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12 Tips for Creating a Mindset That Promotes Excellence

So how can we develop a growth mindset? Here are twelve things you can do.

By Alain SaamegoPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
12 Tips for Creating a Mindset That Promotes Excellence
Photo by name_ gravity on Unsplash

It has often been said that we are a product of our environment. The people we associate with, the places we live and work, and the media we consume all play a role in shaping our beliefs, values, and attitudes.

But there is another factor that is just as important, if not more so: our mindset.

A fixed mindset is one in which we believe that our intelligence, abilities, and talents are static. We are born with a certain amount and that's all we have.

A growth mindset, on the other hand, is the belief that these things can be developed through hard work, good teaching, and persistence.

There is a great deal of research that shows the importance of a growth mindset.

Students with a growth mindset are more likely to persevere in the face of difficulty, embrace challenges, and learn from their mistakes. They are also more likely to be successful in school and in life.

So how can we develop a growth mindset? Here are twelve things you can do:

1. Be aware of your own mindset.

The first step is to become aware of your own beliefs about intelligence and ability. Do you have a fixed or growth mindset?

2. Pay attention to your language.

The words we use reveal a lot about our mindset. If you find yourself using phrases such as "I'm not good at math" or "I'm just not a people person," these are signs of a fixed mindset.

3. Challenge your beliefs.

Once you've become aware of your own beliefs, it's important to challenge them. Why do you believe what you do? Are your beliefs based on fact or opinion?

By Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

4. Be open to new evidence.

When presented with new evidence or information that contradicts your beliefs, be open to the possibility that you may be wrong.

5. Seek out learning opportunities.

A growth mindset is not about avoiding challenges, it's about embracing them. Seek out learning opportunities that will push you out of your comfort zone.

6. Be persistent.

A growth mindset is not about being talented or gifted, it's about effort and perseverance. When you encounter setbacks, don't give up. Keep trying and find a way to succeed.

By Emre Alırız on Unsplash

7. Be willing to make mistakes.

Making mistakes is part of the learning process. Embrace your mistakes and learn from them.

8. Learn from others.

We can learn from those who are more successful than us. Find role models and mentors who can help you develop a growth mindset.

9. Be encouraging.

Encourage others to develop a growth mindset. Help them see the value in taking on challenges and learning from mistakes.

10. Be patient.

By Karl Fredrickson on Unsplash

Change takes time. Be patient with yourself and others as you work to develop a growth mindset.

11. Model a growth mindset.

As a parent, teacher, or leader, you have the opportunity to model a growth mindset for those around you. Show them that it's okay to make mistakes and that learning is a lifelong process.

12. Celebrate progress.

Acknowledge and celebrate your own progress and the progress of those around you. This will help reinforce a growth mindset.

Developing a growth mindset is not easy, but it's worth the effort. Those with a growth mindset have been shown to be more successful in school and in life.

They are more resilient and adaptable, and better able to cope with setbacks. So if you're looking to fulfil your potential, start by developing a growth mindset.

In conclusion, the article shared 12 ways to increase your mindset, which can lead to increased success.

The first step is acknowledging that you have a mindset, then taking steps to improve it. If you're looking to achieve something great, start by setting your mindset towards it and working towards achieving it.


About the Creator

Alain Saamego

Software engineer , Writer and Content Strategist at

I'm a technology enthusiast, and I love learning about upcoming technologies. I also enjoy teaching and answering questions about new technologies.

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