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What Could Be Causing Your Infertility?

Helping You With Your Infertility

By Paisley HansenPublished 5 years ago 3 min read

Infertility is a heartbreaking issue that many couples face everyday all over the globe. There is no pain that can compare to the inability to conceive a child. When your heart is set on expanding your family with someone that you love, the recurring negative pregnancy test can be soul crushing. There are multiple issues that can be causing a couple’s infertility. Thankfully, science has helped many women on their path to motherhood. One of the first steps in battling your infertility is to figure out what is causing it.


For women, age can be one of the most important factors in their fertility rates. It is said that once a woman reaches the age of 35, her egg health begins to decrease. A female is born with all the eggs she will have in her lifetime, so quantity also becomes an issue with age. This is becoming a major problem for some couples that have waited to start their families later on in life. It is also an issue for couples that have already had a child in the past, but are struggling to conceive another one. This is referred to as secondary infertility.

As a woman ages, her chance of pregnancy begins to fall. Research suggests that a healthy woman has a 30 percent chance of getting pregnant each month, but a 42-year-old woman only has a 1 percent chance. For women older than 35, it is recommended for them to seek out medical help if they have been trying to conceive for longer than six consecutive months.


The second leading cause of infertility is irregular ovulation. In order for a female to become pregnant, she needs to release an egg. This is referred to as ovulation. Some women have very unpredictable ovulation cycles, which makes it difficult to have sex at the correct time. After all, the egg has to be fertilized within 24 hours once it has been released. This makes the monthly fertility window pretty small.

There are multiple things that can lead to irregular ovulation in women. One of the main causes is PCOS. PCOS leads to about 70 percent of the cases involving irregular ovulation. The other causes can be due to a hormonal imbalance in your reproductive hormones.

This issue can be easily diagnosed by a simple ultrasound or blood test. There are different medications on the market that can help balance your hormones to the correct levels, or force your body to ovulate. These tests are typically one of the first ones done when a couple seeks out the help of their doctors.


The BMI of a female that is trying to conceive can have a direct influence on her fertility levels. When a woman is overweight, it can decrease the odds of getting pregnant, as well as increase her odds of miscarriage. Underweight women also can face the same struggles. This is due to the impact that unhealthy body weight can have on the pituitary gland. It can easily malfunction, and cause ovulation problems.

Thankfully, this issue is easily reversible. Over 70 percent of women that have infertility issues due to weight were able to conceive once they reached a healthy BMI. A nutritionist can help you set up a meal plan that will help you achieve the desired body weight. Losing or gaining weight can be difficult, but the baby at the end of it all will be worth it.

When you face infertility struggles, do not be afraid to seek medical advice and help. Once a medical professional steps in, you will begin to get some of the answers that you desperately need and want. Modern medicine has helped so many women concur their infertility battle. Always remember, if you are under 35, and have been trying for over a year, it is time to call your doctor. You don’t have to suffer in silence.


About the Creator

Paisley Hansen

Paisley Hansen is a freelance writer and expert in health, fitness, beauty, and fashion. When she isn’t writing she can usually be found reading a good book or hitting the gym.

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