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Women aging is not "an instant" thing, want to slow down the aging process, it is recommended to do 5 things daily

Women's beauty knowledge

By Kenneth M BassPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

After a certain age, people will lament that the years are passing quickly, and sometimes it feels like people are getting old in a flash. With the growth of age, body functions will begin to decline, the face will also slowly fade away from the beautiful side, replaced by a slightly older face. Old age, sickness, and death are normal laws of development, the American magazine "Nature - Medicine" published an article on human aging to do a detailed investigation, and found that the law of human life, old age, sickness, and death, is not without a trace, the results also show that humans in three age groups, will feel aging, the three age groups are 35 years old, 60 years old, 78 years old.

Through this investigation we also found that as we age, we age a little, aging is a slow process, and there are ways to beat it so aging comes slower!

We now know that humans age more at three ages, so it's even more important for us to slow down aging at an early age so that we can live with more quality!

Women want to slow down aging, in ordinary times can do five things to make aging come slower!

The first thing: is to control the weight

Women to 34 years old, especially after the birth of a child, the body organs will go downhill, the body will be out of shape, that is, people's eyes "bliss", people fat, this phenomenon is also known as "middle-aged greasy". Women with out-of-shape bodies make people feel full of greasiness and give them an aged look. Obesity is not only a sign of aging but also affects the health of the body, so women want to slow down the aging process, we must control their weight, in ordinary times to strengthen exercise, improve basal metabolism, to maintain the body fat rate. Slender women, not only give a pleasing feeling, but also can effectively avoid the harm brought by obesity to the body, but also delay aging.

The second thing: more vitamin supplements

Vitamin C has whitening, antioxidants, and other effects, and vitamin E has the reputation of an "ageless pill", so vitamins are very important for women to slow down the aging process, so in life to add more.

Many foods contain vitamins, like many fruits that are rich in vitamins, such as grapes, kiwi, oranges, cherries, apples, and so on. In addition, there are roses, black wolfberry, etc., often eat these foods, which can protect the body from free radicals, but also effectively inhibit the formation of melanin, prevent age spots, chloasma, etc., and can make aging come slower.

The third thing: skin care is also very important

To slow down the aging internal and external care is also very important, internal conditioning is through the intake of some food to slow down the aging. And external care is through the care of the skin to achieve the purpose of slowing down aging. Dong Zhengbang, who is the chief physician of the Department of Dermatology at Zhongda Hospital, affiliated with Southeast University, advised people to do a good job of cleaning, moisturizing, and sun protection in daily life in an interview with Health Times on August 20, 2019. In particular, people are asked to focus on sun protection because the ultraviolet rays in the sun are strong and can damage the skin, and photoaging is a very important factor in causing skin aging.

The fourth thing: drink more milk

Women can drink a glass of milk every day, milk is rich in calcium, amino acids, protein, and so on, these substances play a positive role in slowing down the aging process, so women can drink more milk in their daily lives. But the choice of milk is also very important, do not drink whole milk, but more skim milk.

The fifth thing: drink more rose tea

Rose can promote blood circulation, regulate endocrine, and blood circulation, relieve fatigue, harmonize the internal organs, detoxify the liver and depression, diuretic and swelling, and detoxification and laxative effects.

Therefore, women can drink more tea with roses, which can make the complexion rosy and lustrous and can slow down the aging process. If you want to drink rose tea, what kind of cup is used to make it? It is recommended that you can use a glass, because the glass is transparent, watching the rose petals bloom in the water is also a kind of enjoyment, can make people feel better, but also make appetites. And when soaking roses, do not soak too much at a time, generally, three to five on it, and the water temperature should not be too high, otherwise, it will destroy the nutrients in the roses.


About the Creator

Kenneth M Bass

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