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When sleeping, often "naked", what are the benefits?

The weather has become colder, is it still suitable for sleeping naked?

By CustoPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

Do you have the habit of sleeping naked?

A survey of 1,000 people in the United States shows that about 60% of people are used to sleeping naked every night. And to the subtle East, the Chinese are a bit more conservative, the data from the 2017 Chinese Youth Sleep Index White Paper shows that about 33% of people often sleep naked, but also 32.9% do not sleep naked, nor do they accept naked sleep.

Sleeping naked is not a bad habit, and even has benefits for health.

First, what are the benefits of sleeping naked? Men and women are suitable for naked sleep?

1, for women

Women's private parts are located in a special position and have been in a wet and closed state, the risk of bacteria breeding will increase in the long run. If you sleep naked, you can let women's private parts in a state of ventilation, for the protection of women's private health, is good, and can reduce the risk of gynecological diseases.

2. For men

The daily underwear worn by men is too tight, which will lead to high scrotal temperature, which in turn will easily lead to sperm production and development disorders so the male sexual ability to decline. Naked sleep allows the private parts of the male not to be bound, which is good for reproductive health.

3. For most people

①Sleep better

When sleeping naked, people will be in a more relaxed state, which is good for relieving insomnia and can improve the quality of sleep to some extent.

②Relieve tension

Sleeping naked can help to relieve tension, especially to help relax the pressure of the abdominal visceral nervous system, which can help to promote blood circulation. And for some people with chronic constipation, and chronic diarrhea, sleeping naked can help relieve symptoms.

③ Promote harmony between husband and wife

When sleeping naked, men can get greater sexual confidence, and in this state, the sexual desire of both husband and wife will be stimulated, which can make the number of intercourse increase, for the degree of harmony between husband and wife can play a role in promoting.

See the benefits of naked sleep so many, I believe that many people are beginning to be excited, do not rush! First looking at naked sleep is not suitable for you.

Second, the key reminder: naked sleep is good, but some people are not suitable

Hebei Medical University First Hospital Sleep Center Director Wang Yumei said, naked sleep is not suitable for all, for these types of people, it is recommended not to sleep naked.

1, cardiovascular disease patients

For people suffering from hypertension, coronary heart disease, and other cardiovascular diseases, it is not recommended to sleep naked. Because naked sleep is prone to cup slip cold, and in a cold state is prone to induce disease.

2, skin disease patients

For some people suffering from skin diseases, the bacteria on the skin when sleeping naked are easily attached to the quilt, so the surrounding healthy skin may be affected. Subsequently, the area of the skin disease will expand, aggravating its condition.

3, qi and blood weakness of women

Women who are deficient in qi and yang deficiency are especially prone to catch a cold when sleeping naked, which in turn causes back pain, joint pain and headaches, and other symptoms, which is not good for health.

4, do not often change the sheets and covers of people

Some do not often change the sheets and covers of the crowd, the number of bacteria on the bedding is very high, and naked sleep is easy to cause private hygiene problems.

It should be reminded that sleeping naked is a relatively private thing, so in the location to choose privacy of good, room temperature is maintained at about 22 ~ 23 ℃ to avoid getting cold. When you go out to stay in a hotel, it is generally not recommended to sleep naked, because some infectious diseases can be spread through the bed utensils.

If you are the above-mentioned type of person, you are advised that it is best not to sleep naked to avoid affecting your health. Now the weather is gradually becoming cooler, is it still suitable for naked sleep?

Third, the weather has become colder, still suitable for naked sleep?

Sleeping naked will be warmer than sleeping with clothes. Because people in the sleep state will produce their heat, and the quilt will absorb the heat emitted by the body, playing the role of insulation. And in the state of naked sleep without clothing to block the heat circulation, so it will be warmer. General naked sleep will only be in contact with the quilt and will feel very cool, but for a period when the quilt absorbs enough heat, it will be very warm.

Wearing clothes to sleep is not as warm as sleeping naked, because more clothes this "middleman", the quilt will also absorb some of the heat on the clothes.

Many people are troubled by insomnia in their lives, whether or not they sleep naked the quality of sleep is very poor, how to improve the quality of sleep? These three methods can try.

Fourth, how to have a good sleep? Send you a little trick

1、Early dinner, early to bed

Be careful not to eat too late for dinner to avoid making the gastrointestinal tract "overtime" and affecting sleep. In the 2 hours before bedtime, you can try to dim the light in the room, and go to bed earlier to brew sleep.

2, do not do stimulating things before bedtime

4 hours before bedtime, take care not to drink coffee, strong tea, and other beverages, or do too strenuous exercise.

3, do not take a nap too long and do not overfill the sleep

Daily nap time should be careful not to exceed 30 minutes, after 3 p.m. It is best not to take a nap. And on holidays, do not break their original biological clock for excessive sleep, it is best to get up at the same time to sleep.

Sleep is very important for everyone, daily the premise of their appropriate naked sleep, for health benefits.

bodyhealthlongevity magazine

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