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4 Benefits of Lemon Water That Are Supported by Science

Lemon water: A natural remedy for many health problems

By Samlili80Published 9 months ago 3 min read
4 Benefits of Lemon Water That Are Supported by Science
Photo by Triangle Eight on Unsplash

We're all seeking methods to make our water more interesting if WaterTok is any clue. Infusing water with fruits like lemons is one such strategy. Making your lemon water is an easy approach to increase the health benefits of your daily hydration as well as its deliciousness.

Although lemon water isn't a magical beverage, it does have some possible health advantages, which we'll explore below.

Describe lemon water.

Lemon water is exactly as easy to make as it sounds—all you need is water and lemons.

Although it is easy to buy store-bought lemon water, some of these varieties may have extra sweetness or other undesirable components.

Making your own is simpler (and better for your diet), just steep some lemon slices in cold water for a few hours. Using an infuser pitcher or placing some wedges in a glass and filling it with water, you can add as many slices as you wish. You can keep the lemons in while sipping or slightly mash the fruit to extract its juice (only watch out for seeds!).

Lemon water advantages

On social media, lemon water has been promoted as a miracle remedy for everything from skin problems to digestive problems. Even though there hasn't been much research on lemon water, some of the hype surrounding it may be warranted. As a result, it's difficult to confirm lemon water's health advantages with absolute certainty.

However, dietitians and functional medicine practitioners assert that there are several compelling arguments for binge drinking, including the following:

1 . Lemon water is hydrating, for one.

The first thing is that lemon water hydrates your body, which should come as no surprise. Given that we are composed of 65% water, maintaining a sufficient supply of liquids is essential for good health.

According to integrative medicine specialist Dana Cohen, M.D., "If you're not hydrated, everything else you do to stay healthy, like diet, exercise, stress management, and sleep management may be compromised."

If you find it difficult to consume enough plain water, using some lovely, vivacious lemons may help you meet your daily hydration goals.

2. Lemon water might improve wholesome digestion

Acidic foods like lemon juice, coffee, and apple cider vinegar have long been recommended for promoting intestinal movement. Citric acid, which is present in lemons, is crucial for promoting digestion.

Lemon juice enhanced stomach emptying 1.5 times more than water, according to a 2022 study. This is probably because of how acidic it is. "Lemon water may help with the production of digestive juices that break down food into smaller pieces so it can be better absorbed," says Cohen.

Yet, to experience these benefits, you might need to consume a lot of lemon water. "Lemons have been observed to aid in digestion and as a diuretic, but research is limited, and standard dosing and formulation studied has been 85 milliliters (60 mEq citrate), which is about 3 ounces, or two medium lemons," notes Monique Richard, M.S., RDN, LDN, owner of Nutrition-In-Sight and national media spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

3. Lemon water might provide cognitive advantages.

The potential impact of lemon peel flavonoids on brain health has been studied in some recent research. For instance, a 2019 study published in the International Journal of Molecular Science discovered that nobiletin, a substance found in citrus peels, could be utilized to treat Alzheimer's disease patients' cognitive deficits2.

However, this is still extremely early in the research process. Few of these research have been applied to clinical investigations, according to Richard, who notes that many of them have been conducted using animal models, which offers less conclusive proof. The support of cognitive health will likely be provided by some different plant compounds, not just one particular one, according to research.

4. Lemon water could strengthen immunity

Vitamin C is the one nutrient that lemons are particularly well-known for. The immune system may benefit from this antioxidant. The formation and operation of immune cells are supported by vitamin C, which also serves as an antioxidant, according to immunologist Jenna Macciochi, Ph.D.

But remember that this isn't a quick treatment for the common cold (or any other condition), just like the other possible advantages of drinking lemon water.

While lemon water does contain vitamin C, Macciochi notes that the amount is negligibly small in comparison to other sources, such as consuming genuine fruits and vegetables. Therefore, while it can add to your overall vitamin C intake, it should only be a tiny portion of a diet that promotes immunological health.

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