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Why Your Phone is an Invaluable Reading Device

That can enhance long-term back health

By Victoria Kjos Published 4 months ago 3 min read
Why Your Phone is an Invaluable Reading Device
Photo by Bruno Gomiero on Unsplash

"Of course, I use my cell phone to read," she responds, "Does this writer believe me daft?"

Please consider this, though.

Many spend the bulk of their Vocal writing and reading time on computers.

With eyes exceeding fifty years, I now prefer my All-in-One desktop with its substantially larger screen over my laptop. Others might consider sacrificing a first child before relinquishing their laptop or tablet.

Overuse Symptoms

Whether writing, working, playing games, or hanging out online, many of us - after X time gazing at a screen - experience that all-too-familiar neck, shoulder, upper back, lower back, arm, and/or wrist tension.

That is unless you are a good doobie who moves around frequently and isn't tethered for hours to your desk chair.

If that is you, bravo and kudos.

And, if thus far, you are fortunate to have escaped any such stiffness  or other kinds of pain ,  further congratulations!

I never wish to be characterized as a doomsayer. But as a decades-long yoga and medical qigong instructor, as well as holding a master's degree in exercise science, I have witnessed, experienced personally, and studied the subject matter.

An unfortunate reality is that excessive time spent gazing at a computer screen (I include myself as a member of this club) over many years may lead to physical problems.

Those occasional twinges of youthful bodies may exacerbate into full-blown challenges over time.

Phone Reading Benefit

There are, of course, myriad strategies to mitigate future ills.

Statistics indicate that as much as 85% of all reading may be done on mobile phones. Whether accurate or not, the numbers only continue to increase.

If you are not currently using your phone for a portion of your Vocal reading time, it's worth considering. Not only because it represents a change in body position taking you away from a computer but also for another reason.

Our spines benefit from lying horizontally or reclining.

Many of us were raised to believe that sitting up perfectly straight was the key to healthy spine health.

Some remember youthful counsel to sit up straight and quit slouching. Even in days of yore, a few may have learned to walk tall with a book on one's head to ensure perfect posture.

In this article, I elaborate on how adopting a few simple lifestyle modifications two decades ago protected and saved me from serious lower back problems.


They will help anyone desirous of maintaining a healthy back throughout life.

Put succinctly, the key takeaway is to recline more. It takes pressure off the spine, especially the lumbar, or lower back, vertebrae.

So, by reading on your phone while reclining, your spine receives a deserved rest.

However, holding the phone too long in a lying position can lead to shoulder or upper arm issues. Therefore, it's essential to shift positions frequently, limit your time, or, ideally, use a phone stand.

Spending more time reclining is one of the most beneficial healthy back strategies to hold you in good stead throughout your life.

This article provides additional information to protect back health. I elaborate on how adopting a few simple lifestyle modifications two decades ago protected and saved me from serious lower back problems.

Steps to Preserving Healthy Backs

These are some additional suggestions to protect one's back. It's always good to commence habits at a younger age, too.

Taking breaks if seated at a computer or a desk for long periods of time. A few stretches every hour or so is helpful.

Keeping well-hydrated, preferably with water all day long.

Reclining car seat to take pressure off lumbar spine.

Moving around and doing some stretches if working at a desk.

Reducing weight of handbags, briefcases, or shoulder bags. Shift sides so as not to always carry them on one shoulder.

Your time is valuable! Thanks for spending some of it here.



About the Creator

Victoria Kjos

I love thinking. I respect thinking. I respect thinkers. Writing, for me, is thinking on paper. I shall think here. My meanderings as a vagabond, seeker, and lifelong student. I'm deeply honored if you choose to read any of those thoughts.

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