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3 Ways to Connect with Your Inner Child

And why it's vital that you do so

By Morgan MigliorisiPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
3 Ways to Connect with Your Inner Child
Photo by Caroline Hernandez on Unsplash

As an adult you have a major responsibility: healing your inner child.

Each of us has a little child within who was lost long ago. This disconnection happened without our conscious awareness, but nevertheless, it happened. And now your whole life is being affected by it.

They say by the time we are 5 years old, we are who we will be for life. Children are like little sponges. They soak up everything in their environment, whether good or bad.

In this way, it becomes all too easy for us to begin to accept false ideas and beliefs as our own truths about ourselves.

For example, a child's immediate environment includes their parents or caregivers. If in each of those adults, there is an unhealed child, what do you think will happen? The child observing and absorbing will take in unhealed parts of another being as their own, thus continuing this cycle.

Now that you're the adult, the nurturing and healing of your inner child is in your hands. Through this process, you may uncover the root cause as to why you struggle in relationships, with money, or even with motivation. The list goes on and on.

Here are three ways you can begin healing your inner child:

1. Meditation. While in a meditative state, visualize yourself as you were when you were a child. Look at your inner child, observe them. How do they look? How do they feel? What do they want and need?

When you are finished connecting with your inner child, take what you have learned back with you into your present moment. Reflect on what your inner child shared with you.

Did you discover the root cause of a pressing issue on your mind? Can you give your inner child what they were asking for in your life today?

2. Another idea, suggested by author Louise Hay, is to grab a piece of paper, and two different colored pens or markers. At the top of your paper write: What do you need?

With your nondominant hand, grab the other pen, and allow your inner child to answer for you. Writing with your nondominant hand helps your inner child come out. Your adult self may be surprised by the answers your child comes up with.

3. Play.

Yep, it's as simple as that. Today, we are always so focused on our responsibilities and how busy we are. Our world is fast-paced and our days seem to zoom by. One way to unwind and connect with your inner child at the same time, is to play.

You can try something you used to love as a kid, such as playing outside or playing pretend. Alternatively, you can do something your adult self would enjoy, such as spending the afternoon reading or trying a new nutritious recipe for dinner.

There are no rules to playing, just as long as you give yourself time to let loose and get grounded in your present moment.

It doesn’t matter how old you are, there is a little child within who needs love and acceptance. - Louise Hay

The world of inner child healing goes much deeper than what is presented here. If you are interested, there are many different avenues you can take to research the subject more.

The most important part of any type of healing is acceptance and a willingness to evolve. If you've read this article today, you are already off to a great start.

Ready to delve in more? Visit my Etsy shop to grab my Inner Child Healing Mini Course!


About the Creator

Morgan Migliorisi

Witch. Author. Storyteller. Walking between the worlds to retrieve the tales you need. Find my book 365 Days of Divine Feminine Wisdom: Daily Guidance for the Goddess Within online and in stores now.

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