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What Should Young People Do with Orchitis?

Young People Treat Orchitis

By Amanda ChouPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
What Should Young People Do with Orchitis?
Photo by Matheus Ferrero on Unsplash

Orchitis is a common male reproductive system disease, causing much harm to men, and most patients are young men. Orchitis refers to inflammation of the testicles. A viral infection causes it, and there will be testicular pain and swelling, and mumps accompanies it, that is, the enlargement and pain of the parotid gland.

What causes orchitis in young people?

1. Orchitis is an inflammation of the testis caused by infection with pathogenic microorganisms. Common pathogenic organisms include bacteria, viruses, and Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It can also be caused by sexual and non-sexual transmission. Non-sexual transmission is mainly from urinary tract infection caused by retrograde involvement of the testis through the urethra and vas deferens.

2. Young men do not pay much attention to their health daily. In addition, men in this age group have a relatively large amount of activity. In summer, the sweat after exercising cannot be volatilized in time, resulting in bacterial infection.

3. Orchitis may also be caused by the mumps virus, which mainly invades the human parotid gland. However, the virus also has a penchant for invading the testes, so viral orchitis often occurs shortly after mumps.

Orchitis is a disease caused by inflammation of the testicles of men. Everyone has heard about the harm caused by orchitis. But what to do if one is infected with orchitis? Timely control of the condition of orchitis can reduce the damage of orchitis. Let's specifically introduce what to do if young people are infected with orchitis?

1. Orchitis is an inflammatory infection caused by a viral infection, so young patients can also choose traditional Chinese medicine such as Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill to reduce inflammation and relieve pain.

2. For young patients with acute orchitis who cannot obtain pathogenic bacteria or whose culture is negative, empirical treatment can be taken, and fluoroquinolones such as levofloxacin hydrochloride are preferred. After the inspection results are clear, selecting sensitive antibiotics according to bacterial culture and drug susceptibility testing is necessary.

3. There is no specific medicine for orchitis caused by mumps virus, and antiviral drug treatment can be given. For example, interferon can inhibit virus replication, shorten disease course, and prevent testicular atrophy.

4. For young patients with sexually transmitted infection orchitis, intramuscular injection of ceftriaxone and oral administration of doxycycline can be used.

5. During orchitis treatment, it is advisable to let young patients rest in bed and raise the scrotum. A local cold compress (for the first 3 days) or hot compress (after 3 to 5 days) can be applied to the affected testis to relieve swelling and pain and prevent the spread of inflammation.

6. For orchitis, surgical intervention is generally rarely used unless testicular torsion cannot be ruled out. For young patients with the poor effect of repeated antibiotics, noticeable local swelling, abscess formation, incision, and drainage or orchiectomy are required.

If orchitis is not treated in time, it is easy to induce other male infectious diseases, so timely and effective control of the disease is significant. Young patients also need to do daily care in their lives:

1. If orchitis is caused by sexual transmission, young patients must suspend their sexual life, do good personal hygiene daily, keep clean, and avoid infection.

2. Young patients should keep the urethra clean and hygienic, drink more water, and reduce the chance of urinary tract infection.

3. Young people should use condoms during sex and avoid risky sex.

4. Young people should wear loose, comfortable underwear and try to avoid lifting heavy objects.

5. Young patients eat more high-protein foods, such as eggs, milk, meat, etc. They should consume more fruits and vegetables and supplement sugar, vitamins, and trace elements. It is forbidden to eat spicy and stimulating food.


About the Creator

Amanda Chou

Looking to restore your life troubled by prostatitis, epididymitis, seminal vesiculitis and other male reproductive system diseases? Here are the resource to help you in this endeavor.

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