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10 Best Motivational Books all the Time

Best motivational books, be success,

By MDPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Best Motivational Books

Motivation is the driving force behind all success stories. It's what pushes people to keep going when the going gets tough. However, it can be challenging to stay motivated at times, especially when life throws curve balls your way. That's why it's essential to have access to motivational books that can inspire and uplift you during difficult times.

1. "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill

"Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill is considered one of the most influential motivational books of all time. The book was first published in 1937 and has sold over 100 million copies worldwide. Hill's book offers insights into the mindset and habits of successful people and how you can apply them to your own life.

2. "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" by Stephen Covey

"The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" by Stephen Covey is another timeless classic in the world of motivational books. The book outlines seven habits that highly successful people have in common and how you can adopt these habits to achieve your goals. Covey's book emphasizes the importance of self-discipline, goal-setting, and personal growth.

3. "Awaken the Giant Within" by Tony Robbins

Tony Robbins is well-known motivational speaker and author, and "Awaken the Giant Within" is one of his most popular books. The book provides practical advice on how to take control of your life and achieve your goals. Robbins emphasizes the importance of setting clear goals, taking action, and cultivating positive mindset.

4. "The Power of Positive Thinking" by Norman Vincent Peale

"The Power of Positive Thinking" by Norman Vincent Peale was first published in 1952 and remains classic in the genre of motivational books. The book teaches readers how to overcome negative thinking patterns and cultivate positive outlook on life. Peale's book is filled with practical advice and inspiring stories of individuals who overcame significant obstacles through the power of positive thinking.

5. "Man's Search for Meaning" by Viktor Frankl

"Man's Search for Meaning" by Viktor Frankl is a powerful memoir that details Frankl's experiences as prisoner in Nazi concentration camps during World War II. The book explores how individuals can find meaning and purpose in life, even in the most challenging circumstances. Frankl's book is powerful reminder of the strength of the human spirit and the importance of finding meaning in life.

6. "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho

"The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho is a bestselling novel that has inspired millions of readers around the world. The book follows the journey of shepherd boy named Santiago as he travels to Egypt in search of treasure. Along the way, Santiago learns valuable lessons about following his dreams and living a fulfilling life. Coelho's book is must-read for anyone seeking inspiration and motivation.

7. "The Four Agreements" by Don Miguel Ruiz

"The Four Agreements" by Don Miguel Ruiz outlines four principles that can help individuals achieve personal freedom and happiness. The book emphasizes the importance of being impeccable with your word, not taking things personally, not making assumptions, and always doing your best. Ruiz's book is quick read, but its powerful insights can have lasting impact on readers.

8. "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne

"The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne is a bestselling self-help book that explores the power of positive thinking and the law of attraction. The book teaches readers how to manifest their desires through the power of positive thinking and visualization. While the book has received some criticism, its positive message has inspired millions of readers around the world.

9. "The Magic of Thinking Big" by David J. Schwartz

"The Magic of Thinking Big" by David J. Schwartz is a classic motivational book that has helped millions of readers achieve their goals. The book teaches readers how to develop success mindset, overcome self-doubt, and take action toward their goals. Schwartz's book emphasizes the importance of thinking big and setting high goals for yourself.

10. "The One Minute Manager" by Kenneth Blanchard and Spencer Johnson

"The One Minute Manager" by Kenneth Blanchard and Spencer Johnson is quick and easy read that offers practical advice on how to become an effective leader. The book outlines three key techniques that can help individuals become better managers: one-minute goals, one-minute praise, and one-minute reprimands. Blanchard and Johnson's book is must-read for anyone looking to improve their leadership skills.

In conclusion, these ten books offer powerful insights into the mindset and habits of successful people. Whether you're looking to achieve personal growth, overcome self-doubt, or become better leader, these books can provide you with the inspiration and motivation you need to achieve your goals. So if you're looking for little extra motivation in your life, pick up one of these timeless classics and start reading today!

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I am a poet and writer, entwined in passionate embrace with souls of poets, penning love letters to their words.

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Comments (1)

  • Cleonice Souzaabout a year ago

    "The Power of Positive Thinking" This book will change you as a great man

MDWritten by MD

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