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Who Are You?

Answer yourself honestly.

By FayFay PullengPublished 6 years ago 2 min read
You are so very special 


You probably clicked on this article as the title intrigued you. Ask yourself that one fundamental question. Who are you?

I’m not talking about your profession, or how many children you have. Take away all of that, and what are you left with? Can you answer that honestly? Do you like your answer? If the answer is no, I’m asking you to go deeper.

Human consciousness is something that is still taboo. You talk about anything spiritual, and the people who you think understand the deepest parts of you unfortunately do not get you. Why? Because they are not willing to just be. This world/reality is not what we think it to be.

Let me explain.

You are an amazing human being.

Just by being you, you can help other people achieve expanded consciousness, too.

Have you ever just sat there, staring at the wall, and not one thought crosses your mind? That is your purest state of consciousness. That is you being. Being aware and allowing you to just be is where the magic begins to happen.

First of all, you have to work on removing those negative thoughts. Those negative thoughts are not helping you! If anything, they affect all people that come into contact with you. Negative thoughts = negative energy.

Now on the other hand if you are having really good positive thoughts, that energy leaks to other people. You are a magnificent human being. Your thoughts and actions (believe it or not) influence other people. It has been proven!

So, if that’s true, why would we not become aware of our true essence? Our true essence is happiness and love.

Think before you say something, think before you act on anything, and listen before you judge. Not everyone is at the same level of consciousness, but the more you are willing to open your mind, the more you will be blown away. Trust me.

Have compassion, no judgement, and focus on what makes you happy. Go after everything that excites you, inspires you, and makes every inch of your body tingle with pure joy. That is your true state, and that is what you are supposed to do. This is your spirit guiding you.

The law of attraction states that if you think you already have what you wish for, and act like you already have what you wish for, and go after that dream to try and make it a reality, the universe will do everything it can to make it happen for you.

By being aware and having an expanded consciousness, you will see that this life is a journey. The universe conspires to you. Watch for the signs.

You are the universe experiencing consciousness through you! How amazing is that?

You are a very special person. More than you know.

I promise, if you start this journey, you will never be the same again.

You will be who you are. Your purest form. YOU.

You are not hate, judgments, or lies. And deep down, you know this to be true.

So, be true to you and listen to yourself. Your intuition. It will never do you wrong.

If this article intrigued you, I recommend you read The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle.

Good luck on your journey.



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