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Your program is called the “health quartet”. What goals does it pursue?

The goal of our program is to make a person more resilient in the face of unfavorable factors of civilization. Prevent the disorders that the modern city dweller cannot avoid. She provides everything that supports the health of the body and intellect. We are talking about different biologically active substances: hormones, vitamins, amino acids.

By ROBINSON JAMES HERBERTPublished 3 years ago 6 min read
Your program is called the “health quartet”. What goals does it pursue?
Photo by Olia Nayda on Unsplash

Your program is called the “health quartet”. What goals does it pursue?

The goal of our program is to make a person more resilient in the face of unfavorable factors of civilization. Prevent the disorders that the modern city dweller cannot avoid.

She provides everything that supports the health of the body and intellect. We are talking about different biologically active substances: hormones, vitamins, amino acids.

The basis of recovery is always a single “health quartet”. It is necessary for all people over 40 years old. These are vitamin D, alpha lipoic acid, sex hormones, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Do you think that all residents of the metropolis are ill according to a single scenario?

Diseases can be different, but the risk factor for their development is the same. In medical parlance, it is called oxidative stress.

The fact is that all the townspeople today live in conditions of a total lack of oxygen. Tissues, blood vessels, and the brain are starving.

As a result, already at the age of 40-50, a resident of a metropolis has a whole bunch of disorders. Among them are hypertension, atherosclerosis, obesity, asthma, diabetes, infertility. His mental functions also suffer - memory, attention, speed of thinking. Oncology and Alzheimer's disease are getting younger.

Is it possible to somehow diagnose oxygen starvation of the body?

Abroad, this study has already become mandatory, routine. With him begins a reception with any specialist. The doctor puts a special "clothespin" on the patient's finger. The device measures oxygen saturation of tissues. If it is deficient, an appropriate correction is prescribed.

How is this condition treated?

It is difficult to eliminate oxygen starvation completely and permanently, but it is quite possible to reduce its scale. For this purpose, we prescribe a “health quartet” to patients.

First, alpha lipoic acid preparations. This biologically active substance is a powerful antioxidant. Eliminates oxidation damage. Binds heavy metals. Removes toxins. It has anti-inflammatory and anti-aging effects. In short, it is a must-have dietary supplement for all citizens over 40 years old. Many renowned doctors take these drugs every day.

Another important component of the program is vitamin D, more precisely the D-hormone. In its role in the body, it is not only not inferior, but also superior to other hormones.

In Europe, vitamin D is the foundation of health. Without its correction, other medications are not even prescribed. Thirty percent of Europeans are deficient in this essential substance.

In Russia, 100 percent of people are deficient in vitamin D. It appears already in childhood and only progresses as it grows.

Surely you wondered why modern children do not learn the school curriculum without tutors? Why has their IQ decreased compared to the previous generation?

They lack what we were given as children - vitamin D and fish oil, a source of omega-3 acids.

In adults, a lack of these substances is a common cause of chronic disease. Only few people know about this.

If the vitamin D content is normal, then the metabolism is also in order. A person does not have a wolfish appetite, excess weight does not appear. And vice versa. When there is not enough D-hormone in the body, the internal balance is disturbed. Immunity to glucose develops, in the language of doctors - insulin resistance. And after it comes diabetes.

By the way, it is easy to calculate this violation in oneself by the thickness of the fat fold. If a woman's abdominal area is 3 cm or more, carbohydrate metabolism has failed.

A person with a vitamin D deficiency will never cure asthma or cope with depression. Antidepressants and hormones will temporarily suppress symptoms, but the root of the evil will remain intact.

When the D-hormone is normal, a person rarely gets infections, almost does not get sick with influenza and ARVI. He is unfamiliar with back pain and fractures.

In other words, vitamin D is always needed by everyone. And in what dosage?

First of all, we need natural vitamin D. It is produced in the skin under the influence of the sun. Sunlight is free medicine.

To get the necessary dose of vitamin D, it is enough to walk along the street for half an hour in clear weather. Naturally, in this case, you should have some parts of the body open - face, arms or legs. You need clean skin without filters.

True, with age, the ability to produce its own vitamin decreases. Therefore, it is necessary to obtain it from the outside - with pharmaceutical preparations or dietary supplements.

In this case, the dosage of the vitamin is selected by the doctor after a special diagnosis.

The third component of your formula is sex hormones. Who, when and how needs to fill their deficit?

In modern urban women, the level of sex hormones begins to decline from the age of 35. Does anyone want to be ill at this time? If nothing is done, then after 50 years, the deficiency of sex hormones will manifest itself at almost all levels. Excess weight and deposits in the vessels will appear. Bone density will decrease. Mental abilities will also suffer. Fortunately, all of these phenomena can be countered.

But you need to start before the age of 40. Independently, the lack of estrogen is easy to suspect by early wrinkles, dry skin, eyes, intimate places. Another sign is the "causeless" crunching of joints.

You can also do a simple home pH balance test, available from the pharmacy. The test indirectly makes it clear if you have enough estrogen. And the most accurate information about the content of hormones is given by blood tests.

What do you propose to women who, at the age of 35-40, lack hormones?

We assess how pronounced this deficit is, how it manifests itself.

If necessary, we prescribe hormone replacement therapy. Its dose is selected individually. Of course, to maintain women's health at 35-40 years old, you need a little extra hormones. But they do a great job. They have a beneficial effect on immunity, sleep, the state of blood vessels and bones, the quality of skin and hair. And thus they prolong youth.

There is also hormone therapy for men. Indeed, under conditions of oxidative stress, already from the age of 30–35, they begin to lack testosterone.

At the same time, there are drugs that deliver the hormone from the outside - these are tablets, gels and plasters. And there are techniques that stimulate the production of your own male hormones.

When a man has a normal testosterone level, there is no excess weight, depression, irritability. Reduced the risk of cardiovascular disease. He sleeps well, moderately ambitious, implemented in the profession.

And why are omega-3 acids included in your program?

Polyunsaturated fatty acids are essential for high-quality brain and heart function. They help fight an excess of bad fats, thereby protecting blood vessels from atherosclerosis, heart attack, and stroke.

Adequate levels of omega-3 acids are important for all brain workers. This is the prevention of dementia, another epidemic of today's elderly.

To find out if you have enough fatty acids, you can donate blood for the omega-3 index. Its level will help you to choose the right drug and its dosage correctly. But preventive courses of these supplements are useful to all citizens from time to time.


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