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10 Ways to Remember Anything

If you've ever struggled to memorize information for an important test, or if you're looking to improve your memory in general, this list of 10 hacks will help.

By BingBingMoneyPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

There are certain things you're always trying to remember, but it always seems to slip your mind. You can never seem to recall when someone's birthday is. You can't tell which utensils belong on the table. And let's not even get started with that pesky list of errands you need to run before 4pm. In the age of smartphones and Google, we're absolutely spoiled for choice with help in remembering all the little details in life. But, perhaps, we don't know how to remember even the most basic information.

1. Write it down.

If you forgot your belongings in an apartment or hotel room when you left, chances are that you scribbled a note on the mirror or on gasp your free scrap of paper. You might also have written phone numbers on a few napkins if it was an emergency. This same method can work for remembering things in general if you simply write them down and give them a glance every now and then. If your cats ever eat the paper that holds all of your notes, it's best to rewrite it from scratch so the words stay fresh in your brain.

2. Avoid overdoing it

The most important thing to remember is the basics. Don't try to hold on to every detail of your personal life. Keep in mind that the more details you have, the more you'll have to remember later. Erase unnecessary information and come up with a really good idea of what you're trying to remember instead like our article on 10 Words You Shouldn't Use Anymore. If you're not quite ready, at least write down some very basic stuff so your brain won't be too overwhelmed by all the clutter.

3. Turn it into a game

Take a cue from computer games and video games, which often help players learn by remembering things through memory training games. Think of it as a simple memory test, or a way to pass the time while you're waiting. Create your own memory exercises and make them enjoyable by playing games, singing songs, or even just making up little rhymes. You'll be much better off remembering later on.

4. Get creative

If you're struggling with remembering something, think about how you can make it a little more fun. Draw a picture of the object, or write an article or poem about it. Reading out loud or making up silly words can keep your mind on track and make your memory stick in a new way like our article on How to Help Your Brain Remember Things. Seeing your own stuff written down can also be helpful if you have trouble putting things together in your head. And, who doesn't love cute animal pictures? Here's an example.

5. Use memory tricks

Sometimes we're pretty good at remembering things that don't involve much effort at all. If it's something you have to remember, but you're having trouble, try something as simple as a memory trick. Imagine or visualize your information as a number and write it down instead. This is the easiest way to get ideas out of your head and into your notebook. Here are a few fun ones that will help you remember everything from the meaning of the alphabet to what time the movie starts tonight.

6. Use imagery

Next time you have to remember something long and complicated, use imagery instead of using words. Getting your thoughts down on paper will make it difficult for them to slip out of your mind when you get it home later. Try putting your thoughts on tape, or scribing them down in big letters. Seeing the words and images will make it easier to remember everything.

7. Keep an index card by your bed

If you're still having trouble with remembering technical information, try keeping an index card by your bed. It should be in a place you see it often, like near the lamp switch or under your pillow. Every time you forget what time it is or how to use a certain tool in the kitchen, just grab the card and read through it until you remember what you forgot note: this probably won't work for everyone.

8. Know when to give up

While it's important to remember the things you need to remember, there are some things that you need to forget. We're not talking about things like your mother's birthday or the fact that you forgot your lunch at home; in particular, we're talking about information that can be harmful if you don't. If someone gives you a heads up on numbers and statistics, don't remember them all by heart. It's better to be safe than sorry.

9. Use mnemonic devices

If you've ever tried to remember the order of the planets, you probably have at least one mnemonic device in mind. Mnemonic devices are just like they sound: they're ways of remembering things with a fun little twist. There's all kinds of mnemonics out there that even teach students how to remember their times tables! If you're getting tired of all this remembering, or if you think you're doing it wrong, here are some memory tricks for kids.

10. Write it down elsewhere.

If all else fails, write down what you need to remember on your smartphone or email it to yourself later. You can also use note taking software or your personal planner if that's more helpful. We're living in a day and age when there are plenty of ways to get information from one place to another, so you might as well take advantage of them.

And, if you're the forgetful type, you can always move your planner and notebook around with you for easy access like our article on How to Improve Handwriting. Here are a few examples of what we mean. For students or teachers, these worry-free planners should come in handy.


Being able to remember things isn't just useful, it's vital. Although you probably won't be required to remember everything by heart when you're at school or work, it's easy to understand why certain information is important. By using some of these tips and tricks, you can make sure your memory stays sharp and your notes are always written down.

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