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Why they think you're STUPID?

Signs of Intelligence

By iamnjabuloPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Why they think you're STUPID?
Photo by Michal Matlon on Unsplash

School has never dictated or demotivated me to stop loving knowledge, Just because you didn't do very well at school doesn't mean you not intelligent or you can't attain wisdom.

Most school disciplines measure how memorable you are, that is why the CRAM, PASS AND FORGET methods work. for me that is intelligence. Your intelligence relies on your daily choices and decisions you make to survive. Those kids that performed very well in school it's not because they were smart or geniuses, it's because they made choices and decisions that led them to attain good grades.

Lets look at it this way. lets say we about to cross a road, as we about to cross it there's traffic coming down the road. If I decide to cross the road when the cars are still coming down the road with high speed , is it an intelligent or stupid decision for me to cross the road? If I decide to cross the road it would technically mean I did not make a wise decision because it will show that I am a person who doesn't calculate the possibilities and outcomes of every situation I am going to put myself in.

You are where you are currently right now because of the choices and decisions you made. If you in a position of value and respect it means your choices and decisions put you in that position of being perceived as an intelligent being. Most of kids that did not perform very academically while they were in school, it's not because they were stupid. It's because they made choices and decisions that did not align with getting good grades, but those choices and decision they made aligned perfectly with whatever they were doing and they became intelligent in doing that.

The Most common way of attaining knowledge is to read books but not all form of knowledge is scripted in papers. There are people who are socially intelligent and the reason why they are is because they spend more time engaging and socializing with people, that's practicing how to communicate and understand people. Through Practice you attain wisdom after you have attained wisdom, it means you can make better choices and decisions about that particular thing you were practicing.

Let's look at this from a mathematical perspective. In order for someone to be good in Mathematics they have to practice it multiple times and when they do that they attain mathematical wisdom which will then help them to make better choices and decisions on how to solve mathematical problems. So what does this mean? It means practice is interlink with Intelligence , in order for you to become an expert or be good at something, you got to practice it continuously up until it becomes part of your system.

There are kids who are born with higher intellectual skills compared to other kids and the reason they are born with this capabilities is because they have advanced developments in their brains from an early age but if their gifts or high intellectual capabilities are not nurtured or developed very well those talents and gifts won't be highly recognized as expected. So basically even if you were born as a genius kid you still need to put in work and practice so that your natural capabilities can be recognized to their full potential and in order for that to be achieved it will depend on your choices and decisions you going to make.

So what makes a person make wise choices and decisions? Being oblivious of your environment will help you make wise choices and decisions, being able to learn from other people who went through similar situations you trying to get yourself in, especially the ones older than you. That is why is very important to never look down anybody because everybody caries some type wisdom about something, some people carry wisdom on why they were not able to make it in life and if you listen to their stories you take some notes and apply them to your life so that the same thing mustn't happen to you.

Be cautious who you have around you, know the possibilities and outcomes of every situation you are getting yourself in, by thinking like that at back of your head, it's bound to happen that you will to make better choices and decisions that will make to be perceived as an intelligent being.



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