness.

Additionally, it’s important to understand that it’s not always possible to have everything, and that it’s essential to accept and learn from our failures, rather than to ignore them. Furthermore, it’s important to focus on the present and the future, and not to dwell on the past.

What’s the example action for law 37?

Law 37 is “Create compelling spectacles.” This law advises creating memorable and striking events or situations that will capture people’s attention, and make them want to be a part of it.

Actions that align with this law could include:

1. Creating memorable and striking events or situations that will capture people’s attention

2. Being theatrical and creating a sense of drama and spectacle

3. Using symbols, rituals, and traditions to create an emotional connection

4. Using grand and impressive displays to create an impression

5. Creating a sense of exclusivity and making people feel special or privileged

6. Creating a sense of urgency, so people don’t want to miss out

7. Using the power of storytelling and imagery to create a memorable and compelling spectacle

By creating compelling spectacles, one can capture people’s attention, and make them want to be a part of it. This approach can help you to influence people, gain support and increase your reputation.

It’s worth noting that this law isn’t about being shallow or superficial, it’s about recognizing the power of creating memorable and striking events or situations, and using it as a tool to capture people’s attention and make them want to be a part of it. It’s important to be aware that people are drawn to compelling stories and strong visuals, and the use of spectacle and drama can be a powerful way to communicate your message and achieve your goals.

Here are some example scenarios for enacting law 37:

1. In a business setting, a company that throws a lavish, over-the-top product launch event, in order to capture the attention of media and potential customers.

2. In a political context, a leader who stages a grand public ceremony to celebrate their achievements, in order to establish their power and influence among the public.

3. On a personal level, an individual who throws an extravagant party to celebrate their own achievements, in order to establish their power and influence among friends and associates.

Creating compelling spectacles can be a powerful way to establish power and influence. However, it’s important to be aware that creating a spectacle doesn’t always mean you are a powerful person, and that it could also be seen as a form of superficiality, or as a way to hide one’s lack of real substance.

Additionally, It’s important to be aware that creating a spectacle could be also costly and not feasible in some cases. Furthermore, it’s important to remember that true power and influence come from actions, not from appearances, and that it’s essential to back up the spectacle with real results and substance.

What’s the example action for law 38?

Law 38 is “Think as you like but behave like others.” This law advises one to conform to the norms and expectations of the group, while secretly thinking and acting according to one’s own principles and agenda.

Actions that align with this law could include:

1. Conforming to the norms and expectations of the group, in order to blend in and avoid standing out

2. Observing the behavior and actions of others in order to understand what is expected

3. Acting in ways that are socially acceptable and expected

4. Avoiding anything that may cause conflict or discomfort

5. Being able to blend in and not draw attention to oneself

6. Being able to adapt one’s behavior to different situations and groups

7. Holding one’s true opinions and intentions in secret

By appearing to conform to the norms and expectations of the group, while secretly thinking and acting according to one’s own principles and agenda, one can avoid drawing attention and causing conflict, while still being able to achieve one’s goals. This approach can help to maintain a low profile, while still being able to advance one’s interests.

It’s worth noting that this law isn’t about being fake or inauthentic, it’s about recognizing the importance of being able to conform to the norms and expectations of the group, in order to avoid drawing attention and causing conflict, while still being able to achieve one’s goals. It’s important to be aware that it’s important to be true to oneself and principles, but also to be able to navigate the social dynamics and navigate through different social situations.

Here are some example scenarios for enacting law 38:

1. In a business setting, a CEO who privately holds unorthodox business strategies but publicly presents the more conventional and accepted methods, in order to avoid raising eyebrows among board members and shareholders.

2. In a political context, a leader who holds unconventional personal beliefs but publicly supports and promotes the established norms and conventions of their political party or country, in order to avoid drawing attention to themselves and maintain their position of power.

3. On a personal level, an individual who holds unorthodox personal beliefs but conforms to the customs and expectations of their community, in order to fit in and avoid drawing attention to themselves.

Thinking as you like but behaving like others can be a powerful way to avoid drawing attention to oneself, and to fit in. However, it’s important to be aware that conforming to the expectations of others, without being true to oneself can lead to inner turmoil and to a loss of authenticity.

Additionally, it’s important to be aware that this law could also be seen as a form of hypocrisy, and that it could also be costly in terms of personal integrity.

Furthermore, it’s important to find a balance between conforming to the expectations of others and being true to oneself, and to seek for ways to express oneself authentically while still fitting in.

What’s the example action for law 39?

Law 39 from Robert Greene’s “The 48 Laws of Power” is “Stir up waters to catch fish.” This law advises to create chaos, disruption, or uncertainty in order to take advantage of the confusion, and achieve one’s goals.

Actions that align with this law could include:

1. Creating chaos, disruption, or uncertainty in order to take advantage of the confusion

2. Being able to exploit situations when people are distracted or disoriented

3. Being able to create a sense of uncertainty or instability in order to gain an advantage

4. Using confusion and turmoil to obscure one’s actions and intentions

5. Being able to take advantage of opportunities when they arise during a chaotic or uncertain situation

6. Being able to navigate and thrive in a chaotic environment

7. Being able to create a sense of urgency to push through one’s agenda.

By creating chaos, disruption, or uncertainty, one can take advantage of the confusion and achieve one’s goals. This approach can help to create opportunities where none existed before, or to make the most of existing opportunities.

It’s worth noting that this law isn’t about causing harm or destruction, it’s about recognizing the power of creating chaos, disruption, or uncertainty, and using it as a tool to achieve one’s goals. It’s important to be aware that it’s not about creating chaos for its own sake, but rather using it as a means to achieve a specific end. And when using this approach, it’s important to be prepared for any consequences that may arise, and act responsibly.

Here are some example scenarios for enacting law 39:

1. In a business setting, a CEO who initiates a reorganization of the company, in order to create new opportunities for advancement, or to get rid of unwanted employees.

2. In a political context, a leader who incites a civil unrest or social movement, in order to take advantage of the chaos and to establish more control or to gain more power.

3. On a personal level, an individual who creates a public drama or scandal, in order to draw attention to themselves, or to discredit others, in order to advance their own goals.

Stirring up waters to catch fish can be a powerful way to create opportunities for yourself or for others. However, it’s important to be aware that this law is often unethical and could have dangerous consequences for other people involved.

Additionally, it’s important to be aware that creating a commotion could also backfire and lead to unintended consequences, or that it could be also costly in terms of reputation. Furthermore, it’s important to consider the long term effects, and to seek ways to create opportunities in an ethical and legal way.

What’s the example action for law 40?

Law 40 is “Despise the free lunch.” This law advises to be wary of gifts, favors, or opportunities that seem too good to be true, as they often come with strings attached, or hidden agendas.

Actions that align with this law could include:

1. Being wary of gifts, favors, or opportunities that seem too good to be true

2. Investigating the motives behind the offer, and considering the potential downsides

3. Being cautious of those who are trying to gain something from the offer

4. Being mindful of the potential consequences of accepting the offer

5. Being aware of the potential for exploitation or manipulation

6. Considering the long-term implications of accepting the offer

7. Being prepared to walk away from an offer if it does not align with your goals or principles.

By being wary of gifts, favors, or opportunities that seem too good to be true, one can avoid being taken advantage of, or falling into a trap. This approach can help to protect oneself from manipulation, and ensure that one’s actions align with one’s goals and principles.

It’s worth noting that this law isn’t about being cynical or mistrustful, it’s about recognizing the importance of being cautious and aware of the potential downsides of gifts, favors, or opportunities. Not every opportunity is a good one, it’s important to be cautious, investigate motives and consequences, and make a decision that aligns with your goals and principles. It’s important to always be mindful of the potential for exploitation or manipulation, even if the offer seems very attractive.

Here are some example scenarios for enacting law 40:

1. In a business setting, a potential investor is suspicious of an entrepreneur’s offer of a “surefire” business opportunity, and instead conducts thorough due diligence to uncover any hidden flaws or risks.

2. In a political context, a leader who is wary of a foreign power’s offer of aid or support, and instead investigates the motives and potential consequences of accepting such aid.

3. On a personal level, an individual who is skeptical of a friend’s offer of a “great deal” on a used car and instead has it inspected by a mechanic to uncover any hidden issues.

Despising the free lunch can be a powerful way to protect oneself from being taken advantage of. However, it’s important to be aware that some opportunities may not be as bad as it seems, and that it could lead to missing out on great opportunities.

Additionally, it’s important to be aware that it could also be seen as cynical or paranoid, and that it could also be costly in terms of trust. Furthermore, it’s important to find a balance between being skeptical and open to opportunities, and to evaluate each opportunity based on its own merit.

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About the Creator


I am passionate about stoic philosophy, self-improvement, and business. Constantly reading and growing to make a positive impact in the world

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