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Why Yoga Is My Choice of Exercise

You don't have to run to be active and healthy.

By NixaphiraPublished 6 years ago 5 min read
Photo by Cedric Lim from Pexels.The pose in this photo is the tree pose and is a great beginner pose that helps improve balance and posture.

As we all know, it's recommended by health experts that we do a minimum amount of exercise each week. Most people think that means things like running and cycling or swimming; the high-impact, fast-paced athletic sports. But what about those that don't have the time? Who can't afford a bicycle or running shoes? Who really would rather not go outside or to a gym where everyone can see them? If you fall into any of these categories, then I'm asking you to try yoga.

What is yoga?

When you hear the word yoga I imagine that you may start thinking about someone in their mid 20s on a mat on the floor curled up into what looks to be a humanly impossible pose. And while yoga does involve taking up and holding poses, it also focuses on breathing techniques and meditation to help relax and calm both your mind and body. I feel that yoga is very under-appreciated as a viable form of exercise. However, in an age where everyone is regularly faced with pressure and stress, yoga is the perfect activity to help keep it at bay.

Is yoga right for me?

The short answer: yoga is for everyone. I mean it.Young or old, fit or unfit, everyone can enjoy and benefit from yoga. The best part about it is that it doesn't matter what level you're at, as there are a wide range of poses from the easiest and most comfortable to the ones that require more strength and flexibility. The beauty of yoga is that you start off with the easier poses. Like me, you may not be flexible or strong enough to do them perfectly, but the more you do them over time, the more these aspects of your body will naturally develop, until you're able to hold the poses for longer or move on to trickier ones.

As yoga is a relaxing and low-impact form of exercise, you don't have to worry about joint and muscle injury as you would with something like running. In fact, regular practice of yoga will gradually strengthen your body in a much less stressful way, making such injuries less likely. It will also help with weight loss. It's a gradual process, but one that can be performed at home and around your schedule, so it's worth it.

Can I afford it?

Believe me, it doesn't cost very much at all; there are plenty of yogis on YouTube that put together regimes for different needs so you don't need to worry about buying books and DVDs. While it is recommended that you at least buy a yoga mat, it's easy to find cheap ones online that work just as well as any other, and you don't need any special fitness clothing either; just wear some pajamas or leggings with an old shirt and you're ready to go!

Where do I start?

I mentioned earlier that yogis on YouTube makes videos of regimes for different needs, and being a beginner is one of these. I suggest using Google and/or YouTube to find beginner poses, as these tend to be the simpler ones that help ease your body into the stretching and holding poses. You can also easily find books and DVDs that should have their own beginner or warm-up regimes for you to try.

The important thing when beginning is to realise that you won't be able to make and hold the poses perfectly from the get-go. Don't force yourself into a pose if it's uncomfortable; just do the easier ones and come back to it later when your body is looser and more flexible. And if you start to get tired during a pose, don't be afraid to stop and let yourself rest, even if you haven't held it for the recommended amount of time. We're all different, so why should be all be expected to perform at the same level? As with any form of exercise or sport, it's imperative that you don't over-exert yourself as this could do more harm than good.

My Favourite Pose

I already look forward to the 20 minutes a day at home when I can stretch out and relax with some yoga poses, but there's one pose in particular that makes me feel re-energised and ready for anything. The cat pose is one that involves starting on your hands and knees and arching and then hollowing your back as a cat would when stretching after a nap. It feels great on my spine, and I can feel the tension in my back releasing as I perform it. It's a perfect beginner pose and one that gives you a little burst of energy to help get things done. Look it up online and exactly how it should be performed correctly, then give it a go.

This tiger stretching is reminiscent of the hollowing of the back during the cat yoga pose.

There you go, a quick run-through on the benefits and reasons to take up yoga as a form of exercise to keep you active and healthy. However, this is only the tip of the iceberg focusing mainly on the physical side of yoga, but there are many more reasons to take it up which include mental well-being. It's also worth looking into the breathing techniques and meditation and seeing how they could benefit you in other ways.

I am not a doctor or professional yogi, so if you have any concerns with your health and ability to do yoga, you should talk to someone who is a doctor or professional yoga instructor for advice.


About the Creator


Hi. I'm a known introvert, fantasy book lover, casual gamer, all-round lazy student and proud to be.

Follow me on Instagram: saphira_night

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