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Women’s Energy: Why Practices Do Not Always Have the Expected Effect

What do you know about chakras?

By Bob SmithPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Women’s Energy: Why Practices Do Not Always Have the Expected Effect
Photo by Sharon Pittaway on Unsplash

Lately, there have been a lot of masterclasses with the theme of energy, power and women's health, etc. Most of these events are focused on the psychological aspect, women communicate with each other, do something together and feel a psychological relaxation.

But some masterclasses are more like a meeting of witches - they scare and repel you with esoteric practices, and you don't always understand what's going on during them. This is not surprising, as there are many pseudo-experts.

But first, let's decipher the notion of energy.

Energy (Ancient Greek ἐνέργεια - action, activity, power) scalar physical measure, which is the unit of measurement of various forms of motion and interaction of matter, the measure of the passage of matter from one form to another.

At first glance, it seems complicated. I deciphered this notion to dispel the note of mysticism that imminently accompanies the word "energy." There are many types of energy in nature that you have probably heard of - potential, kinetic, gravitational, nuclear, electromagnetic and internal, chemical, explosion, and vacuum energy.

There is another type of energy, that of man or life force. It encompasses to some extent all of the above, as well as psychic, mental energy, the energy of desire and fear, the energy of love, intention, and conscience.

Let's delve into the notion of "feminine energy". In ancient Hindu texts, the construction of man is described in the form of energy channels (Nadi) and their intersection (chakras). I wrote about it here.

If all the steps are performed correctly, then a circular motion (similar to the road one) is formed in the body. Depending on the direction of rotation, each chakra will play a role in receiving or emitting the flow of vital energy. In a harmoniously developed woman, the odd chakras (1,3,5 and 7) have the role of receiving, and the even ones (2, 4, and 6) have the role of a transmitter (in men, vice versa).

But this is not all. Chakras can change about the axis, they can be hyperactive or passive. Therefore, the expression "closed chakra", which frightens women in such practices, does not tell us much. Often women's gatherings do not have the expected effect for this reason. Therefore, we must first understand what is going on in our bodies and only then make an individual plan.

How to analyze the activity of the chakras:

  • Don't rely on devices, they have a very large margin of error.
  • Don't listen to the many clairvoyants, many of them see nothing.
  • Discuss their condition with the yoga instructor, he will teach you to follow the sensations while doing Shavasana (dead position), yoga Nidra (practice similar to conscious sleep immersion), and other meditations.
  • Make a detailed diagnosis of the chakras, we will report on this in the next article.

However, there are general recommendations to increase the flow of female vital energy. Usually, everything is very simple.

12 golden rules to intensify the flow of vital energy


It is very important to teach the brain to focus on one thing - breathing, mantras, images, subtle sensations, and more. It is enough to do this for 10–20 minutes a day.


Communicates daily with pleasant, kind-hearted people who radiate light.

Be in communication with water.

The sea, the river, the lake, must be pure and natural sources. It is ideal to communicate with water every day.


The process of natural cleansing of the body of toxins during sleep takes place between 21:00 and 24:00, so try to go to bed earlier.


The technique doesn't matter - make every arbitrary and intuitive movement every day under the chords of the music that inspires you. Unleash your emotions.

Gather emotional impressions.

Movies, theater, shows, etc., everything that impresses you and brings you childhood impressions. Do this at least once a week.

Take a walk.

Spend time outdoors every day.

Use smells.

Aromatherapy is a good remedy to balance energy flows. Oils, perfume, natural creams, agarbati (aromatic sticks), herbs - look for smells, which provide you with an energy supply.

Eat foods that fill you with energy.

You will find five types of products with the highest vital energy intake here.

Fruits and vegetables are a source of energy.


Of course, this is not a process that can be planned. But try to laugh for at least 10 minutes a day. Believe us, you will find free time.

Take care of yourself.

Do something for yourself every day. Everyone has their care rituals, so we do not insist on specific ones.

Have a massage.

If you can't afford a massage, then at least massage yourself. The technique is here.

In general, all yoga practices (asana, shatkarme, pranayama, mudra) are focused on working with the canals (Nadi) and centers (chakras), so if you want to know more about your energy, then find a competent instructor. of yoga.

A set of practices selected correctly, (I have described only a small part of them) can change the energetic image of a man in just a few months.


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