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What female problems do girls have and how to treat them?

The most common gynecological problem in girls is inflammatory diseases of the genitals. We are talking about vulvovaginitis - inflammation of the vulva and vagina of non-infectious and infectious origin. But where do female diseases come from in innocent babies?

By ROBINSON JAMES HERBERTPublished 3 years ago 6 min read
What female problems do girls have and how to treat them?
Photo by Walter Gadea on Unsplash

Gynecologist for daughter

What female problems do girls have and how to treat them?

The most common gynecological problem in girls is inflammatory diseases of the genitals. We are talking about vulvovaginitis - inflammation of the vulva and vagina of non-infectious and infectious origin. But where do female diseases come from in innocent babies? There are many reasons for their appearance. It is impossible not to mention the deterioration of the ecological situation, uncontrolled intake of drugs, especially antibiotics, unhealthy diet, decreased immunity. In the appearance of gynecological problems in girls, diseases of other organs and systems are often to blame.

Attention is the key to health

An observant, caring mother will not have much difficulty in suspecting vulvovaginitis in her daughter. Pay attention to the girl's skin irritation around the genitals. Is there a vaginal discharge? Be wary if your daughter scratches the vulva area, behaves as if something bothers her, interferes. Look at her behavior while washing and urinating. She will feel anxious and itchy.

The cause of vulvovaginitis in young girls is often a foreign object in the vagina. During the game, children may well bring small details into the genital tract, and then, of course, forget about it. Parents find out about the incident much later, when their daughter has discharge with a pungent, unpleasant odor and an admixture of blood.

Another common cause of genital inflammation is intestinal dysbiosis. The existing bacteria, if not properly washed, enter the vagina. As a result, vulvovaginitis develops.

All parents should know that these infections are transmitted not only sexually, but also through household items, common places. Violation of hygiene rules also plays a role. It is unacceptable to use the same towel with a child, you can not take a bath together.

If you feel that your daughter has problems "on the female side", contact her pediatric gynecologist.

Diet and Homeopathy

Treatment of pediatric vulvovaginitis should be comprehensive. Doctors prescribe both local and general remedies. Do not forget about the basic important measures: you need to teach the girl to proper intimate hygiene, to establish her nutrition and increase her immunity.

If your daughter has non-infectious vulvovaginitis, reconsider her diet.

Cut back on easily digestible carbohydrates, irritants. Feed your daughter fruit and vegetables often.

As a local treatment, you can use sessile baths with herbal infusions: with chamomile, calendula, mint, nettle, sage, St. John's wort. Use also antiseptic solutions: 3% hydrogen peroxide, fibracillin solution 1: 5000, rival 1: 5000, 1-3% deoxidize solution, 3% lysozyme solution.

If the procedures are not particularly beneficial, consult your doctor. Perhaps the doctor will recommend ointments with antibiotics, nitrofurans and estrogens - with penicillin, neomycin, strep decide, furazolidone, folliculin. Also used ointments, "Leasing", vaginal cream "Dalasi".

In some cases, girls are prescribed physical therapy. The inflammation of the external genital organs is affected by the UHF electric field, KUV-irradiation, ultraviolet light.

There are homeopathic medicines in the form of vaginal suppositories. And there are also internal homeopathic complexes, for example Trammel S, Gyan ecotel, Lamia flor, Mucosa composite, Metro-Adnexa-intel, Echinacea composite. Already after three days of taking homeopathy, the discharge decreases. And after 1.5-3 weeks from the start of treatment, as a rule, smear indicators return to normal.

Antibiotic for "adult" infection

Such a nuisance as gonorrhea occurs more often at the age of 3-7, when the biological protection of the genitals is reduced. With gonococcal infection, a so-called provocation is performed: the vagina, urethra and rectum are lubricated with Logo's solution or 1% silver nitrate solution. At the same time, girls over three years old are injected with the nonvaccine - 150-200 million microbial bodies.

In the course of treatment, only 6–8 injections of nonvaccine can be made with an interval of 2–3 days. All this time, one should not forget about local treatment - sit-down baths with solutions of potassium permanganate, portage, and herbal infusions. Antibiotics are often needed for gonorrhea. The modern antibacterial drug rocephin works well on this infection.

Trichomoniasis is more common in adolescent girls who have sex. But there are also family variants of infection. For example, if the parents are sick. Newborns can become infected by passing through the mother's genital tract.

Trichomonas vulvovaginitis is usually accompanied by itching. Inside, the drugs are imidazole, tibial, client D, clotrimazole, tinidazole. The vagina is washed with 1% baking soda solution. Then 1-2 ml of a 2.5% suspension of nitisol, clotrimazole, flail, trichomonacide are injected. Then, for another 7 days, 1 ml of fish oil is injected.

Girls also suffer from mycotic vulvovaginitis, a fungal disease of the genitals. It is also called candidiasis and thrush. In this case, creams will help eliminate itching, burning and cheesy discharge: "Gino-Peveril", "Batra fen", "Clotrimazole". Sometimes vaginal suppositories and balls are required.

For adolescent girls, oral antifungal drugs are recommended - nonoral at a dosage of 5 mg per 1 kg of body weight for 5 days and Diflucan 5-10 mg / kg once or for 2-3 days. For the fight against fungi to be more successful, it is necessary to simultaneously take funds to raise the immune system.

If the analysis revealed the presence of chlamydia, unreap lama and mycoplasma, your daughter will need specific antibacterial drugs of the macrolide group: summed, macron, ruled, placid. Locally, suppositories with the listed antibiotics can be used, as well as with tetracycline and erythromycin.

Infection with bacterial vaginosis is possible at a fairly early age. But this disease acquires characteristic features in adolescent girls. They are worried about the constant liquid serous discharge with the smell of stale fish. To destroy the culprit of the disease - Gardner ell - for internal administration, metronidazole with nystatin is recommended. If the microbe is combined with other infections, it makes sense to try the Dalatsin vaginal cream.

When should you contact a pediatric gynecologist?

  • If you think that the girl's genitals are not the same as those of other children.
  • If the daughter complains of itching, burning and pain when urinating, or is very anxious during these procedures.
  • If a girl under 6-8 years old has signs of secondary sexual development: feminization of the figure, that is, the appearance of features characteristic of women, enlargement of the mammary glands, the appearance of hair on the pubis and axillary areas, bleeding from the genital tract.
  • If a teenage girl has changes in the menstrual cycle: irregular menstruation, that is, coming at different intervals, with delays, very scanty discharge; painful periods; prolonged bleeding - more than 7 days, or discharge that appears earlier than 3 weeks from the beginning of the previous menstruation.
  • If the daughter is worried about her appearance: very tall or short stature, obesity, the appearance of acne, stretch marks on the skin. A pediatric gynecologist can often help with these problems.

A generally accepted set of diagnostic measures may include:

  • vaginal smear for flora
  • sowing of vaginal discharge for flora and antibiotic sensitivity
  • general urine analysis
  • biochemical analysis of urine
  • consultation with a nephrologist
  • research for a specific urogenital infection - scrapings from the vagina and urethra for the presence of chlamydia, mycoplasma, Gardner Ella, ureaplasma, cytomegalovirus, herpes virus
  • study of feces for dysbiosis
  • consultation with a gastroenterologist
  • ultrasound examination of internal genitals, kidneys, bladder
  • vaginoscopy, that is, examination of the girl's vagina with a special apparatus with a vaginoscopy, especially if a foreign object is suspected
  • rectal-abdominal examination, that is, through the rectum

It is recommended to contact a pediatric gynecologist if:

  1. In the family, one of the parents found sexually transmitted infections - chlamydia, myoplasm mosses, cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex virus type 2 or others.
  2. Before 10-11 years, menstruation began.
  3. There are signs of inflammation of the external genital organs in the girl - redness, itching, discharge.
  4. Mom doesn't like the structure of her daughter's external genitalia.
  5. There are abnormalities in the girl's urine tests.
  6. With frequent exacerbations of pyelonephritis, cystitis.


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