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Why do I feel so tired every day when I'm not doing anything?

Woken up by the alarm clock in the morning, yawned a lot, sleep all night energy also did not recover Busy to the end of the day, there are still a lot of work in hand, but already exhausted

By Sumner_CainwhPublished 3 years ago 7 min read
Why do I feel so tired every day when I'm not doing anything?
Photo by Cris Saur on Unsplash

Do you often have the following feelings.

Woken up by the alarm clock in the morning, yawned a lot, sleep all night energy also did not recover

Busy to the end of the day, there are still a lot of work in hand, but already exhausted

At the weekend, a half-day sleep, entertainment and leisure, but by Monday is still a tired

Talk to friends about personal planning, only to return a sentence too busy, no time!

Why do I feel so tired every day when I'm not doing anything?

We often lament that we are very busy, very tired, but a careful inventory but found that all aspects of what breakthrough progress.

Work is still entangled in chores, life is still a chicken and egg, self-improvement plans always end inexplicably.

But even so, we seem to have exhausted all efforts, can not help but sigh, why life is so tired?

Why do you feel so tired every day when you're obviously not doing anything?

Today we will talk about why we feel so tired when we have done nothing?

1, physical health problems.

Fatigue is often a sign of some diseases, especially if it is also accompanied by other symptoms, such as insufficient oxygen supply to the brain caused by respiratory diseases. This requires timely examination, especially for the sudden onset of unexplained serious fatigue preparedness, should be concerned about early.

Why do you feel so tired every day when you are obviously not doing anything?

2、Lack of motivation, lack of dopamine

Knowing that many things are "important" and "must be done", but just can not be motivated, do not want to move at all - this is the lack of dopamine performance.

I know that I still have a study plan to complete, and I still have a PowerPoint to finish, but I just don't want to move, and I even feel that I am too tired to move my fingers.

Why do you feel so tired every day when you obviously haven't done anything?

But you're so tired, but you don't delay playing games, catching up on dramas, watching variety shows, brushing your phone and other activities at all.

In fact, this is because work and study do not give rise to a sense of pleasure. But the game can quickly raise the dopamine level, so you feel "good".

Obviously nothing to do, why do you feel so tired every day?

3, information overload, high energy consumption

This is actually related to the stress we often say. Because the brain is always full of things.

Such as: this month's KPI how to complete; this month's loan how to pay; children's grades do not go up how to do, etc..

Our brain is similar to a computer, when you open many programs at the same time, not only the memory consumption is high, but also the energy consumption will increase.

But there is so much information entering our brain every day, anxiety about the future, plans for life.

Why do you feel so tired every day when you are obviously not doing anything?

The way we work nowadays also requires one person to process a lot of information at the same time.

Faced with problems that come at the same time and can't be solved at once, your brain needs to keep focusing until things are all over.

It's like trying to close a program and realizing that you might need it again in a few minutes, and starting the program over again is time consuming.

The feeling of exhaustion is further deepened by being busy every day without the sense of accomplishment of completing a task.

This fatigue is especially exacerbated by those sensitive people who like to regurgitate information.

Obviously nothing is done, why do you feel so tired every day?

4、Lack of sense of meaning

Also busy why some people are full of fatigue but good nothing to feel it? Because he is doing activities that he can give meaning to.

Robert Kegan mentioned in "The Developing Self" that

It is not that people create meaning, but that life as an activity is itself an activity that creates meaning.

Why do you feel so tired every day when you're obviously not doing anything?

That is to say that the matter of constructing a sense of meaning is our survival instinct. Nowadays, the division of work is so detailed that many office workers find it hard to see the fruits of their labor, so they get stuck in a rut of sense of meaning.

Feeling that they are engaged in work that they do not like, constantly doing things they do not want to do. This confrontation between thought and action is often an internal conflict that can exacerbate feelings of fatigue.

How to solve.

1、Ensure physical health

Regular medical checkups to prevent diseases. Reasonable meals, ensure sleep, proper exercise, more sunshine.

Why do I feel so tired every day when I'm clearly not doing anything?

A new study published in Nature Communications tracked nearly 8,000 British adults for more than 25 years and found a link between sleeping less than six hours a night regularly during middle age and a higher risk of dementia.

But don't exceed 8 hours. It is best to keep it between 7 and 8.

Nutritional deficiencies also tend to lead to fatigue, reducing carbohydrate intake and increasing protein intake.

And vitamin D deficiency can also lead to inexplicable fatigue, more sunshine can promote vitamin D absorption.

Proper exercise can increase blood oxygenation and reduce fatigue.

2、Focus on the present and simplify life

Do not stay in the past, not anxious about the future, only focus on the present moment.

Obviously nothing is done, why do you feel so tired every day?

The brain's attention is limited, if it stays in the past or anxious about the future too much time, it is difficult to deal with the present, which in turn leads to a vicious circle of remorse and worry about the future.

By training yourself to focus on what is in front of you, you can not only improve your efficiency but also have a pleasant experience, which is the state of mindfulness.

Why do I feel so tired every day when I'm not doing anything?

Not to worry about small things, many women in the online shopping, thinking left and right, back and forth, do not know how to choose, so it will be a lot of wasted energy, to develop a simple decision-making model.

For example, "both like, buy one of the most urgent", "or the price is lower", "they like more". In short, to reduce unnecessary decision-making links.

3、Break down the task, self-reward

Will need a long-term solution to the event, broken down into a short-term small goals.

Then each completed a check mark on the back, so you can get some sense of accomplishment.

Obviously nothing to do, why do you feel so tired every day?

For example, if you want to get a certificate, you need to continue to study for several months, so set yourself a monthly reading which books, specifically planned to master each day which aspects of the content.

Reward yourself appropriately. You can give yourself a small celebration ceremony after completion, or give yourself a small reward, buy a small item that you like, etc.

4、Reasonable scheduling time

Make use of the fragmented time every day, for example, on the way to work, think about the to-do list in your head or deal with some emails.

Obviously nothing is done, why do you feel so tired every day?

And don't waste that time browsing through irrelevant information. Schedule the tasks that require concentration and brain power in the morning, and rejuvenate your brain and memory by taking a break in stages.

Concentrate small and fragmented tasks at a certain time in the afternoon, and unify them to deal with trivial events such as answering emails and organizing information.

Prioritize what you do, communicate with leaders about tasks with clear and specific deadlines, and deal with unimportant things last.

5、Build your own sense of meaning

As in accordance with the above few after the operation, you will have at least a sense of satisfaction of the task completed every day.

But this will not solve the problem that your work is not of interest, and may not solve the matter that you feel that life is meaningless.

Why do you feel so tired every day when you're not doing anything?

Because you need to build your own sense of meaning.

If you still have your own interests, then stick with it. If not, then look for it, to contact new people, new things, to find and discover, more outdoor activities, maybe slowly you will find the meaning of life.


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