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Your Coffee & Tea Drinking Habit May be Preventing Two Major Health Downfalls

Now you don't need to feel guilty about drinking that much-needed cup of goodness

By Ange DimPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Your Coffee & Tea Drinking Habit May be Preventing Two Major Health Downfalls
Photo by Drew Coffman on Unsplash

Not a day goes by when I don't drink coffee.

The last time I missed my usual cup was in preparation for surgery. So when the nurse asked me if I needed anything, I responded by saying:

" I could use a nice almond milk cappuccino right about now."

She laughed and responded by saying that you can take away her food and water - but don't ever dare touch her morning cup of brew.

I like to mix in a bit of tea now and again, but coffee is my first love.

The two are as different as night and day, in my opinion.

I know that drinking coffee has plenty of health benefits - and that makes me feel a lot less guilty about drinking lots of it.

I play it well by making sure my morning cup contains at least two shots of coffee. How is that for following carefully analysed reserch?

But I didn't grasp the extent as to how many health benefits it could provide.

Stoke and dementia are pretty much a norm in our society today.

It's staggering how many people I know have suffered from either one.

Stokes can either kill or leave you paralysed.

Dementia, on the other hand, is related to the decline of brain function, and it's a concern for all of us on a global scale.

A study conducted in China followed 365,682 participants from the UK between 2006 and 2010. 

Researchers followed these individuals were followed until 2020. Over that period, 5,079 developed dementia, and 10,053 had at least one stroke.

Those who drank 2–3 cups of coffee or 3–5 cups of tea every day - or a combination of both tea and coffee, had the lowest incidence of stroke or dementia.

For example, individuals that drank 2–3 cups of coffee and 2–3 cups of tea daily experienced a 32% lower risk of dementia.

Intakes of coffee on their own or combined with tea was associated with a lower risk of post-stroke dementia.

Although these findings had variable factors to consider, few people will develop dementia.

This makes it quite challenging to ascertain rates in larger populations. So, what does one do when it comes to coffee and tea?

The findings indicate that tea, coffee, or drinking are associated with a lower risk of dementia.

So, if you are currently drinking tea and coffee, then it's safe to assume you're doing something that will lower your risk.

In saying that, don't leave it up to coffee and tea drinking alone.

Become aquatinted with some mind training activities, watching your nutritional intake and try leading a healthy lifestyle.

Keep up with the latest technology and engage your mind in things that are of most interest to you.

My 55+ friends tend to leave all the technical stuff to their younger kids.

So, I say, why not be one step ahead of that generation and begin to surpass them?

Don't believe you can? Well, that's pretty much the first and only step you need to move forward.

I'm starting Uni again this year, and yes, it's been a very LONG time.

But, what's life without some challenges to keep it a little exciting and the flame of engagement burning bright?

So, I'll be viewing online lectures and textbooks with a nice cup of black coffee by my side. That's the old fashioned way of doing things here.

But I will finish off with this point - we don't have to make an excuse to drink coffee, but the more research promotes it, the better we feel about having that one "extra cup!."

If you would like to express gratitude with coffee, send the love via this link.

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About the Creator

Ange Dim

My mission is to help people become the best version of themselves through nutrition, exercise and mindset. Get your dose of coaching every week here: https://anged.substack.com/subscribe

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