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6 habits will aggravate the disease of diabetes, sugar lovers must not have

Health Guide

By Kenneth M BassPublished 2 years ago 4 min read


Habit is a little bit of life implicitly, many times some small habits will have a great change on our lives. For example, if you eat an extra bowl of rice every day, you may gain two or three pounds after a month of weighing.

Like, for example, in the management of diabetes, some inadvertent habits in life will aggravate diabetes, the following 6 bad habits, sugar lovers must not have.

Irregular exercise

Some sugar lovers exercise without regularity, three days to fish and two days to sunbathe, which is not desirable. Studies have shown that stopping exercise for two weeks can significantly reduce exercise capacity.

So what is regular exercise? It is an aerobic exercise not less than 5 days a week, not less than 30 minutes a day continuous exercise, of course, if the physical fitness can not keep up with it can be divided into exercise, but each time not less than 10 minutes.


Exercise in various forms, for younger people, you can do some relatively vigorous activities, such as playing ball, dancing, running and so on.

For older people, you can use more relaxing forms of exercise, such as walking, playing tai chi, and so on.

Go to restaurants often

In daily life, due to various social functions, sugar lovers often go to restaurants to eat, and in our country's restaurants, restaurants, and hotels to eat is difficult to do a healthy diet, if sugar lovers can not master good dining skills, it is easy to lead to blood sugar levels out of control Oh.


Reduce the number of meals out. Generally speaking, we recommend that at least 15 of the 21 meals per week should be eaten at home, and it is best to dine out no more than three times.

For more information on how to eat out without raising your blood sugar, please read this article: How to ensure your blood sugar when you eat lunch out?


Smoking not only raises blood glucose significantly but also increases the risk of hypoglycemic events. More importantly, smoking can contribute to the development of various complications of diabetes, such as diabetic cardiovascular complications, diabetic nephropathy, diabetic foot, etc.


For the health of the respiratory system, Novo urges sugar lovers to quit smoking.

Staying up late

Some people may question, that staying up late and having blood sugar are two different things ah, nothing to do.

1. Causes high blood sugar

Poor sleep will cause the blood glucagon level to rise, inhibiting the secretion of insulin, thus causing an increase in blood sugar.

2. lead to high blood pressure

Staying up late can lead to excessive secretion of norepinephrine, resulting in vasoconstriction and increased blood pressure.

3. Causes an abnormal liver function

Staying up late can lead to a relative lack of blood supply to the liver, causing damage to the liver.


Sugar lovers ensure 6-8 hours of sleep every day. Here we have some tips for you to get a good sugar control sleep.

1. Don't drink coffee after lunch, and take a moderate amount of exercise for about 15 minutes before going to sleep

2, nap time should not be too long, 20-30 minutes is most appropriate, at most not more than 1 hour.

3, the room temperature as far as possible to control the 22-26 ℃, the best sleep can cover a thin blanket.

4、 For some patients who inject insulin, sleeping may lead to hypoglycemia.

Especially for patients who inject medium and long-acting insulin, if they do not get up in time to eat in the morning, the drug injected the night before is still taking effect, and it is easy for hypoglycemia to occur.

5, before going to bed dim the bedroom lights. Close the bedroom overhead light, and dim the bedside lamp, it is best to maintain a completely dark environment when sleeping; if you are used to staying in the night light, it is best to low-wattage Zhi Zhi lamp.

Emotional pessimism

Mood swings can lead to increased blood sugar in sugar lovers, this is because a bad mood makes the cell immune function drop, when people are in a bad mood, the brain will stimulate the body to secrete a lot of hormones that antagonize insulin secretion, insulin deficiency, blood sugar will rise.


Smile for ten years, optimism is a cure.

Not measuring blood sugar

Many people do not learn to manage their blood glucose, so they test their blood glucose for three days or whenever they want to, which is very unreasonable.


When the disease is stable or has reached the goal of blood glucose control, you can monitor blood glucose at 5~7 time points throughout the day for 1-2 days a week.

With insulin treatment, blood glucose should be measured at least 5 times a day at the beginning of treatment, and relaxed to 2~4 times after blood glucose reaches the control goal.

For glucose patients using oral medications and lifestyle interventions, blood glucose is measured 2 to 4 times per week after blood glucose control is achieved. The 7 points of blood glucose per day are blood glucose before and 2 hours after three meals and before bedtime.

For your health, the 6 bad habits introduced above mean you are healthy if you don't have them, if they already exist remember to change them in time oh.


About the Creator

Kenneth M Bass

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